Latest News – Page 269

  • News

    7th Icelandic Fisheries Awards highlights success within the Commercial Fishing Industry


    First introduced in 1999, the evening recognises and awards excellence within the Icelandic and International Fishing Industry, highlighting the most innovative and ground-breaking products and rewarding outstanding service.This year's event was sponsored by Landsbankinn, Vonin, and Bureau Veritas. The winners were selected by a judging panel spearheaded by Gudjon ...

  • Scotland currently receives 46% of the UK’s share of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

    Scotland seeks assurance for future fisheries and aquaculture investment


    The UK Government must urgently set out how it will protect funding for fish and seafood sectors post-Brexit or risk undermining Scotland’s food and drink success story, says its Rural Economy Secretary.

  • News

    Norðmenn áberandi á IceFish 2017


    Þjóðarbásinn, sem Scanexpo AS veitir forstöðu, inniheldur mörg af þekktustu norsku fyrirtækjunum sem veita sjávarútveginum þjónustu.Þar á meðal eru:Addcon Nordic AS – sem kynnir ásamt samstarfsfyrirtækinu GC Rieber Salt AS lausnir til að tryggja ferskleika fisks til bræðslu og aukaafurða.Brödrene Fürst AS – sem sýnir ásamt samstarfsfyrirtækinu Riga Woods ...

  • News

    Looking for the technological edge


    'So, of course we are taking part in the IceFish exhibition," he said, commenting that the Icelandic market is a highly demanding one, but also a market that appreciates innovation as skippers and companies seek to constantly make their fishing more efficient.The company gets much of the credit for ...

  • News

    WSI puts gender on the agenda


    According to WSI co-founder Marie Christine Montfort, IceFish is an ideal opportunity for the group's first public appearance and they will be at Stand A70 to answer questions – and ask questions of their own."The choice for launching WSI in Iceland is two-fold: its fishing industry is very dynamic ...

  • News

    IceFish opens its doors today


    “We are delighted to open the doors today to the 12th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition,” said Mercator Media’s events director Marianne Rasmussen Coulling. “This year’s show has received tremendous interest and we are set for three very busy days of business ahead.” She ...

  • Crewsaver equipment was first launched to the market in 1957

    Crewsaver marks 60 years of pioneering lifejacket technology


    Marine safety equipment manufacturer Crewsaver is celebrating 60 years of pioneering lifejacket innovation in 2017.

  • Entobel

    $10,000 prize for insect-based animal feed business


    A startup which uses black soldier flies to produce fish feed and fertiliser has won a $10,000 prize for development.

  • News

    Ný kynslóð línuveiðibáta


    „Við höldum áfram afar vel heppnuðu samstarfi okkar við skipasmíðastöðina í Hvide Sande í Danmörku en þar er nú verið að smíða 26 metra snurvoðar- og netabát fyrir íslenska eigendur,“ sagði Björgvin Ólafsson hjá BP Shipping. „Nýja Hafborgin verður afhent um næstu áramót, á undan áætlun. Nýja línubátahönnunin hefur ...

  • News

    Bacalao-trollin eru tímamótaskref


    „Vónin þróar og framleiðir veiðarfæri og búnað til fiskeldis og hver einasta Icefish-sýning er okkur mikið tilhlökkunarefni. Sýningin sjálf er mjög fagmannlega og vel skipulögð og þangað kemur stór hópur manna sem taka mikilvægar og afdrifaríkar ákvarðanir,“ sagði Bogi Nón hjá Vóninni.Fyrirtækið býr að yfirgripsmikilli reynslu á sviði fiskeldis ...

  • News

    Undirkæling (Sub-Chilling) í sýningarbási


    Í ár leggur fyrirtækið mesta áherslu á hvítfisk og fulltrúar þess eru þess albúnir að fræða gesti sína um þá fjölbreyttu vörur sem Skaginn 3X hefur upp á að bjóða, allt frá einstökum tækjum upp í fullkomnar uppsettar tækjasamstæður.„Íslenski markaðurinn er eitt mikilvægasta markaðssvæði okkar og það er fyrirtækinu ...

  • News

    New Generation Longliners


    "This continues the very good co-operation we have had already with the Hvide Sande Shipyard in Denmark, which is currently building a 26 metre combination netter/flyshooter for owners in Iceland," said BP Shipping's Björgvin Ólafsson. "The new Hafborg will be delivered around New Year and will be ahead of ...

  • News

    Bacalao Breakthrough


    "As developers and manufacturers of fishing gear and aquaculture equipment, we at Vónin always look forward to the IceFish Exhibition. It's always a very professional and well-organised event with a wide selection of decision makers present," said Vónin's Bogi Nón.The company has extensive experience in the aquaculture business behind ...

  • News

    Sub-Chilling on the stand


    This year the company emphasis is on whitefish, while being on-hand to inform visitors of the range that Skaginn 3X has to offer from individual pieces of equipment up to complete installations."The Icelandic market is one of the most important for the company and for us it's vital that ...

  • Rainbow trout

    New feed neutralises raw material natural variation


    Aller Aqua has launched a new trout feed with a composition which neutralises the natural variation of the raw materials.

  • Bacalao breakthrough

    Bacalao breakthrough


    Faroese fishing gear company Vónin has a presence on the international market that continues to grow across the north Atlantic region.

  • OceanMind used AIS and VMS to check for abnormal or suspicious behaviour

    Satellite support for Chile in the fight against illegal fishing


    Chile has been garnering some much-needed support in its fight against illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing courtesy of a satellite data project.

  • The Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna (PAST) comprises of four leaders in the Mexican tuna industry

    Pacific Alliance for sustainable tuna earns MSC certification


    A Mexican tuna alliance has been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council indicating that its members meet the high bar of sustainability set by the MSC Fisheries Standard.

  • Fishmeal

    IFFO claims antibiotic resistance food article is inaccurate


    An article which links fishmeal to antibiotic resistance makes “sweeping generalisations” claims IFFO.

  • New generation longliners

    New generation longliners


    BP Shipping is unveiling designs for new longliners that are to be presented at IceFish, with plans for the new vessels already at an advanced stage.