Latest News – Page 287

  • Fish Farming in Mexico

    Did Ensenada Just Make Itself the Fish Farming Capital of the World?


    This year Mexico secures its name in fish farming by hosting the Offshore Mariculture Conference, a globally recognised event that premieres the latest in technology and sustainable practices.

  • AlgaPrime DHA was developed to reduce dependency on marine fisheries and enhance the nutritional value of seafood

    Algae feed for the aquaculture industry


    Successful trials of a native, whole algae specialty feed ingredient which is high in omega-3s, are helping to make the product more commercially available to salmon farmers and the wider aquaculture industry.

  • The SFP has provided thousands of Asian tilapia farmers with modern training designed to improve their businesses

    Training project for Asia fish farmers


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has completed a major aquaculture training programme in Asia providing thousands of shrimp and tilapia farmers with modern training designed to improve their businesses.

  • This assessment could increase the supply of MSC labelled UK hake by 13,000 tonnes a year

    Scottish group aims for eight MSC certified fisheries


    Rockall haddock, West of Scotland haddock, hake, plaice and whiting have been entered into MSC assessment by the Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG).

  • OMC

    Offshore Mariculture Mexico 2017 Live Blog


    The 7th Offshore Mariculture conference, held in conjunction with Inapesca, Conapesca and Sepesca, takes place on 6-10 March 2017 in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

  • First Aquaculture Industry Leadership Group meeting took place in Inverness

    Boost for Scottish aquaculture


    The first meeting of the Aquaculture Industry Leadership Group (AILG) was attended by rural economy secretary, Fergus Ewing.

  • This vessel will be the third of the same design for the operator

    Vard pelagic trawler order


    Research Fishing Company of Shetland has placed another order for a Skipsteknisk-designed Pelagic Trawler with the Vard Group.

  • News

    Fleet back fishing


    Much of the fleet was on the starting blocks, ready to sail as soon as the results of the unions' membership ballot was announced, and much of the pelagic fleet left the quays that evening.Two of Síldarvinnslan's pelagic vessels, Börkur and Beitir, were on their way back to discharge ...

  • News

    Quality pays off


    The yard has acquired a strong reputation for the quality of its newbuilds and ship repair is also an important part of the yard's work.“We see Iceland as an interesting market with opportunities there for us. Nodosa is a traditional builder of fishing vessels and this is a sector ...

  • News

    First choice for transport


    The company is a regular exhibitor at IceFish, where its staff get the opportunity to meet customers from all over Iceland.Covering the whole industrial spectrum from agriculture to shipping and the seafood industry, Íslyft's range extends from straightforward pallet jacks and spare parts to a heavy-duty lifting equipment capable ...

  • News

    Á veiðar á ný eftir verkfall


    Stór hluti íslenska fiskiskipaflotans var í startholunum og tilbúinn að láta úr höfn þegar niðurstöður atkvæðagreiðslu sjómanna um nýjan kjarasamning voru tilkynntar 19. febrúar síðastiðinn. Mörg uppsjávarskipin héldu til veiða þegar saman kvöld.Tvö af skipum Síldarvinnslunnar, Börkur og Beitir, voru á leið til hafnar með samtals 5.200 tonna afla ...

  • News

    Gæði borga sig


    Skipasmíðastöðin er þekkt fyrir að leggja áherslu á gæði í nýsmíðum auk þess sem skipaviðgerðir eru mikilvægur þáttur starfseminnar. „Við lítum á Ísland sem áhugaverðan markað fyrir okkur. Nodosa er hefðbundinn framleiðandi fiskiskipa, á því sviði höfum við komið okkur vel fyrir og þar ætlum við að starfa áfram,“ ...

  • News

    Íslyft á sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Íslyft er fastur þátttakandi á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni þar sem tækifæri gefst til að hitta viðskiptavini hvaðanæva af landinu. Íslyft þjónar öllum atvinnuvegum, allt frá landbúnaði og sjávarútvegi til flutningastarfsemi. Vöruúrvalið spannar allt sviðið, frá venjulegum brettalyfturum til tækja sem fara létt með að lyfta mörgum tonnum. Einnig er mikið ...

  • OMC

    Offshore Mariculture Mexico 2017 Live Blog


    The 7th Offshore Mariculture conference, held in conjunction with Inapesca, Conapesca and Sepesca, takes place on 6-10 March 2017 in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.


    LIVE BLOG: OMC 2017


    World Fishing & Aquaculture magazine reports live from OMC 2017, providing up-to-the-minute multimedia coverage of all the presentations and debates from Ensenada, Baja California on 6-10 March.

  • News

    Code of conduct fosters new era of cooperation


    A Code of Conduct signed by SADSTIA and the South African Hake Longline Association (SAHLLA) aims to dramatically reduce conflicts between trawlers and longline fishing vessels that target hake on the same fishing grounds.

  • Heimaey is now on its way to fishing grounds off Reykjanes

    Record 2400 tonne shot of capelin


    Pelagic vessel Heimaey discharged 2000 tonnes of capelin at Thórshöfn and is now on its way to fishing grounds off Reykjanes.

  • The IMP has not lived up to the plans

    Industry welcomes call for more socially sustainable fisheries policies


    The industry has welcomed support from the French government in regards to challenges which are faceting the maritime sectors.

  • Fergus Ewing: “In everything we do, we will continue to champion our shared interests and provide reassurances to fishing communities”

    Investing in Scottish fisheries


    Sea fisheries, aquaculture and processing businesses are to receive more than £8 million of EU and Scottish Government funding to boost growth, protect jobs and develop sustainability.

  • Voting for the awards will close on Friday 28 April

    Fishing News Awards shortlist revealed


    The shortlist with nominations for the annual Fishing News Awards for businesses and individuals across the UK has been released.