Latest News – Page 246

  • 'Cape Arkona'

    Brunvoll equipment for world’s first combined auto-line, potting and trawling vessel


    Brunvoll has signed a contract with Baatbygg to provide a propulsion, manoeuvring and control system for the world’s first combined trawling, auto-line and potting fishing vessel.

  • New tech lands premium fish in North America

    New tech lands premium fish in North America


    The world’s largest full-cycle breeder of yellowtail kingfish has launched a plan to put its premium fish on the plates of top North American restaurants.

  • Channel fleet chooses Polar doors

    Channel fleet chooses Polar doors


    Icelandic trawl door specialist Polar Fishing Gear has a growing presence on the UK market that began in Scotland and has since grown to include the Channel coast as well.

  • OMC Asia: successful zoning at sea

    OMC Asia: successful zoning at sea


    Although offshore aquaculture seems promising for Singapore and the rest of SE Asia, zoning, licensing and security aspects for planning and management of aquaculture are key to successfully farming fish at sea. The conference’s second session kicked off with a talk on zoning and how this could be applied to ...

  • OMC Asia: tackling the shift to offshore

    OMC Asia: tackling the shift to offshore


    Moving from inefficient nearshore production approaches to higher energy offshore industrial methods can be a success, according to the first session of this year''s Offshore Mariculture Conference. Erik Vis, Director of Farming Operations at cobia farm Ocean Blue began the session by introducing his company''s three-pillar approach to sustainability when ...

  • OMC Asia keynote; producing more with fewer resources

    OMC Asia keynote; producing more with fewer resources


    The Official Mariculture Conference 2018 began this morning with Conference Chairman Alessandro Lovatelli, Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Officer at the FAO beginning his introduction. Also on the podium were Lukas Manomaitis, Conference Chairman and USSEC Aquaculture Program Technical Contractor and Southeast Asian Technical Director at the US Soybean Export Council, ...

  • Sustainable Seafood Day

    Research shows New Zealanders value seafood sustainability


    New research undertaken as part of New Zealand’s first Sustainable Seafood Day shows New Zealanders rate ocean pollution such as plastics as the highest perceived threat to ocean health, followed by overfishing and illegal fishing.

  • Dr. Guillaume Drillet

    Interview: Dr. Guillaume Drillet, President, World Aquaculture Society Asia Pacific Chapter


    A day before the Offshore Mariculture Conference kicks off in Singapore, World Fishing & Aquaculture sat down with Dr. Guillaume Drillet, Immediate Past- President of the World Aquaculture Society''s Asia Pacific Chapter, to discuss Singapore''s aquaculture industry and hear his expectations for this week''s conference.

  • Vónin and Crosby join forces on cage hardware range

    Vónin and Crosby join forces on cage hardware range


    Vónin was involved early in the aquaculture business, drawing on its long background in many types of fishing gears, as fish farming grew rapidly in the Faroese fjords, and it wasn’t long before Vónin’s expertise was in demand across the rest of the Nordic region and in the UK.

  • Naust Marine sets up in Spain

    Naust Marine sets up in Spain


    According to the company’s sales and marketing director Helgi Kristjánsson, until they parted company a few years ago, Naust Marine had a long co-operation with a Spanish company sub-contracted to produce the deck hardware while Naust Marine in Iceland supplied the control and electrical systems.

  • Puerto de Celeiro fleet of 22 longline

    Hake longline fleet achieves certification


    Spanish consumers can now enjoy more Friend of the Sea certified hake following the conclusion of the audit of the whole Puerto de Celeiro fleet of 22 longline vessels that supplies approximately 30% of the hake consumed in Spain.

  • Morgère opens vessel repair facilities in Brittany

    Morgère opens vessel repair facilities in Brittany


    French trawl door manufacturer Morgère has expanded its service portfolio for the fishing fleet by opening two new repair and maintenance facilities at St Brieuc and Perros-Guirec in Brittany.

  • Páll Pálsson and Breki

    Breki and Páll Pálsson: big propeller, high-efficiency


    The latest additions to the revitalised Icelandic groundfish fleet, fresher trawlers Páll Pálsson and Breki, are expected to dock in Iceland as World Fishing goes to press, as their long delivery trip from China via Singapore, Sri Lanka, Suez and Gibraltar comes to an end.

  • Supercharging offshore mariculture

    Supercharging offshore mariculture


    Southeast Asia’s aquaculture sector has a long way to go to catch up with other parts of the world, but has the potential to reinvent itself in only a few years if all the pieces fall into place, according to the US Soybean Export Council’s Bangkok-based Lukas Manomaitis.

  • Farming offshore in the Americas

    Farming offshore in the Americas – How the United States’ loss continues to be its neighbour’s gain


    As a seafood market, the US is heavily dependent on imports, with an estimated 91% of the products consumed in the country now coming in from overseas producers, reports Jason Holland.

  • Doubling western rock lobster industry’s value

    Doubling western rock lobster industry’s value


    Western Rock Lobster plans to establish an Australasian Institute for spiny lobster research in a bid to double the industry’s economic contribution to $1 billion in the next decade.

  • Fish farming

    Salmon waste to fuel Faroese energy


    Faroe Islands-based salmon producer Bakkafrost will invest in a new biogas plant in collaboration with other Faroese fish farmers and local dairy farmers, using waste products from fish and dairy farming to produce energy and fertiliser.

  • Namsos

    atg UV gains NVI approval for disinfection of intake water and wastewater


    atg UV Technology’s WF range of UV systems has been awarded Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) approval for disinfection of intake water and wastewater from aquaculture installations.

  • Fishmeal

    IFFO report shows focus on data and scientific evidence


    IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation has released its 2017 Annual Report, which highlights its increased investment and focus on data gathering and technical reports, with the aim of effectively communicating the strategic and vital role of marine ingredients.

  • Aggreko

    Aggreko to demonstrate cost-saving technology at Aquaculture UK


    Aggreko will be exhibiting at Aquaculture UK and plans to discuss how it can save fish farms time and cost, plus how it is responding to concerns in the industry surrounding a desire to avoid variations in temperature that have a detrimental impact on business operations.