Latest News – Page 280

  • News

    Sólbergi gefið nafn á Siglufirði


    Nýja Sólbergið sem smíðað var í Tersan skipasmíðastöðinni í Tyrklandi er fullkomnasta fiskiskip sinnar tegundar í íslenska flotanum. Það kemur í stað tveggja eldri togara, Mánabergs sem smíðað var á Spáni árið 1972 og Sigurbjargar sem smíðuð var á Íslandi árið 1987.Sólberg er 79,80 metra langt og 15,4 metra ...

  • News

    DS-Concept opnar útibú á Íslandi


    Nýja útibúið í Reykjavík mun þjóna vaxandi hópi viðskiptavina fyrirtækisins sem sinna sölu og framleiðslu á sjávarafurðum og annarri neysluvöru. Þátttaka fyrirtækisins í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni er liður í því að hasla sér völl á íslenska markaðinum og efla samskiptin við alþjóðlega viðskiptavini.“DC-Concept hefur verið í fararbroddi síðustu 17 árin ...

  • News

    Færri nemar, fjölbreyttari virkni


    „Fyrir einum til tveimur áratugum voru 120-130 stór fiskiskip í íslenska flotanum en nú hefur þeim fækkað í 50 stór og velútbúin skip. Nýja Sólbergið er prýðilegt dæmi um þetta, þar sem einn nýr togari leysir tvo eldri af hólmi.“Samfara því að flotinn breytist hafa nemarnir sömuleiðis tekið breytingum. ...

  • News

    Sólberg christened in Siglufjörður


    The new Sólberg has been delivered by the Tersan yard in Turkey and is the most sophisticated fishing vessel of its kind in the Icelandic fleet. It replaces two older vessels, Mánaberg which built in Spain in 1972, and Sigurbjörg, which was built in Iceland in 1987.Sólberg has an ...

  • News

    DS-Concept opens Iceland branch


    The new branch in Reykjavik will service its growing client base of trading companies and processors in the seafood and consumer goods industries, and the company will be exhibiting at IceFish this year as part of its drive to further establish its presence on the Icelandic market and to ...

  • News

    Fewer sensors, more functions


    “A decade or two ago there were 120-130 large fishing vessels in the Icelandic fleet, and today we are down to a fleet of around fifty larger and more sophisticated vessels instead. The new Sólberg is a perfect example, with one new trawler replacing two older ones.”As the fleet ...

  • engine

    Rolls-Royce launches V-Line variant of B33:45 engine


    Rolls-Royce has launched a V-Line version of its B33:45 engine series, designed to deliver 20% more power than the B32:40.

  • Life Cell

    Wind farm operator’s fishing support programme


    Life Cell Marine Safety has been included in a new initiative aiming to support local fishermen operating from coastal locations between Hartlepool and Saltburn by the Sea on the east coast of England, who have traditionally used the fishing grounds in and around the windfarm.

  • Fishguard

    Europharma host fish health training


    Europharma has developed a training course to address fish health & welfare in Scotland’s aquaculture industry.

  • Curio

    Taking processing to new levels


    Icelandic processing machinery manufacturer Curio is taking processing to new levels, not least as its C2011 filleting machine has acquired a strong reputation both in Iceland and across export markets.

  • Jealsa vessels operate in the Atlantic Ocean and primarily fish skipjack tuna

    Spanish seafood partner for SFP


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has welcomed a new Spanish seafood partner, Jealsa Rianxeira S.A.U. Group, which operates out of Boiro.

  • Indian Ocean fisherman

    IOTC takes action in Indonesia


    Several proposals aimed at enhancing management of tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean have been adopted at the 21st annual Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC).

  • PerformFISH brings together 28 partners from 10 different countries

    Multilateral aquaculture research project


    A new €7 million EC-funded research project will focus on developing innovative approaches to help ensure European sea bream and sea bass aquaculture businesses are sustainable and competitive.

  • Capelin MSC certified

    Icelandic capelin MSC certified


    The Iceland Sustainable Fisheries (ISF) capelin fishery is the first capelin fishery in the world to be MSC certified as a sustainable and well-managed fishery.

  • Discards protest

    Discards protest goes to Brussels


    Dutch fishermen have taken their outright opposition to the landing obligation to Brussels in a protest that was held yesterday outside the doors of the European Parliament.

  • New Cetus to be built at Fitjar

    New Cetus to be built at Fitjar


    Norwegian fishing company Cetus AS has ordered a new pelagic trawler with a 65m LOA and a beam of 14m.

  • Skretting is expanding into the important aquaculture markets in Central America

    Skretting brand expands in central America


    The global feed producer and supplier Skretting is launching its brand in Honduras and Nicaragua to support the growing need for sustainable shrimp feeds in both these important aquaculture markets in Central America.

  • Harbour porpoise

    Gillnet warning device for porpoises launched


    A programmable warning device has been developed to alert harbour porpoises to gillnets in their vicinity.

  • Delilah

    Huon Aquaculture’s new Delilah


    Tasmanian company Huon Aquaculture has launched a new workboat built at the company’s Port Huon engineering workshops.

  • Fishing Into the Future

    Insight into fishing course


    Only a few places are left for a unique course being held near Aberdeen in Scotland, providing insight into the workings of the fishing industry, the science behind much of its management and how to make the most of fishing as a business.