Latest News – Page 226

  • Hampiðjan consolidates on home market

    Hampiðjan consolidates on home market


    This year Hampiðjan has concluded the acquisition of the entire shareholding of its Fjarðanet subsidiary.

  • The EC has lifted its yellow card on Thailand's fishing industry Photo: pixabay

    EC lifts Thailand’s yellow card


    The European Commission has lifted its ‘yellow card’ placed on Thailand’s seafood industry following significant attempts by the country to tackle illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.

  • With a delegation at Dae-Han feed factory in South Korea in 1989, and (inset) Niels Alsted today Photo: Biomar

    ‘Mr Aquaculture’ retires after 45 years


    Niels Alsted, aquaculture feed company BioMar’s executive vice president of business relations, has retired after 45 years of service in the industry.

  • Tilapia

    Global tilapia market steady


    Volume consumption of tilapia in the US, the largest tilapia importer, is in decline with an excess of 10 KT estimated in 2017 over 2016, according to a Fact.MR study.

  • TUNACONS and IATTC are joining forces to promote sustainable tuna fishing Photo: ISSF

    TUNACONS and IATTC join forces


    Equadorian-based Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS) has signed two memoranda of under-standing with the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission aimed at strengthening the sustaina-ble management of tuna populations.

  • Rolls-Royce is to design a new Norwegian stern trawler Photo: Rolls-Royce

    Rolls-Royce to design stern trawler


    Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine has signed a contract to deliver ship design and an extensive range of equipment to a stern trawler to be built for Engenes Fiskeriselskap, based in Troms county, northern Norway.

  • Shrimp trawls as good as new after two years

    Shrimp trawl setup as good as new after two years


    Delivered at the beginning of 2017 and designed to fish shrimp all year round, Newfoundland Victor operates across different areas and fishing grounds that range from practically clean to rugged ground where gear damage is inevitable.

  • Book review: The Cod Hunters

    Book review: The Cod Hunters


    The Cod Hunters is an exploration of the cod fisheries of Shetland from the early nineteenth century. There are few people better qualified to chart the history of Shetland’s fisheries than John Goodlad with his remarkable depth of knowledge.

  • Better economy with Thyborøn Type 23 doors

    Better economy with Thyborøn Type 23 doors


    Based on the company’s experience with its Type 14 doors, Thyborøn Trawldoor has introduced its new BlueStream Type 23 semi-pelagic doors. These powerful doors are predicted to result in significant fuel savings when demersal fishing, with no reduction in catches.

  • The WCPFC has adopted proposals to reduce the risk of entanglement from FADs Photo: NOAA

    WCPFC adopts FAD entanglement proposal


    Following a proposal by the European Union, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) has adopted a binding measure to reduce the risk of entanglement from fish aggregating devices by 2020.

  • Sea Pact has joined an initiative to rid the world's ocean of ghost gear Photo: Sea Pact

    Sea Pact joins ghost gear initiative


    Sea Pact, an association of ten North American seafood companies focused on sustainability, has joined the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI).

  • Insect-fed trout will go on sale in France Photo: Skretting

    Insect-fed trout on sale in France


    For the first time, insect-fed trout will now be available to French consumers.

  • Scientists in Norway have mapped the lumpfish genome Photo: AquaGen

    Mapping the lumpfish genome


    The genome of the lumpfish has been mapped allowing scientists to study genes that contribute to traits such as growth and disease resistance.

  • SSPO: Transparency and Engagement

    ?Heralding a New Era of Transparency and Engagement


    Julie Hesketh-Laird, the recently appointed Chief Executive of the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, speaks at length to Owen Stevens for World Fishing & Aquaculture

  • Volstad embraces digitalisation

    Volstad embraces digitalisation


    Norwegian fishing company Volstad Shipping AS has selected Inmarsat’s high-speed Fleet Xpress mobile satellite communications service to support the operation of its sophisticated factory vessel fishing in Arctic waters

  • Fish farm ?provides broadband to remote area

    Local partnership ?brings broadband to remote community


    ?Residents and businesses within the remote rural village of Drimnin are now enjoying all the advantages of faster, more reliable broadband thanks to an enterprising collaboration with leading salmon farmer Scottish Sea Farms and other local partners.

  • Caledonia III built by Macduff Shipyards

    Twin-rigger delivered by Macduff shipyards to Buckie skipper


    A twin-rigger delivered by Macduff Shipyards to skipper Steven Clark has made a strong start, fishing on grounds mainly from Orkney west as far as the Butt of Lewis, reports Dave Moore.

  • Sustainable feed for Nile tilapia

    Sustainable feed for Nile tilapia


    Despite significant progress over the years, aquaculture still poses concerns, such as over-reliance on wild fish and terrestrial plants such as soy. Now a US team of scientists has created an alternative feed for Nile tilapia using a marine microalga co-product

  • Shrimp and prawn production booming in Russia

    Shrimp and prawn production booming in Russia


    Shrimps and prawns have not been produced in Russia on an industrial scale since the Soviet era. While investors used to consider this too risky a business, new companies are now determined to re-acquaint Russian consumers with this long-forgotten taste

  • Pharmatech awarded FoS certification

    Norwegian nutraceutical manufacturer Pharmatech obtains Friend of the Sea certification for fish oil and Omega 3


    Norwegian nutraceutical manufacturer Pharmatech AS, a major producer of nutraceutical and dietary products in Europe, has achieved Friend of the Sea certification for marine raw materials used in liquid, powder and softgelatin formulations.