Latest News – Page 221

  • SINTEF Ocean hosted trials at its facility in Trondheim in Norway Photo: SINTEF Ocean

    Trials prove successful ROV tracking


    Joint trials by Norwegian research institute, SINTEF Ocean, and marine resource technology company, Sonardyne International, have proven the ability for an acoustic positioning system to track underwater robots as they move through industrial-scale fish pens.

  • Massive biological ocean shifts

    Massive biological ocean shifts


    A new study shows how a warming ocean has led to unprecedented marine biological changes at the global level over the last decade, and that future changes will be stronger and have more severe effects on the living marine resources that we rely on.

  • Pacific cod larvae

    Development determines C02 impact on cod


    Scientists have released results of a study showing that larval Pacific cod response to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and ocean acidification varies depending on its stage of development.

  • Sulphur limits on track at IMO

    Sulphur limits on track at IMO


    The IMO has made substantial progress towards the its final preparations for the new global sulphur regulation which enters into force on 1st January 2020.

  • Sea Delight joins IPNLF network

    Sea Delight joins IPNLF network


    The global seafood distributor, importer and processor becomes the latest Member of the International Pole & Line Foundation. Sea Delight Group replaces its member company Sea Delight Europe that has been part of IPNLF’s fast-growing membership network since 2017.

  • Twin-rigger joins Fraserburgh prawn fleet

    Twin-rigger joins Fraserburgh prawn fleet


    Ian Duthie brought the new Parkol-built Uberous FR-50 home to Fraserburgh following fishing trials carried out off Whitby, reports Dave Moore.

  • Irish minister, Michael Creed, and European Commissioner, Karmenu Vella, have met to discuss the effects of a 'no deal' Brexit on Irish fishing

    'No-deal' Brexit threatens Irish fishing


    The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD, has met the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, to discuss the threats to the Irish fishing industry from a ‘no deal’ Brexit.

  • German consumers get a chance to enjoy Icelandic golden redfish Photo: IRF

    Golden redfish enjoyed by German consumers


    Iceland Responsible Fisheries (IRF) has introduced Icelandic golden redfish to German consumers at Grüne Woche, the food and agricultural trade show held annually in Berlin.

  • Cetus AS opts for ABC powerplant

    Cetus AS opts for ABC powerplant


    Less than two years after last ordering a new fishing vessel from Fitjar Mek Verksted, Cetus AS went back to both Salt Ship Design and the same yard for the new pelagic vessel Vikingbank.

  • Boosting EU fish breeding

    Boosting EU fish breeding


    European aquaculture is being taken to the next level through technological advances in breeding of six species in Europe.?

  • Transshipment data co-operation MoU signed

    Transshipment data co-operation MoU signed


    The Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority has signed a landmark fisheries collaboration MoU with Thailand’s Department of Fisheries at last week’s GFETW conference in Bangkok.

  • Full trawl door control is here

    Full trawl door control is here


    The first full-scale trials with a pair of controllable Poseidon doors developed by Icelandic company Polar Trawl Doors has shown that the concept works and that adjustment of doors during a tow is here.

  • India’s traditional fishermen get priority

    Traditional fishermen get priority under National Mariculture Policy


    The Indian government aims to promote aquaculture and the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) is working on introducing a national policy on mariculture, reports J Kumar

  • The 'Loppa' can gut and dehead 20 fish every minute Photo: Havfront

    Gut and dehead fish on board with the ‘Loppa’


    Norway-based Havfront has revolutionised the processing of fish whilst on board fishing vessels with the world''s smallest gutting and deheading machine.

  • The director general of the FFA has visited the Marshall Islands Photo: FFA

    FFA director visits Marshall Islands


    The director general of the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), an advisory body providing support to tuna fisheries, has made her first official visit to the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI).

  • Artificial intelligence developed by AKVA and Observe Technologies helps feed fish more efficiently Photo: AKVA

    AI helps feed fish better


    Global aquaculture company, AKVA, and British artificial intelligence (AI) specialist Observe Technologies have produced new software that uses AI to help feed fish more efficiently.

  • Lumpfish are sociable but need food, clean water and a place to rest to stop them turning into bullies Photo: Rama Bangera©Nofima

    How to raise healthy lumpfish


    Good feed and the right environment are key for lumpfish to thrive at work, say researchers from the Norwegian institute Nofima.

  • NEXT GEN 2019 speakers

    Safety solutions addressed in new workshops


    Workers in the sub IMO/sub 24m professional sector will be able to learn about the latest safety solutions from experts at a NEXT GEN event in Southampton, UK this April.

  • MSC suspends sardine fisheries

    MSC certificates suspended for Bay of Biscay sardine fisheries


    The MSC certificates for French and Spanish purse seine sardine fisheries, the South of Brittany sardine fishery in France, and the Spanish Bay of Biscay sardine fishery, will be suspended on 12th March 2019. This was announced in the Notice of Suspension which was issued by the independent certifier, ...

  • FDA green light for KnipBio Meal

    KnipBio Earns GRAS Green Light from FDA for Novel Aquafeed Protein


    ?KnipBio Inc. announced it has received Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) designation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Veterinary Medicine for its KnipBio Meal (KBM) aquafeed ingredient for salmonids and other finfish species.