Latest News – Page 268

  • News

    New exhibition, new customers, new orders at Icefish - a triple first for Intech International a/s


    Leif Andersen, Director - Seafood at Intech International a/s, and Arnt Inge Kvalsund, Norwegian owner of family-owned Nybonia Hav A/S, today signed the contract for a new processing layout for Arnt's recently acquired pelagic boat which is currently being converted to cod trawling for the North Sea grounds.It was ...

  • Knarr Russia

    Knarr Russia launched


    Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries today announced in St. Petersburg the establishment of Knarr Russia.

  • News

    New version DNG jigger launched at IceFish


    The new product maintains all the features of the c6000i Jigging Reel which has been in use since 1995 and is well known to fishermen in many countries. The new version introduces many new and advanced features that touch on the user interface, efficiency and interoperability.The reel sports a ...

  • Skaginn 3X

    Skaginn 3X confirms fifth SUB-CHILLING sale


    Skaginn 3X has sold its fifth SUB-CHILLING system this year, with a package for salmon producer Búlandstindur.

  • News

    Fullvinnsla fiskúrgangs á sér bjarta framtíð á Íslandi og víðar


    Snorri Hreggviðsson, stofnandi og eigandi Margildis, ræddi um þróun hágæða lýsis og nefndi að hann hefði horn í síðu orðsins „úrgangur“ í þessu samhengi, ekki væri um úrgang að ræða þar sem hráefnið væri nýtt við framleiðslu ákaflega seljanlegrar vöru.Davíð Tómas Davíðsson, þróunarstjóri Codlands, minnti ráðstefnugesti á að iðnaðurinn ...

  • News

    Viðskipting blómstra á IceFish 2017 eftir vel heppnaðar Tengslastundir


    Í gær tóku tæplega hundrað manns frá 24 löndum þátt í Tengslastundunum, alls ríflega hundrað fundir.Tengslastundir IceFish skapa aðstæður fyrir þátttakendur til að kynnast öflugum fyrirtækjum á vettvangi sem kallað hefur verið „Meet-the-buyer“ á ensku, eða „Hittu-kaupandann.“ Þátttakendur í gær höfðu sérstaklega á orði að þetta hefði verið mjög ...

  • News

    Einstakt ferðalag í boði Marels á IceFish 2017


    Þessi nýja sýndarveruleika upplifun virkar þannig að notandinn setur upp sýndarveruleikagleraugu sem sýna 360° upptöku af FleXicut kerfi Marels í notkun í íslenskri fiskvinnslu.FleXicut-kerfið er fyrirtaks dæmi um áherslu fyrirtækisins á tækninýjungar og nýsköpun í fremstu röð. Marel býður gestum að koma á sýningarbás sinn (B30) og kynnast þar ...

  • News

    Makríllinn malar gull


    Skip Síldarvinnslustöðvarinnar, Beitir NK-123, var að landa tæpum 1300 tonnum af makríl sem veiddist í alþjóðlegri lögsögu, um svipað leyti og annað skip fyrirtækisins, Börkur NK-122, hóf veiðar á sömu slóðum í gærmorgun. Í kjölfarið veiðir Bjarni Ólafsson AK-70 á þessum miðum. Kristinn Snæbjörnsson, fyrsti stýrimaður á Beiti, segir ...

  • News

    Forseti Íslands heiðursgestur á IceFish 2017


    Guðni fór í skoðunarferð um sýninguna til að kynnast nýsköpun í faginu og heilsa upp á bæði sýnendur og þátttakendur.„Það er mikill heiður að forsetinn hafi heimsótt sýninguna. Hann varði góðum klukkutíma hér og heimsótti sextán sýningarbása og heilsaði bæði upp á íslenska og erlenda sýnendur,“ segir Marianne Rasmussen ...

  • News

    Opnun annarrar ráðstefnu Íslensku sjávarútvegsráðstefnunnar um nýtingu fiskúrgangs


    Ræða Þórs nefndist „Við getum skapað meiri verðmæti!“ og fjallaði um sjávarútvegsiðnaðinn á Íslandi og þá víðtæku möguleika sem bjóðast þeim sem vilja finna nýjar leiðir til að nýta fiskúrgang. Hann lagði áherslu á mikilvægi viðburða á borð við ráðstefnuna, því að þar hittast lykilmenn í greininni og með ...

  • News

    President of Iceland guest of honour at Icefish 2017


    Taking a tour of the exhibition to see the latest most innovative products on show the president was able to meet and greet both exhibitors and attendees.Marianne Rasmussen Coulling, Events director, Mercator Media commented "We were honoured to have the president visiting the exhibition this morning. He spent over ...

  • News

    Opening session of 2nd Icelandic Fisheries Conference


    In his speech, entitled 'We can create more value!', Thor covered the fishing industry in Iceland and the endless possibilities that exist for those looking to find a use for discarded by products. He emphasised the importance of events such as this, for uniting key individuals in this industry ...

  • News

    Opening session of 2nd Icelandic Fisheries Conference


    In his speech, entitled 'We can create more value!', Thor covered the fishing industry in Iceland and the endless possibilities that exist for those looking to find a use for discarded by products. He emphasised the importance of events such as this, for uniting key individuals in this industry ...

  • News

    Bright future ahead for the byproduct reutilisation industry in Iceland and beyond


    Snorri Hreggvidsson, founder and owner of Margildi, spoke about the creation of high grade fish oils but waste is a term he doesn't like. It isn't waste; it is being used for the creation of commercially viable products.David Tomas Davidsson from Codland reminded attendees that the industry is changing ...

  • News

    Bright future ahead for the byproduct reutilisation industry in Iceland and beyond


    Snorri Hreggvidsson, founder and owner of Margildi, spoke about the creation of high grade fish oils but waste is a term he doesn't like. It isn't waste; it is being used for the creation of commercially viable products.David Tomas Davidsson from Codland reminded attendees that the industry is changing ...

  • News

    Business soars at Icefish 2017 after matchmaking takes off


    Over 90 participants from 24 countries were in attendance yesterday, totalling just over 100 meetings taking place.The Icefish matchmaking meetings provide a platform for attendees to meet with new, innovative companies in a 'Meet- the-buyer" format. Attendees who took part commented on their positive experience, adding that the ...

  • News

    A unique tour for the Icelandic Fisheries Minister with Marel at IceFish 2017


    The premiere of this virtual reality experience at IceFish provides a unique insight into automatic whitefish processing with Marel's FleXicut line. The FleXicut water-jet cutter is a prime example of the company's focus on cutting-edge innovation and technology.Marel welcomes visitors to IceFish stand B30 to come and explore FleXicut ...

  • News

    Hitting the mackerel hotspot


    Síldarvinnslan's Beitir is landing 1260 tonnes of mackerel caught in international waters, while the company´s other pelagic vessel Börkur started fishing in the same area yesterday morning, closely followed by Bjarni Ólafsson as soon as it finished landing its last trip. According to Beitir's chief mate Kristinn Snæbjörnsson, there ...

  • Tuna tagging

    Bluefin tuna tagging helps sustainable fisheries


    Bluefin tuna have been tagged in Danish and Swedish waters for the first time to help develop sustainable fisheries.

  • News

    Afburðamenn í íslenskum sjávarútvegi heiðraðir


    Á meðal þeirra sem heiðraðir voru með verðlaunum í kvöld eru þrír landsþekktir afburðamenn í íslenskum sjávarútvegi, hver á sínu sviði, þeir Bárður Hafsteinsson, stofnandi Skipatækni sem hannað hefur marga farsælustu og endingarbestu fiskiskipa íslenska flotans, Arthúr Bogason, fyrrum formaður Landssambands smábátaeiganda, og  Guðmundur Þ. Jónsson, skipstjóri Vilhelms Þorsteinssonar EA, ...