Latest News – Page 283

  • Ronja Storm

    World’s largest live fish carrier


    The world’s largest live fish carrying vessel has been ordered by Norwegian company Sølvtrans and will immediately on delivery start a ten-year contract with fish faming company Huon in Tasmania.

  • News

    Taking processing to new levels


    According to Curio's Elliði Hreinsson, the engineer who was determined to build a better filleting machine when the company was originally established in the Icelandic port of Hafnarfjörður, the intention was to be able to offer a high, constant yield for whitefish processors.Curio's machines offer an accessible interface with ...

  • News

    Knarr Maritime launched


    The new company, Knarr Maritime, is headed by managing director Haraldur Árnason who joins it after more than twenty years with fishing gear supplier Hampiðjan. Knarr brings together naval architects Nautic and Skipatækni, which are responsible for the designs of many of the latest generation of fishing vessels joining ...

  • News

    Celiktrans sees Nordic potential


    Pelagic vessels Víkingur and Venus were delivered to HB Grandi in 2015 to replace four older vessels and the company went back to Celiktrans for its three new-generation Nautic-designed demersal vessels, with Engey already delivered and about to start fishing, and Akurey and Viðey are making rapid progress towards ...

  • News

    Lyftir fiskvinnslu upp á nýtt stig


    Þegar Curio  var stofnað í Hafnarfirði á sínum tíma var Elliði Hreinsson verkfræðingur ákveðinn í að smíða betri flökunarvél en tíðkuðust og sem skilaði hárri og stöðugri hráefnisnýtingu. Auðvelt er að endurstilla vélina eftir því hvers konar fisk er verið að vinna hverju sinni og greiður aðgangur að einstökum ...

  • News

    Knarr Maritime ýtt úr vör


    Framkvæmdastjóri nýja fyrirtækisins er  Haraldur Árnason sem áður starfaði hjá Hampiðjunni í yfir tuttugu ár. Að hinu nýja  fyrirtæki standa Skaginn 3X, Nautic , Kælismiðjan Frost, Brimrún , Naust Marine og Verkfræðistofan Skipatækni sem öll hafa á undanförnum árum komið að hönnun, þróun, smíði og sölu á búnaði og ...

  • News

    Celiktrans horfir til Norðurlanda


    Uppsjávarskipin Víkingur og Venus voru afhent HB Granda árið 2015 og leystu af hólmi fjögur eldri skip. Í framhaldi af þessu gerði HB Grandi svo annan samning við Celiktrans um smíði þriggja botnfiskskipa af nýrri kynslóð sem hönnuð eru af Nautic. Fyrsta skipið, Engey, hefur þegar verið afhent og ...

  • Tuna transshipment

    ITF calls for tuna transshipment moratorium


    International Transport Workers'' Federation (ITF) is calling for a suspension of high seas transshipment by tuna long-line vessels in the Indian Ocean, Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea, until companies implement fair labour standards to protect workers.

  • Furuno sets up in Panama

    Furuno sets up in Panama


    Furuno has established a branch in Panama with the aim of strengthening sales and support, and to take advantage of opportunities offered by the Panama Canal expansion.

  • Marel FleXiCut

    FleXicut systems for Samherji and P&P


    Leading Icelandic and Dutch seafood companies Samherji and Parlevliet en van der Plas are preparing to install FleXicut systems from Marel on their freezing trawlers.

  • IFFO

    IFFO publishes first annual report


    IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation has this week published its first annual report, detailing its stakeholder engagement, technical projects and market research during 2016.

  • Ast. Armon

    Armon to build HB Grandi factory trawler


    The order for HB Grandi’s new factory vessel has gone to the Astilleros Armon yard in Spain and will be built at the company’s yard at Gijon in northern Spain.

  • Scallops

    Project to refine scallop stock assessment


    A collaborative project is bringing industry and government together to provide King scallops (Pecten maximus) stock assessments in the English Channel and Celtic Sea to address a current lack of available data.

  • Rimfrost3

    Rimfrost plans new krill trawler


    Norwegian krill producer Rimfrost has announced plans for a new trawler to target krill in the Southern Ocean, in response to a rising demand for krill oil.

  • First new beamer for a decade

    First new beamer for a decade


    The first new beam trawler for a decade is set to join the Dutch fleet next year as the Hakvoort brothers from Urk, owners of the UK-45, have ordered a newbuild to be completed at Maaskant Shipyards in Stellendam.

  • Nergard

    Norsk Sjømat and Samherji increase Nergård shareholdings


    Norsk Sjømat has increased its stake in the Norwegian fishery group Nergård to 60.1%. Samherji has at the same time increased its stake to 39,9%. The two companies are looking to invest in processing, manufacturing and development of new whitefish products in northern Norway.

  • EU Mauritius protocol

    EU - Mauritius protocol signed


    A new Protocol to the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Mauritius has been signed in Port-Louis.

  • Calysta’s FeedKind

    Feed plant construction begins


    Construction has begun on a 37-acre feed production plant in Memphis, Tennessee, which will house the world’s largest gas fermentation operation.

  • China’s salmon imports booming

    China’s salmon imports booming


    China’s growing demand for salmon has been happening across the last decade – even after a clash with Norway that resulted in the Scandinavian country’s produce banned from Chinese export.

  • Aquaculture training

    FAO trains on sustainable aquaculture


    20 young people from 13 countries around the world recently undertook a two-week module on responsible aquaculture development, taught by an expert from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).