Latest News – Page 288

  • The technical visits will take in the best of the country's offshore farms and processing sites

    Technical visits at Offshore Mariculture Mexico


    The technical visits for this year’s Offshore Mariculture (OSM) Conference in Mexico will take in the best of the country''s offshore farms and processing sites.

  • The ILG will meet quarterly from February 2017

    Roadmap outlines Scottish aquaculture growth


    The first meeting of the Industry Leadership Group (ILG) has seen the release of a new report on the innovation needs of the Scottish aquaculture sector.

  • Capelin roe season starts in Iceland

    Capelin roe season starts in Iceland


    Pelagic vessel Venus docked yesterday afternoon at Akranes with 2000 tonnes of capelin on board. According to foreman Gunnar Hermannsson at HB Grandi’s processing plant, the roe content is over the required level for extraction and freezing, and the maturity of the roe is good enough to start production.

  • The laboratory can now make the appropriate official analysis for specific Sernapesca programmes

    Fish Vet Group gets Sernapesca accreditation


    Chile''s Fish Vet Group (FVG) is joining the list of official fish health laboratories recognised by the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca), helping it to set a new benchmark for sustainable aquaculture in Chile.

  • News

    Chinese crawfish added to BAP programme


    The first crawfish processing plant has been added to the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s BAP programme.

  • Proven performance results in new order for Fusion Marine salmon pens

    New order for Fusion Marine salmon pens


    Loch Duart Ltd has placed a major order for Triton salmon pens for its exposed sea site in North Uist.

  • The IEZ has helped provide higher catch for artisanal fishers

    Liberian government called on to protect coastal waters


    The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) has called on the Government of Liberia to ring-fence its six nautical mile exclusion zone (IEZ).

  • Heliae and Syndel sign deal

    Merger leads to affordable source of DHA


    Heliae and Syndel has signed an exclusive distribution agreement to supply the aquaculture market with a Nymeg, new DHA precision formulation ingredient for feed formulators.

  • EU Yellow cards

    EU Commission lifts yellow cards for Curaçao and Solomon Islands


    The European Commission has lifted its yellow cards for Curaçao and Solomon Islands, recognising the significant progress both countries have made in opposing IUU fishing.

  • The new vessel will replace two vessels currently operated by NDF

    High-speed fisheries supervision vessel


    Maritime Partner has entered into a contract with Norwegian Rig Shuttle, for the delivery of a large high-speed supervision vessel to be operated by the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries (NDF).

  • Ensis Fisheries PVT Ltd and Maldives Quality Seafood PVT Ltd have joined the International Pole & Line Foundation IPNLF

    More support for Maldivian tuna fisheries


    Maldivian tuna supply chain companies Ensis Fisheries PVT Ltd and Maldives Quality Seafood PVT Ltd have become the latest members of the International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF), in order to further develop their supply chains.

  • Nauta Yard launches Voyager

    Nauta Yard launches Voyager


    The new Voyager for Northern Ireland company Voyager Fishing Company was launched yesterday at a ceremony at the newbuilding division of the Nauta Ship Repair Yard in Gdansk.

  • Víkingur

    Capelin fishery gets underway


    Several Icelandic pelagic vessels were fishing capelin by midday yesterday, the first ones to leave following the seamen’s strike having been called off on Sunday night, with others on the way.

  • DONG Energy is doing its bit for the local fishing community

    DONG Energy donates £300,000 to fishing community


    DONG Energy is to donate £300,000 towards supporting and developing commercial fishing activities in the East Irish Sea as a result of the proposed new Walney Extension offshore windfarm.

  • Supported by the Interreg NPA programme via the European Regional Development Fund, AINNPA brings together international innovation experts

    Aquaculture SME innovation drive


    An international partnership is scoping out a new Aquaculture Innovation Network for the Northern Periphery and Arctic (AINNPA) to improve innovation support for remotely located aquaculture businesses.

  • Jason Schofield, chief executive of Sutton Harbour Holdings plc, Pete Bromley, manager of Plymouth Fisheries, and George Eustice MP, Defra Minister

    Minister hears about Plymouth's plans for fishing


    The UK’s Fishing Minister learned about the issues affecting the South West fishing industry after a visit with fishermen and staff at Plymouth Fisheries.

  • Icelandic strike over

    Icelandic strike over


    Much of the Icelandic fleet sailed on Sunday night as soon as the announcement had been made that the seamen’s strike had been called off.

  • News

    Sigurvegarar Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunanna 2017


    Í kjölfar Sjávarútvegssýningarinnar 2014 gerðu forsvarsmenn hennar sér grein fyrir mikilvægi þess að fjárfesta í framtíð sjávarútvegarins, og ákváðu í framhaldinu að leggja 2 milljónir króna til að styrkja framúrskarandi einstaklinga sem lögðu stund á framhaldsnám í gæðastjórnun, fiskirækt eða Marelvinnslutækni við Fisktækniskóla Íslands. Þar með urðu Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunin ...

  • News

    Winners of the 2017 Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards announced


    After the 2014 Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition the organisers recognised the need to re-invest in the future of the fishing sector, and this took shape by setting aside ISK2 million for candidates looking to specialise in 3 different areas at the Icelandic College of Fisheries in Grindavik (Fisktaekniskolinn in ...

  • Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards winners announced

    Winners of the 2017 Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards announced


    The 2017 winners of the Icelandic Fisheries Bursary Awards were announced in a ceremony held at the Brúin in the Iceland Ocean Cluster in Reykjavik on Wednesday 15th February 2017.