Latest News – Page 274

  • Robin Walker and Jim Stewart

    Poole quay development on target to boost business


    Construction of the Port of Poole’s South Quay is on target and will allow for more shipping and marine activities.

  • FIS's Richard Slask: “It’s often the case that good ideas get no further because of a lack of investment"

    Nurturing and supporting Scottish fisheries potential


    Scottish fisheries are being encouraged to apply for the latest development opportunities which aim to both uncover bright ideas and support them through development.

  • A number of fishermen are using the Marine Antiquities Scheme (MAS) to record archaeological items found in UK waters

    Fishermen back back scheme to protect underwater heritage


    Fishermen are playing their part in preserving underwater heritage by voluntarily recording archaeological items found in UK waters.

  • Pipeline system

    Humane electric fish stunner improves catch quality


    Aquaculture workers can process quality catch more efficiently with a new electric stunner which renders fish unconscious at speed.

  • Wartsila Power

    Wärtsilä powers two new Nord Pilgrim trawlers


    Technology group Wärtsilä has been contracted to provide the engines and the complete propulsion package, including the propulsion control system for two new trawlers being built for Murmansk-based Nord Pilgrim Ltd.

  • Pair Team

    Faroese management in the balance


    ?Eleven years ago I wrote on this page: "During 1994-95, the Faroese fisheries have been managed by the quota system, introduced due to Denmark’s pressure and local compliance. The Faroese people, however, soon perceived both the operation and consequences of this system as leading towards economic, social and with – ...

  • Ferguson Australia team

    Sustainability certification boosts business accountability


    A seafood company has become the first in the world to gain sustainability certification for its Southern Rock Lobster in Australia.

  • The Marine Stewardship Council has tightened up the peer review for its fisheries standard

    Marine Stewardship Council tightens up peer review process


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has tightened up its fisheries standard by establishing an independent college to ensure independence and credibility of its peer reviewers.

  • OptoScale tool

    Salmon growth measuring tool targets profits


    Salmon industry professionals are set to boost accuracy, profits and sustainability with a camera and laser based salmon measuring tool.

  • Walmart will use The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification to monitor its supplier’s commitment to worker dignity

    Walmart approves BAP to monitor supplier worker dignity


    Retail giant Walmart has approved a third-party seafood certification programme to monitor its supplier’s commitment to worker dignity and safety in order to fulfil its own responsible sourcing audits.

  • Tuna vessel in PNA waters

    iFIMS is effective VDS partner


    Integrated Fisheries Information Management System (iFIMS) is a good tool for the operation of Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) according to Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) associates.

  • News

    Ný-Fiskur fjárfestir í nýrri FleXicut-vél


    Ný-Fiskur setur upp nýju FleXicut-vélina í vinnslu sinni í Sandgerði en þar eru unnin um 6000 tonn hráefnis á ári hverju og afurðirnar að mestu fluttar út til Belgíu og annarra Evrópumarkaða. Þetta er tíunda FleXicut-vélin sem Marel selur til íslensks fyrirtækis.Þróun FleXicut-vélarinnar hefur verið stöðug allt frá upphafi ...

  • News

    IceFish skilar okkur alltaf góðum árangri


    Fyrirtækið rekur sögu sína aftur til ársins 2002 þegar það var sett á stofn í Hafnarfirði með það fyrir augum að framleiða troll með sexhyrndum möskvum, sérstaka gerð uppsjávarneta sem vinsæl voru á áttunda áratug en höfðu dottið úr tísku.Tor-Net setti markið ekki hátt í upphafi en hefur eflst ...

  • News

    Fastagestur á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Naust Marine hefur tekið nýja stefnu á undanförnum árum og nýtt sér mikla og langvarandi reynslu sína til að hefja framleiðslu á sínum eigin togvindum.Sölu- og markaðsstjóri Naust Marine, Helgi Kristjánsson, segir að framleiðslan hafi ekki verið komin nógu langt á veg til að búa fyrstu togveiðiskip Íslendinga af ...

  • News

    Ný-Fiskur invests in second FleXicut system


    This makes Ný-Fiskur's new FleXicut machine for its Sandgerði plant that processes around 6000 tonnes of raw material annually, with exports mainly routed to Belgium and other European outlets. This new machine is the tenth Marel FleXicut sold onto the Icelandic market.The FleXicut machine has developed continuously since its ...

  • News

    IceFish always works well for us


    The company goes back to 2002 when it was established in Hafnarfjörður, specifically to produce hexagonal mesh trawls, a variety of pelagic trawl gear that had been popular in the 1970s but which had fallen out of favour.Starting out as a modest venture, Tor-Net has grown over the years ...

  • News

    IceFish regular


    The company has branched out in new directions in recent years, building on its long experience of electric winches and electrical management systems to expand into producing its own winches.According to Naust Marine's sales and marketing director Helgi Kristjánsson, they were not quite early enough in production to supply ...

  • Odd Lundberg

    Odd Lundberg opts for all-electric deck equipment


    Mats Lundberg and younger brother Stian, skipper and chief engineer of pelagic vessel Odd Lundberg, went to Rapp Marine for an all-electric deck gear package.

  • Veronica Papacosta

    Seafood industry star


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) congratulates Veronica Papacosta, Chair of Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), who took out the Star of the Sea Award at the Sydney Fish Market Seafood Excellence Awards 2017 last week.

  • The Danish Pavilion at the 2014 Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition

    Danish suppliers see opportunities in Iceland


    The Icelandic fishing industry is in constant development. Currently, the Icelandic fleet is acquiring and building larger vessels. To meet the demands, Danish suppliers will bring high-quality solutions to the commercial fishing industry which will be showcased at Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, September 13- 15th, 2017.