Latest News – Page 271

  • USAID Oceans and Inmarsat partner

    Technology partnership to aid sustainable fishing


    A new technology-focused partnership aims to help commercial fishing crews carry out sustainable practices in Southeast Asia.

  • The MSC’s latest consultation is on its proposed improvements and developments to its chain of custody standard and fishery certification requirements

    Input required for sustainable fishing standards


    Stakeholders now have the opportunity to contribute to The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) requirements for sustainable fishing.

  • News

    Þeir sem ætla sér að heimsækja IceFish 2017 fá GRÍÐARSTÓRAR og spennandi fréttir


    En hvað getur app virkilega gert til að auka ánægju þína á IceFish?Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin er haldin og Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin afhent í Kópavogi 13.-15. september 2017. Sýningin var haldin í fyrsta skipti árið 1984 og hefur samkvæmt óskum sýnenda verið haldin á þriggja ára fresti allar götur síðan. Fyrirtækin safnast ...

  • Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy in Scotland, with Gael Force Group owner and MD, Stewart Graham at the engineering facility in Inverness Photo: Paul Campbell/HIE

    Major feed barge order for Scottish engineering company


    Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy in Scotland, with Gael Force Group owner and MD, Stewart Graham at the engineering facility in Inverness Photo: Paul Campbell/HIEThe barges being built by Gael Force Group for Marine Harvest Scotland will be equipped with complete state-of-the-art SeaFeed Offshore Feeding Systems.“As a ...

  • Kaldbakur

    Investments pay off for Samherji hf


    Investments at Samherji hf have made a positive impact on profits, show the group’s financial report for 2016.

  • Discarding threat

    Illegal discarding threat to EU fish marketing


    EU fishermen could see many of their most important fisheries downgraded to illegal IUU status if they continue to discard fish in contravention of the landings obligation (LO), reports Tom Ainsworth.

  • Gunnar Langva

    Rolls-Royce and Westcon Yards to deliver new Gunnar Langva


    Rolls-Royce has signed a contract to deliver ship design and an extensive range of ship equipment to a purse seiner / pelagic trawler to be built for Norwegian fishing company Gunnar Langva AS, based in Ålesund.

  • MSC label

    MSC rejects PNA certification deception claims


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) "strongly rejects" a claim it has duped customers over plans to recertify the world’s largest tuna fishery.

  • News

    Those planning on going to IceFish 2017 get HUGE and exciting news!


    But what can an app really do to improve your experience at IceFish?The Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition and Awards will return to Kópavogur (just outside Reykjavik, Iceland) from 13-15 September 2017. The show started in 1984 and, in response to the wishes of the exhibitors, has been held on a ...

  • crab

    Seafood America joins NFI Crab Council


    Seafood America has become The National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) Crab Council’s latest member.

  • Hammerhead shark

    Jail for Chinese seamen caught with over 6,000 sharks


    20 Chinese fishermen have been jailed after being convicted of illegally catching more than 6,000 sharks.

  • Fourth Element

    Swimwear from recycled fishing gear


    Turning lost fishing gear into something usable is part of an initiative by a clothing manufacturer, a diving organisation and an NGOs to retrieve and recycle nets into a clothing range.

  • News

    Vörpur frá Rússlandi njóta hylli hjá norrænum veiðiflota


    Fyrirtækið hefur verið í hópi helstu birgja rússneska flotans síðan það hóf framleiðslu veiðarfæra og hefur flutt út togvörpur um heim allan til veiða á uppsjávarfiski, allt frá Suður-Kyrrahafi til Norður-Atlantshafs. Fyrirtækið náði hins vegar fyrir alvöru fótfestu á norrænum markaði með togvörpu sem eitt uppsjávarveiðiskipa Samherja keypti.Veiðarfæri frá ...

  • News

    The Salted Cod Volcano - The first 3D Food Printed Icelandic Salted Cod


    The company has been a major supplier to the Russian fleet since it began producing fishing gear, and has exported trawl gear around the world for a variety of pelagic fisheries from the southern Pacific to the north Atlantic, but its Nordic breakthrough came with a trawl supplied to ...

  • News

    Saltaða þorskeldfjallið – Fyrsta prentaði þrívíddarrétturinn, saltaður íslenskur þorskur


    Prentarinn notar íslenskan þorskmarning, saltaðan þorsk og þorskprótein og var um daginn látinn búa til Saltaða þorskeldfjallið í höfuðstöðvum Natural Machines í Barselóna á Spáni.Saltaða þorskeldfjallið er bara einn af nýskapandi matarréttum sem skapaður hefur verið með fersku hráefni frá Íslandi. Til stendur að móta fleiri rétti úr íslensku ...

  • News

    Sniðgangið biðröðina á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Gestir geta skráð sig til þátttöku fyrir fram og þannig bæði sniðgengið biðraðir og krækt sér í rúmlega 20% afslátt. Skráið ykkur á vefsetrinu og farið fremst í biðraðirnar þegar Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin verður opnuð.Sýningin nálgast hröðum skrefum og ekki eru nema örfáir sýningarbásar eftir til útleigu. Marianne Rasmussen Coulling ...

  • News

    Beat the queue at IceFish


    By registering in advance, visitors can beat the queues and save over 20%. Go to the website to register and be at the front of the queue as the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition opens.With only a few weeks to go, the exhibition is now down to the last few remaining ...

  • BIM is working to encourage more women into the seafood sector

    Ireland looks to boost women in the seafood sector


    A networking event has been held in Ireland with the aim of encouraging more women into the seafood sector.

  • Jeremy Crawford

    IPNLF makes key appointments in Indonesia


    The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) has appointed Jeremy Crawford as Southeast Asia director.

  • Sweden’s new lobster rules

    Sweden’s new lobster rules


    The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) has set new regulations governing fishing for lobsters as part of what it refers to as “a first step in the process of rebuilding the stock.”