Latest News – Page 285

  • France Pélagique

    France Pélagique orders newbuild


    France Pélagique, part of the Cornelis Vrolijk Group, has placed an order with Havyard in Norway for a new 80 metre pelagic trawler to replace two of its older vessels.

  • BIM wants all fishermen to make sure their personal locator beacons are registered

    BIM urges fishermen to register with ComReg


    Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland’s Seafood Development Agency, has joined forces with ‘All Aboard 2017’ to launch the new ‘Guide for Fishermen to Register Digital Safety Equipment with ComReg’.

  • ASL Salmon

    Twice Smoked Scottish Salmon shortlisted


    Twice Smoked Scottish Salmon produced by Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL) has been shortlisted for an illustrious Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Award in recognition of its great taste and quality.

  • Carsoe will deliver a complete processing plant for both Royal Greenland's new fillet and shrimp and halibut trawlers

    Carsoe to supply first fillet factory


    Royal Greenland has chosen Denmark’s Carsoe to deliver a processing plant for its newest fillet trawler, the first complete fillet factory order for the company.

  • News

    HB Grandi býður út smíði frystitogara


    HB Grandi lét smíða tvö uppsjávarskip hjá Celiktrans skipasmíðastöðinni í Tyrklandi í stað þriggja eldri skipa sem síðan hafa verið seld, eitt til Noregs og tvö til annarrar íslenskrar útgerðar. Í framhaldi af þessu var samið um smíði á þremur nýjum botnfisktogurum, einnig hjá Celiktrans. Fyrstur þeirra, Engey RE, ...

  • News

    Toghlerasérfræðingur Íslands


    Atli Jósafatsson segir að fyrirtækið muni taka þátt í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni í  ár og eigi jafnframt langa sögu að baki þegar kemur að þátttöku í sýningunni. „Við höfum verið þátttakendur alveg frá því að fyrsta sýningin var haldin árið 1984 og þá sem J. Hinriksson.“Faðir Atla, Jósafat Hinriksson, var ...

  • News

    Armon – nýtt andlit á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    „Á þessu ári tökum við þátt í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni einkum vegna aukins áhuga á nýsmíðum fiskiskipa af hálfu útgerða á Íslandi og annars staðar við Norður-Atlantshaf,“ segir Ricardo Garcia sölustjóri skipasmíðastöðvarinnar. „Nú þegar eldsneytisverð er orðið stöðugra virðist vera vaxandi áhugi á að gera samninga um smíði nýrra skipa.“Astilleros ...

  • News

    HB Grandi seeks bids for freezer trawler


    The company invested in two pelagic vessels built at ​Celiktrans in Turkey to replace its three older vessels that have since been sold, one to Norway and two to other Icelandic companies. These are being followed by a trio of new demersal trawlers, also being built at Celiktrans. The ...

  • News

    Iceland's trawl door specialist


    He said that the company will be taking part in IceFish this year, and has a long record of participation.“We have been involved from the first exhibition in 1984, and back then it was as J Hinriksson,” he added.The son of trawl door pioneer Jósafat Hinriksson, Atli Jósfatsson has ...

  • News

    Armon - a new face at IceFish


    “This year we have decided to take part in IceFish in Reykjavik mainly due to the increased demand from Icelandic and North Atlantic clients for quotations for the newbuilding of fishing vessels,” said the yard's sales director Ricardo Garcia.“As fuel prices have stabilised, there seems to be a ...

  • Vard Live Tramsport

    Vard secures contract for live fish transporter


    Vard Holdings Limited has secured a contract for the design and construction of a live fish transport vessel for Ålesund company Fjordlaks Aqua

  • WF Aquaculture

    WF&A Aquaculture newsletter launched


    World Fishing & Aquaculture’s email newsletter reaches the worldwide seafood industry every week of the year, carrying a mixture of news and information from both fishing and aquaculture sectors – but we’ve decided to branch out and add a dedicated aquaculture industry newsletter to this.

  • News

    SFP announces combination of squid SRs


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) says that two squid Supply Chain Roundtables (SRs) will merge together to encompass more than 20 squid fisheries worldwide in order to create a more sustainable global squid industry.

  • The new trawler is designed by Rolls-Royce in Norway

    HB Grandi invites bids for new freezer trawler


    HB Grandi has opened an invitation to submit bids for the construction of a brand new freezer trawler, the sixth newbuilding for the operator in recent years as it works to upgrade its fleet.

  • The mapping project will use the MSC Fisheries Standard as a benchmarking tool

    Project to map Western Indian Ocean octopus fisheries


    A new collaborative mapping project is to bring together all stakeholders from across government and industry to benchmark the sustainability of octopus fishing in the south west indian ocean.

  • Bravo II

    Cat-mounted Remote Net Cleaner


    Armstrong Marine has grown out of the solid history of aluminium boat construction in the North-West Pacific region. Having supplieded their vessels to both sides of the Canada-US border, they have earned a strong reputation for quality at the Port Angeles location. As with much of the early aluminium boat ...

  • SAIC Select committee

    SAIC champions regional growth sectors


    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has given evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee as one of a panel of expert witnesses consulted on the recently published Green Paper, Building our Industrial Strategy.

  • Fergus Ewing

    Building a seaweed industry


    The first set of policy guidelines for the commercial cultivation of seaweed  in Scotland have been published, setting out where seaweed may be grown, along with information on what kinds of developments will be approved.

  • Poole Harbour already has a keen record in sustainability

    Poole goes for double certification


    Poole Harbour fishermen in the UK are going for double certification under the auspices of the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) and Seafish’s Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS).

  • EUFA

    Europe’s fishermen in alliance


    Fishermen’s organisations across nine European countries have banded together to form the European Fisheries Alliance just days before the UK government triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on the 29th of March, signalling its impending exit from the European Union.