Latest News – Page 273

  • With its cryogenic technology, Planktonic claims to have found the answer to one of the greatest problems in fish farming - high mortality rates

    Cryogenically preserved plankton feed reduces fish mortality


    A plankton supplier is breaking new ground with its cryogenically preserved plankton feed which it says reduces mortality rates at fish farms.

  • Rotary valve assembly screw conveyer

    Energy efficient feed system help manage operations


    Fish farm managers may be able to better manage the way they operate with a new energy efficient feed system.

  • Therney RE 1 has been sold to a South African processor

    Sea Harvest acquires HB Grandi freezer trawler


    HB Grandi has sold one of its freezer trawlers to a South African fish processor for a price of US$13.5 million.

  • Yellowfin tuna

    Northeastern tuna fishery MSC certification upheld


    Confirmation of MSC Fisheries Standard certification for Northeastern Tropical Pacific purse seine yellowfin & skipjack tuna fishery has been made.

  • News

    Bætt kjörhæfni í karfaveiðum með fjögurra hliða vörpupoka


    Rannsóknarteymi Hafrannsóknarstofnunar og útvegs- og sjávardeild Memorial háskóla á Nýfundnalandi fylgdu Heimi Guðbjörnssyni skipstjóra og áhöfn ferskfisktogarans Helgu Maríu við karfaveiðar til að meta kjörhæfni T90 vörpupokans.Prófaður var búnaður sem samanstóð af vörpupoka úr tvöföldu 6mm PE-neti með 110 mm möskvastærð með uppsettum QuickLines frá Hampiðjunni. Utan um vörpupokann ...

  • News

    Better redfish selectivity with four-panel codend


    A team from the Marine Research Institute and the Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland joined skipper Heimir Guðbjörnsson and HB Grandi's fresher trawler Helga María for a trip on redfish to assess the selectivity of a T90 codend.The test gear consisted of a codend made in double ...

  • News

    Sérfræðiþekking Íra hvað varðar búnað á þilfari í boði á Íslandi


    Fyrirtækið hefur verið í örum vexti allt síðan Eunan Kennedy stofnaði það sem lítið fjölskyldufyrirtæki á 2100 fermetra svæði í verkstæði við Killybegs, helstu útgerðarhöfn Írlands.„Fyrirtækinu gengur vel og við stefnum að auknum umsvifum,“ sagði Rod McLeod hjá EK Marine. „Okkur sýnist Ísland geta orðið mikilvægt markaðssvæði okkar“.EK Marine ...

  • News

    Irish deck equipment expertise comes to Iceland


    The company has grown steadily since it was established by Eunan Kennedy as a modest family business and now occupies a 2100 square metres of workshop space in Ireland's premier fishing port of Killybegs."The company is doing well and we're looking to expand," EK Marine's Rod McLeod said. "We ...

  • News

    Aðsókn sýnenda að Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni eykst um 41% frá 2014


    Marianne Rasmussen Coulling sýningarstjóri segist upplifa mikinn áhuga víða um heim fyrir næstu sjávarútvegssýningu og segir engan vafa leika á að hún eigi eftir að vekja enn meiri athygli umheimsins á íslenskum sjávarútvegi.„Sýningin er gríðarlega mikilvægur viðskiptavaki,” bætti hún við.„Það eru tæpir tveir mánuðir fram að sýningu, sýningarstjórnin fær ...

  • News

    This year's IceFish 41% up on 2014


    Receiving strong interest from around the world on the upcoming Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition and Events Director Marianne Rasmussen Coulling said there is no doubt this is Iceland's international showcase event."This is where business gets done," she added."There are less than one months to go and the exhibition team are ...

  • Closing the power gap

    Closing the power gap


    Advances in fishing practices and technologies have improved the aquaculture industry overall, but many of those advances are still out of reach for fisheries that operate in power-challenged areas of the globe, report Trey Jarrard and Eric Domescik.

  • Yellowfin tuna

    Pacifical yellowfin tuna contains least pollutants


    Pacifical yellowfin tuna has been found to contain lower levels of pollutants in their muscle tissues than any other yellowfin.

  • Salt Ship Design to design new Adenia

    Salt Ship Design to design new Adenia


    The Adenia Fishing Company in Shetland has ordered a new pelagic trawler based on a design from Norwegian naval architect Salt Ship Design.

  • Senator Cantwell said that by preserving the Tri-State Agreement, the Dungeness crab fishery can be managed sustainably

    Fishermen rejoice as crab fishery safeguard made permanent


    American fishermen are celebrating the news that a decade-long management agreement to safeguard a major US crab fishery has been made permanent.

  • John Offord

    Gael Force Engineering MD retires


    John Offord, managing director of Gael Force Engineering, has retired after 17 years with the company.

  • Ecuador is one of the main importers of shrimp to the United States Photo: Dirk Blankenhaus

    US imported shrimp to be monitored for traceability


    The US will include shrimp in its Seafood Import Monitoring Program in future so it can better account for its traceability.

  • Álsey VE

    Delighted with the new mackerel gear


    “We’re on the way to Greenland,” said Jón Axelsson, skipper of pelagic vessel Álsey VE-2 after landing 450 tonnes of large, top-quality mackerel in Thórshöfn last week.

  • Tuna

    South African tuna industry supports IPNLF


    South Africa’s tuna pole-and-line industry has demonstrated its commitment to sustainability, responsible fishing methods and supporting one-by-one caught tuna.

  • Baader supplied Cermaq

    Baader supplying new Cermaq plant


    Baader’s managing director Robert Focke is delighted that the company was chosen by Cermaq as the supplier for its new state-of-the-art salmon processing plant in Norway.

  • Tuco Marine fish farm vessel

    Powerful low weight fish farm cleaning vessel launched


    Aquaculture workers will be aided by the launch of a 15m high-pressure cleaning boat for fish farm operations in Norway.