Latest News – Page 276

  • Tom Aliotti’s 'Mariola' at speed on Bellingham Bay

    Built by fishermen for fishermen


    Tom Aliotti’s new Bristol Bay gillnetter ''Mariola'' did 36 knots on sea trials. Asked the secret of getting that speed, he replied, ‘I’m not going to tell you my secret,’ he said, when asked how that speed is achieved. “Except that I have fished Bristol Bay for 33 years and ...

  • Sea Shepherd, Gabon

    Sea Shepherd and Gabonese Navy arrest IUU trawlers


    Following on from Operation Albacore that saw Sea Shepherd partnering with the Gabonese authorities last year to inspect fishing vessels, resulting in the arrests of three Congolese trawlers and a Spanish longliner last summer, a second operation has already resulted in two Chinese-registered trawlers facing legal proceedings in Port Gentil.

  • Europêche said that recreational fisheries should not be covered by the new plan

    Industry concern over multi-annual demersal stocks plans


    The industry has expressed concern over the European Commission’s proposal to establish a multi-annual plan for demersal stocks in the North Sea.

  • Jemar Norpower vessel

    Jemar Norpower builds fish farm workboat


    Norwegian boatbuilder Jemar Norpower has developed a GRP-hulled workboat designed to meet the needs of fish farm staff, combining speed and power to cope with a variety of roles.

  • News

    Microsoft veitir Wise sína allra mestu viðurkenningu


    Wise er fastur sýnandi á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni og býður fram kerfi byggð á grunni tækni frá Microsoft sem sérsniðin eru að þörfum bæði útgerðar og fiskvinnslu.„Það er mér heiður að afhenda Wise verðlaunin sem Samstarfsaðili ársins á Íslandi 2017,“ sagði Ron Huddleston, aðstoðarforstjóri One Commercial Partner hjá Microsoft.„Wise hefur ...

  • News

    Síldarvinnslan to upgrade demersal fleet


    The vessels in question are Barði and Gullver, operated by Síldarvinnslan itself, and Vestmannaey and Bergey which are operated by subsidiary company Bergur-Huginn.Barði was built in 1989 and Gullver is a 1983 veteran, while Vestmannaey and Bergey were built for Bergur-Huginn in 2007.Preparation work on replacing the company's demersal ...

  • News

    Síldarvinnslan endurnýjar fiskiskipaflota sinn til botnveiða


    Um er að ræða skipin Barða og Gullver, sem Síldarvinnslan gerir sjálf út, og Vestmannaey og Bergey sem dótturfyrirtækið Bergur-Huginn gerir út.Barði var smíðaður árið 1989, Gullver er enn eldra skip frá árinu 1983 en Vestmannaey og Bergey voru smíðuð fyrir Berg-Hugin árið 2007.Við höfum þegar hafið undirbúning að ...

  • News

    Ray Hilborn verður gestur World Seafood ráðstefnunnar


    Fyrirlestur Rays Hilborns fjallar um hvernig stuðla megi að auknum afla með því að efla fiskistofna í höfum heims. Hann beinir í fyrirlestrinum sjónum að tilhneigingum í fiskistofnum heims og hvar sé verið að efla þá og stuðla að sjálfbærni og hvar ekki. Hann fjallar þar um tengsl fiskveiðistjórnunar ...

  • News

    Ray Hilborn at World Seafood Congress


    Speaking on the subject of ‘Rebuilding harvest - trends in fish stocks around the world,' Ray Hilborn's presentation will focus on trends in fish stocks around the world, and on where rebuilding and sustainable harvest is happening and where it is not. He will explore the relationship between fisheries ...

  • News

    Top Microsoft commendation for Wise


    A regular exhibitor at IceFish, Wise offers systems are tailored to the needs of the fishing and processing sectors, and which are built around a core of Microsoft technology.“It's an honour to present Wise with the Iceland Country Partner of the Year 2017 award,” said Ron Huddleston, vice-President at ...

  • The visit brought together 15 fishery fellows from eight nations Photo: ANCORS

    Insight sharing visit for fishery fellows


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has welcomed fifteen fishery fellows from eight Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) member nations as part of a professional development course

  • London Cure Smoked Salmon

    London Cure Smoked Salmon given PGI status


    H. Forman & Son’s London Cure Smoked Salmon has been given European Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status and is believed to be London’s first product with the status.

  • The new 23,000 square metre facility has an initial annual capacity of 60,000 tonnes of feed

    Vietnam feed plant first for Skretting


    Skretting has opened a new state-of-the-art shrimp feed plant in Vietnam as part of its drive to develop aquaculture across the country and the broader Southeast Asia region.

  • Attero Tim’s CAT-1373-25

    Multipurpose fish farm vessel complete


    Croatia-based Attero Tim has completed the design and build of a multipurpose fish farm management catamaran with a 25t payload for Kornat Ittica fish farm on Croatia’s Dalmatian coast.

  • Nauta Shiprepair Yard

    Nauta starts sustainable trawler construction


    Polish Nauta Shiprepair Yard has begun construction of a partly outfitted energy efficient fishing trawler for Norway-headquartered Havyard Ship Technology.

  • Brunvoll Volda has contracted to supply two new fishing vessels being built at Stadyard to Skipskompetanse designs Image: Skipskompetanse AS

    Brunvoll signs new contracts


    Brunvoll Volda has signed contracts with Stadyard in western Norway for delivery of propulsion systems for two fishing vessels. The equipment will be delivered in December 2017 and February 2018.

  • Construction of Aker BioMarine’s 130 metre krill vessel began in May this year

    Krill vessel first for Rapp


    Norwegian deck machinery specialist Rapp Marine has been contracted to supply a suite of electric deck equipment for its first krill vessel.

  • Vessels in EU waters

    Europe issues CFP update


    The European Commission (EC) has launched its annual consultation on setting fishing opportunities for 2018, with a new overview on the progress made towards the achievement of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) objective.

  • STIP

    Aquaculture innovations reach final round


    Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal (STIP), Solidaridad and Fresh Studio, hosts of the Aquaculture Innovation Challenge, have invited the top five innovations to move forward to the final round.

  • Venus NS vessel

    Mackerel season starts well


    HB Grandi has reported a good start to the mackerel season, confirming its pelagic vessel Víkingur is in Iceland’s Port of Vopnafjordur with 600t of catch board.