Latest News – Page 277

  • Knut Inge and Henrik Ostervold with staff from Ibercisa and northern European agent KSS at Nor-Shipping, where the contract to supply the new pelagic vessel was signed

    Ostervold opts for Ibercisa


    Spanish deck equipment specialist Ibercisa has been chosen by Knut Inge and Henrik Ostervold to supply winches and a package of associated equipment for their new pelagic vessel, due to be built at the Western Marine Shipyard in Bangladesh.

  • FISH-i Africa Task Force members

    FISH-i Africa tackles flag state responsibility


    The responsibility of flag states was one of the main focuses of the sixth meeting of the FISH-i Africa Task Force last month.

  • The Plastic Menace

    The Plastic Menace


    This is not the first time that I''m quoting Prince Charles on this page, and I''m not doing it for being a special fan of the British royalty, but because I find him again and again a champion for the nature in general and our oceans in particular.

  • The new platform is being developed by Rolls-Royce, NTNU, SINTEF Ocean and DNV GL

    Digital platform for new ship development


    A new memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been signed with the aim of creating an open source digital platform for use in the development of new ships.

  • Thomas Møller

    DSI confirms buyout


    Denmark-based Dybvad Stål Industri (DSI) has sold the majority of its company shares to Danish private equity house Procuritas in an investment deal.

  • LNG aquafarming project

    LNG project to benefit UK aquafarming


    Flogas Britain and Stolt-Nielsen LNG have partnered to bringing LNG to areas of Scotland and the north of England in a project set to benefit the aquaculture and fish processing sectors.

  • IPNLF has praised the determined efforts of PT CRA, one of its long-standing supply members

    First Indonesian tuna fishery enters MSC assessment


    PT Citraraja Ampat (PT CRA), Sorong pole-and-line Skipjack and Yellowfin Tuna fishery has become the first Indonesian tuna fishery to progress towards the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard.

  • BioMar has formulated price competitive, high performance feed with a low FIFO ratio

    BioMar Group achieves below 1 FIFO ratio


    The BioMar Group says that it averaged a below one Fish-In Fish-Out (FIFO) ratio for its raw material usage for the first time in its company history.

  • vessel in UK waters

    UK begins London Fisheries Convention withdrawal


    The UK government has begun its withdrawal from the London Fisheries Convention in a move that will remove foreign vessels’ access to UK waters.

  • Klaas Puul factory

    Klaas Puul builds biggest Netherlands shrimp factory


    Klaas Puul BV is building what is believed to be the largest shrimp production and storage facility in the Netherlands, to process around 20,000,000kg of shrimp.

  • fishing vessel

    EU-GB protocol negotiations halted


    Negotiations to discuss a protocol that would allow around 50 EU vessels to continue fishing important species in Guinea-Bissau’s (GB) waters have been put on hold.

  • Mr Saul said that these false fish oils have made his product almost impossible to sell

    Australian fish oil not made in Oz


    An Australian fish oil processor and refiner is keen to assure its customers that its raw material is responsibly sourced in the wake of an influx of fish oils which falsely claim to be made in Australia.

  • NAQUA owns farms strategically located next to the coast of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia

    Saudi Arabia’s first registered fish trademark


    Saudi Arabia’s National Aquaculture Group (NAQUA) has received official approval from the Ministry of Trade and Investment to register its new brand "Bahri" as an approved trademark.

  • IUU vessels

    CSIRO tackles illegal fishing


    Australia-headquartered Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is developing a notification system that alerts authorities when vessels suspected of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing arrive in port.

  • Handaband

    Skaginn 3X secures contract for Sub-Chilling system with Kråkøy Slakteri


    Icelandic equipment manufacturer Skaginn 3X has signed a contract with Kråkøy Slakteri for the provision of a Sub-Chilling system, expected delivery of the system is set for late 2018.

  • AquaGen Scotland

    New technical sales manager for AquaGen Scotland


    AquaGen Scotland has announced the appointment of Martin Haberfield as technical sales manager. Martin is the first employee to join the company’s new Scottish office, based on the Stirling University Innovation Park.

  • WRLC boat

    Matt Taylor appointed WRLC CEO


    Matt Taylor has been appointed CEO of The Western Rock Lobster Council (WRLC) in Freemantle, Australia.

  • Michael Gove

    Michael Gove champions Scottish Brexit consultation


    Scottish fishermen will be consulted as the new Fisheries Bill is developed ahead of Brexit, Environment Secretary Michael Gove pledged ahead of his first visit to Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.

  • News

    Nýir togarar sjósettir í Kína


    Breki er smíðaður fyrir Vinnslustöðina í Vestmannaeyjum og búið er að sjósetja hann en systurskipiðPáll Pálsson, sem smíðað er fyrir Gunnvöru á Ísafirði, verður brátt sett á flot. Gert er ráð fyrir því að skipin sigli síðar í sumar yfir hálfan hnöttinn áleiðis til heimahafna á Íslandi.Báðir togararnir eru ...

  • News

    Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin


    Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin eru afhent við hátíðlega athöfn að afloknum fyrsta sýningardegi en gestgjafar þar eru atvinnuvegaráðuneytið, sem sjávarútvegur fellur undir, og bæjarstjórn Kópavogs.Listinn yfir þau fyrirtæki og einstaklinga sem hlotið hafa Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin er bæði langur og fjölbreyttur og nær til bæði gamalreyndra fyrirtækja í greininni og byrjenda sem ...