Latest News – Page 241

  • Corfu Sea Farm

    Corfu Sea Farm is sustainably certified


    Farmed sea bass and sea bream from Corfu Sea Farm S.A. has been confirmed as Friend of the Sea (FoS) certified and compliant with its standard for seafood from sustainable aquaculture.

  • Skretting feed

    Sustainability tool package launched


    Skretting Ecuador has launched a package of precision-based tools, incorporating nutrition, farm management practices and proactive technical support designed to offer full control of the total farm cycle and boost farm profitability.

  • Neptune Marine delousing barge

    Neptune delousing barge for Cermaq Canada


    Canadian salmon farm company Cermaq Canada has contracted Neptune Marine to build an environmentally friendly salmon delousing barge to combat the problem of lice infestation of salmon stocks.

  • 'Steigen'

    Havyard 587 build for Norsk Fisketransport


    Havyard Group has signed a contract with Norsk Fisketransport (NFT) for the June 2020 delivery of a live fish carrier of Havyard 587 design.

  • Krill group backs Antarctic protection

    Krill fishing companies back call to protect Antarctic Ocean


    A Greenpeace campaign to protect the Antarctic Ocean, backed by 1.7 million people globally, has received the unprecedented support of the vast majority of krill fishing companies operating in Antarctic waters. The companies making the commitment, Aker BioMarine, CNFC, Insung, Pescachile and Rimfrost, represent 85% of the krill fishing industry ...

  • Tore Andersen

    Optimarin BWMS for DESS Aquaculture wellboats


    DESS Aquaculture will install Optimarin ballast water management systems (BWMS) on four of its newbuild 3,500m3 capacity wellboats.

  • Egersund Net produce nets

    AKVA acquires Egersund Net


    AKVA will acquire 100% of the shares in Egersund Net from Egersund Group with the deal expected to be completed around 31 August.

  • Volvo Penta is developing a hybrid-powered IPS

    Hybrid concept for IPS system


    Volvo Penta has revealed it is developing a hybrid-powered Inboard Performance System (IPS) concept.

  • Steve Tarrant

    Moana New Zealand appoints CEO


    Moana New Zealand’s new CEO has been named as Steve Tarrant, who has nine years’ experience within the company and more than 25 years’ experience in the industry in various companies across New Zealand.

  • fishing equipment

    Call for ID tagged fishing nets


    World Animal Protection has called on the member states of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to ensure all fishing nets are ID tagged by 2025 to reduce the numbers of marine animals being killed by lost fishing nets.

  • Rolls-Royce

    Kongsberg buy Rolls-Royce commercial marine


    Rolls-Royce has sold its commercial marine business to Kongsberg for an enterprise value of GB£500m and net proceeds of around GB£350-400m.

  • Lobster fishing

    Call for NARW protection collaboration


    The Lobster Council of Canada (LCC) is calling on the Federal government to work with lobster harvesters and other stakeholders to ensure that the industry’s ongoing commitment to protecting the North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) is addressing all issues.

  • Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing

    New workstream to help protect wild salmon


    A new salmon interactions workstream to provide expert advice on mitigating pressures on wild salmon has been launched by the Scottish Government.

  • UK publishes fishing industry route map

    UK government plans for an independent fisheries policy


    The UK Government has announced its ‘Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations’ White Paper ahead of the forthcoming Fisheries Bill, which is expected to establish the blueprint for a sustainable and profitable industry once Britain has left the European Union.

  • Seafish announces Seafood Summit speakers

    Seafish announces Seafood Summit speakers


    The UK Seafood Summit has attracted an impressive line-up of speakers from trade, industry and science for its inaugural event with topics covered including Brexit and the effect of microplastics on the marine environment.

  • Thai Union carries out vessel audit

    Thai Union completes third-party vessels audit


    Thai Union Group, with the support of several of its customers, recently completed its first industry collaborative third-party audit, conducted by global safety consulting and certification company UL, on some Thai commercial fishing vessels supplying the company’s business.

  • Rig removal requires rethink?

    Mandatory offshore rig removal needs a rethink, environmental experts say


    ?A survey of international environmental experts suggests that attitudes to the decommissioning of offshore infrastructure, such as oil platforms, have shifted. Almost 95% of the experts, drawn from 10 nations across academia, government and industry, believe that a more flexible, case-by-case, approach to equipment removal would be better for the ...

  • HB Grandi’s Viðey makes a great start

    HB Grandi’s Viðey makes a great start


    The latest issue to the HB Grandi fleet has performed perfectly during fishing trials and its first two full trips, according to skipper Jóhannes Ellert Eiríksson.

  • Canaries fishermen join IPNLF network

    Canaries one-by-one tuna fishermen become part of the IPNLF Member network


    Organización de Productores de Túnidos y Pesca Fresca (Optuna No 42), the non-profit tuna producer organisation based on the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands has become the latest member of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), the non-profit association committed to developing and supporting responsible one-by-one tuna ...

  • Skipjack tuna

    MSC certification for Pacific tuna fishery


    FCF Fishery Company (FCF) and the Western Pacific Sustainable Tuna Alliance (WPSTA) has announced that the Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin free school purse seine fishery has been granted Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Standard for Sustainable Fishing certification.