Latest News – Page 251

  • Energy-efficient Hardhaus ordered from Cemre

    Energy-efficient Hardhaus ordered from Cemre


    The owners of Norwegian pelagic vessel Hardhaus have placed an order for a newbuilding, designed by Salt Ship design and to be built at Cemre in Turkey. The vessel will incorporate the latest in energy-efficient technology.

  • Acipenser Srl's plant

    Acipenser obtains Friend of the Sea certification


    Italian company Acipenser Srl has been found compliant with Friend of the Sea''s standard for several species of farmed sturgeon.

  • EU fishing boats

    EC proposes multi-annual sustainable plan


    The European Commission has proposed a multi-annual plan for fish stocks in western waters aimed at restoring and maintaining stocks at sustainable levels and ensuring fishermen’s social and economic viability.

  • WASSP Key Pulse and Interference Management System

    WASSP launches interference management system


    WASSP has launched a Key Pulse and Interference management system including an automated frequency and bandwidth algorithm.

  • Gael Force group and Fusion Marine to join forces

    Gael Force group and Fusion Marine to join forces


    Gael Force Group and Fusion Marine are jointly announcing today that they have agreed and signed Heads of Terms which will result in Gael Force’s acquisition of 75% of the outstanding share capital of the fish farm pen manufacturer. The deal, which is of an undisclosed value, is on course ...

  • Alaska fishermen gear up for halibut season

    Alaska halibut fishermen gear up for March 24th season opener


    From Southeast Alaska to the Bering Sea, Alaska halibut fishermen are gearing up to head out to sea as the 2018 halibut season opens at noon on 24th March. It’s an annual ritual for both commercial fishermen and charter operators seeking to make their living through the pursuit of this ...

  • Penalties for Chinese operators

    Chinese companies see subsidies cancelled and permits removed for illegal fishing


    The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has announced measures against fishing vessels and their operators after a number of Chinese vessel shave been intercepted engaged in illegal fishing activities in West African waters.

  • Hatch Accelerator 1.0

    Funding for aquaculture accelerator programme


    The first global accelerator programme dedicated to the aquaculture industry will have the opportunity to grow with investment from the first investment fund focused exclusively on sustainable aquaculture.

  • Loch Duart salmon

    Sustainable wrasse use controls sea lice


    Loch Duart has reduced sea lice treatments significantly and recorded salmon growth on all its sites following efforts to source sustainable wrasse for use as cleaner fish.

  • News

    IceFish styrkir tvo afbragðs nemendur


    Við afhendingu styrkjanna tilkynnti Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, framkvæmdastjóri Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar, að ákveðið hefði verið að veita áframhaldandi námsstyrki úr sjóðnum næstu tvö árin hið minnsta, en næsta IceFish-sýning er haldin árið 2020.Lilja Alfreðsdóttir, mennta- og menningarmálaráðherra: „Mér er það heiður að afhenda þessa veglegu styrki úr IceFish-námssjóðnum, enda skiptir miklu ...

  • News

    Winners of the 2018 Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards announced


    The two winners, both students at the Icelandic College of Fisheries, were awarded ISK 500,000 towards their respective courses. The first winner, Þórunni Eydísi Hraundal, 22, is studying Quality Control within the fishing sector and the second winner Herborg Þorláksdóttir, 56, is studying towards her qualification as a Processing Technician ...

  • Carlos Diaz

    BioMar 2017 revenue up 12%


    BioMar Group’s revenue was up 12% in 2017, boosted by significant capacity expansion in Norway and the acquisition of Ecuador-based shrimp feed producer Alimentsa.

  • Kristen Koch

    NOAA appoints science centre director


    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has appointed Kristen Koch as science and research director of its Southwest Fisheries Science Center to oversee marine resources work in California.

  • UK fishing boats

    UK industry angry with Brexit transition agreement


    The UK fishing industry has been misled about Brexit independence and quota setting plans are unclear, The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has said.

  • Taiwan fishing vessels

    Taiwan claims human rights abuse film is “not the truth”


    The Taiwan Fisheries Agency said the Taiwan government is safeguarding the rights and benefits of foreign crew members, following the release of a video exposing human rights abuses of migrant fisherman on Taiwanese-owned vessels.

  • Aquaculture seeks new protein sources

    Aquaculture seeks new protein sources


    That’s the message sent by Hampiðjan fishing gear designer Einar Skaftason at the Innovation Norway conference held in Bergen 6-8th March. At the conference he described pioneering fisheries for pearlside and lantern fish that had been carried out, and for which Hampiðjan developed fishing gear.

  • Taiwan fishing boat

    Film exposes abuse on Taiwan vessels


    An investigative film has revealed beatings at gunpoint, slavery, dangerous working conditions and squalid living conditions are all faced by migrant fishermen working aboard Taiwanese-owned fishing vessels.

  • UK retail and seafood sectors press for action

    Supermarkets and seafood industry press for action ahead of upcoming Fisheries Bill


    A group of prominent UK retailers and seafood industry companies have out their weight behind a demand for the British government to adopt and implement robust fisheries regulations effectively once the UK has left the European Union, just as government prepares new fisheries legislation.

  • Rebecca Peters and Jesica Waller

    Maine Department of Marine Resources hires new talent


    The Maine Department of Marine Resources has appointed two new scientists to support existing and new research priorities.

  • commerical fishing

    Widespread activity study labelled inaccurate


    A study which found that commercial fishing covers over 55% of the ocean''s surface has been disregarded as inaccurate by Europêche.