Latest News – Page 278

  • News

    Hátækni á höfum úti


    Valka leggur aðaláherslu á hátæknivélbúnað með gríðarsnjöllum hugbúnaði og þannig nær fyrirtækið að bjóða háþróuð fiskvinnslukerfi sem uppfylla allar þarfir mjög kröfuharðrar iðngreinar. Flaggskip Völku er skurðarvélin sem nýtir sér röntgentækni til að finna smábein í flökum, les stærð og þyngd hvers einasta flaks með nákvæmri þrívíddarskynvirkni og notar ...

  • News

    Newbuilds launched in China


    Breki, built for Westman Islands company Vinnslustöðin, has been launched after its final visit to the slipway and sister vessel Páll Pálsson for Ísafjörður company Gunnvör is not far behind. The pair are expected to leave later this summer for the delivery trip to Iceland that will take them ...

  • News

    IceFish Industry Awards


    The Icelandic Fisheries Awards will be held on the opening evening of the exhibition, and is hosted by the Ministry of Industries and Innovation, which includes fisheries, and the Kópavogur Municipal Council, during which the award winners will be announced. Over the years a wide variety of companies and ...

  • News

    Taking high-tech to sea


    Valka's focus is strongly on high-spec hardware combined with über-smart software to provide highly advanced fish processing systems that meet the needs of an extremely demanding industry.The company's flagship has been its portioning machine that incorporates X-ray technology to locate pinbones in fillets, coupling this with precise 3D imaging ...

  • Chris Oliver

    Chris Oliver to lead NOAA Fisheries


    Chris Oliver has been named assistant administrator for NOAA Fisheries in the US.

  • The 79.8m Skipsteknisk designed vessel will be powered by a Wärtsilä 31 engine

    Wärtsilä power for pelagic trawler


    Wärtsilä is to supply its 31 main engine, propulsion machinery and the auxiliary engines for a new state-of-the-art pelagic trawler currently under construction at a Norwegian shipyard.

  • Seafish says that women are underrepresented across the sector

    Industry needs female talent, says Seafish


    The seafood industry needs more female talent because women are underrepresented across the sector, according to a new survey by Seafish.

  • Faroe Islands vessels

    Fisheries reform for Faroes


    The government of the Faroe Islands has introduced a bill to parliament to reform fisheries policies, promote sustainability and change the way fishing licenses are administered.

  • Bergey

    Síldarvinnslan to upgrade demersal fleet


    Icelandic fishing company Síldarvinnslan held its AGM last week, and has announced plans to replace its fleet of demersal trawlers.

  • Tuna

    PNA to adopt tuna management policies


    From 21-23 June, fisheries ministers from nations signed up to Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) will adopt policies governing the western and central Pacific tuna fishery.

  • Protix breeds insects for animal feed

    Protix secures funding for insect proteins


    Leading insect producer, Netherlands-based Protix, has secured €45m in funding to expand its insect animal feed capacity within the aquaculture sector.

  • Fiji has pledged to have at least 75% of all long line fishing vessels certified by the MSC

    Fiji commits to MSC certification


    Fiji has pledged to have at least 75% of all long line fishing vessels which are members of the Fiji Fishing Industry Association certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • prawns

    SFF criticises SCFF creel report


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) has condemned a new report which it says calls for the exclusion of prawn trawling and scallop fishing from inshore areas, in favour of creeling.

  • Electronic Monitoring agreement

    Archipelago Marine Research partners with Marine Instruments


    Canada-based Archipelago Marine Research and Spanish-owned Marine Instruments have partnered to enable ongoing development and implementation of Electronic Monitoring (EM) technology globally.

  • IAFI

    IAFI selects two winners for the 2017 Award


    The International Association of Fish Inspectors has announced that the winners of the IAFI Peter Howgate Award for 2017 are Hannah Antwi from Ghana and Giri Rohamd Barokah from Indonesia.

  • MInister Ruston: "We have been working closely with the commercial seafood sector to establish this peak national seafood industry body”

    Launch of peak Australian seafood body


    Australian Assistant Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Anne Ruston, has launched a new peak national body for the seafood industry.

  • Rock Lobster

    Perth to host 12th international lobster conference in 2020


    Australia’s Western Rock Lobster Council (WRLC) celebrated on Tuesday this week after it was announced by the Hon. Dave Kelly at an annual management meeting that Perth has successfully won a bid to host the international rock lobster biology and management conference in October 2020.

  • MOU signing

    Chinese online marketplace commits to sustainable seafood


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has joined forces with Chinese organisations, including China’s largest online marketplace Tmall, to make a commitment to sustainable seafood procurement.

  • The new graduate programme is good news for Scottish aquaculture ©Scottish Sea Farms

    Getting graduates into aquaculture careers


    Graduates seeking a career in aquaculture now have a direct route into the sector, with the launch of a new collaboration between the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and its industry partners.

  • Inspection

    Fishery inspectors gather in Sweden


    Fisheries inspectors from across the EU and the Nordic region are gathering this week in Gothenburg for a three-day conference, and are joined by Coastguard officers from Scotland, Germany and Sweden with inspection vessels Jura, Meerkatze and KBV-032.