Latest News – Page 236

  • Focus on Greece at High Energy Mariculture

    Focus on Greece at High Energy Mariculture


    With Greece emerging as a key player in the European mariculture industry, Corfu is a prime host location for the 2018 High Energy Mariculture conference. Greece’s aquaculture sector is poised for investment and the conference highlights operating in high energy sites, equipment, adding value, and maximising profit and utilisation.

  • SOFIA gives clear warning of climate change

    SOFIA gives clear warning of climate change challenge


    Every few years the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation published its State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report, providing a snapshot of the world’s fisheries and making predictions for future developments.

  • Ensiling and pasteurisation of fish waste is proving increasingly popular Photo: Landia

    Fish ensiling demand up with by-product value


    Pump and mixer manufacturer Landia says that demand is up for an ensiling process – which uses formic acid to produce fish silage - as producers seek to create more value from by-products.

  • Bluestream doors, all about versatility

    Bluestream doors, all about versatility


    After putting its efforts into developing their Flipper door that has been shown to meet the needs of the demersal and small pelagic sector, Danish manufacturer Thyborøn Trawldoor switched its attention to the development of its Type 22 VK Bluestream doors that were launched last year, and which range in ...

  • The AFS meeting will explore how fisheries can benefit from aquaculture Photo: File photo

    AFS meet to delve into aquaculture potential


    Fisheries scientists and professionals from around the country and around the world will gather in Atlantic City from August 19 to 23 for the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society (AFS).

  • Growing Russian shellfish production

    Russia posts significant growth in oyster and mussel production


    Production of delicacies including oysters and mussels has increased significantly in the last few years, largely due to the ban on imports from Western states that was imposed three years ago in response to Western sanctions, reports Eugene Gerden

  • Skaginn 3X is opening a new service office on Norway Photo: Skaginn

    Icelandic equipment expert expands in Norway


    Skaginn 3X AS is expanding in Norway with a new service office in Tromsø which should give both onshore and offshore clients better access to support.

  • Proposed increased Baltic demersal quotas

    Proposed 2019 Baltic Sea quotas: plaice and western cod up, western herring down


    The European Commission has adopted a proposal for fishing opportunities for 2019 for the commercially most important fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. It proposes to increase catches for plaice, western cod, sprat, Gulf of Riga herring and the main basin salmon stocks. Reductions are proposed for the remaining stocks ...

  • Norwegian family firm develops longline pod

    Norwegian family firm develops longline catch protection


    A system developed to protect longline catches from hungry whales has been presented on Fiskevegn’s stand during this year’s Nor-Fishing exhibition. Cetacean predation on longlines is a major problem in many fisheries around the world, particularly with sperm and killer whales taking fish from the lines.

  • Cermaq introduces fish welfare policy

    Cermaq introduces fish welfare policy


    Cermaq has implemented a new fish welfare policy based on the framework and recommendations in the FishWell report. While Cermaq already reports on a broad set of fish health and welfare indicators, this is the first step towards developing KPIs for measuring fish welfare as defined in FishWell.


    Eco anti-roll stabilisation system contract


    GEPS Techno has signed its first commercial contract with CEMRE shipyard in Turkey, to install its autonomous anti-roll stabilisation system in a Norwegian fishing vessel.

  • Scottish industry seeks clear seabed

    Fishermen seek clear seabed as oil and gas infrastructure is decommissioned


    The Scottish fishing industry is urging oil and gas companies to ensure that offshore infrastructure is completely removed from the seabed when it is decommissioned.

  • Maggots: new recipe for sustainable feed

    Maggots and rotting food waste: a new recipe for sustainable fish and animal feed


    In a warehouse to the northeast of the English university city of Cambridge are shelves upon shelves of trays teeming with maggots, munching their way through a meal of rotting fruit and vegetables.

  • August’s big fishing, more haddock than ever

    August’s big fishing, more haddock than ever


    August has been a great month for the two fresher trawlers operated by Icelandic company Síldarvinnslan’s subsidiary Bergur-Huginn. The pair have between them landed 829 tonnes of fish during August and each has landed a record-breaking 5000 tonnes of fish this quota year.

  • Bluefin tuna

    Pacific bluefin tuna recovering


    NOAA Fisheries has reported that although Pacific bluefin tuna numbers continue to be low, there are signs the population is recovering and rebuilding targets set by international agreement are on track to be met.

  • Huw Thomas joins Offshore Shellfish

    Huw Thomas joins Offshore Shellfish


    Offshore Shellfish Ltd strengthed its management team this week with the arrival of Huw Thomas as the company’s new general manager.

  • Saab Seaeye Falcon

    Huon Aquaculture doubles Falcon fleet


    Huon Aquaculture has boosted investment in underwater robotic technology to help its salmon farming operations by doubling its fleet of Saab Seaeye Falcons to four vehicles.

  • Nordlaks Havfarm

    Rolls-Royce equipment for new salmon farm


    Rolls-Royce has been commissioned to provide equipment for a new offshore salmon farm and a hybrid/LNG live fish carrier (wellboat) designed by NSK Ship Design for Nordlaks.

  • Grant awarded for SEASCANN development

    Skaginn 3X awarded SME Instrument Grant by European Innovation Council


    The SME Instrument Grant awarded to Skaginn 3X, funded by Horizon 2020, will play a key part in further developing SEASCANN, a cutting-edge onboard vision and grading technology, designed not only to achieve the highest product quality and help prevent overfishing but also create operational savings for its customers. The ...

  • Hannah Fennel

    International Study Bursary applications open


    Fisheries Innovation Scotland has announced that applications are open for the next International Study Bursary 2018.