Latest News – Page 289

  • Specialist Man Overboard & Fast Craft Injury Prevention Workshops

    Specialist Man Overboard & Fast Craft Injury Prevention Workshops


    A unique programme of two one day events for the sub IMO / sub 24 metre professional sector is being held ‘back to back’ in Southampton UK on 25 & 26 April 2017. The fast moving workshop style programme brings together an international group of experts armed with the latest ...

  • CCB ZAMAKONA OFFSHORE SL plans to jointly invest €20 million for the development of a repair centre for oil platforms

    Closer ties for the Canaries and Norway


    Governmental representatives from the Canary Islands and Norway have met to further develop the commercial, economic and social ties between the two countries.

  • The MS 2720 is expected to be released in Q4 of 2017

    Marel's new salmon deheader launched


    Marel has developed a new automatic deheading machine for salmon which aims to minimise manual handling and improves quality and yield.

  • Jimmy Buchan of BBC series trawlerman fame, is the new business manager at the SSA

    New role for Jimmy Buchan


    The Scottish Seafood Association (SSA) has appointed Jimmy Buchan of BBC series trawlerman fame, as its new business manager.

  • Apprehension Vietnamese fishing vessel near Lihou reef in the Coral Sea

    Poacher arrested at Lihou Reef


    A Vietnamese fishing vessel has been apprehended off the coast of Cairn after suspicions of illegally fishing in Australian waters.

  • Fish Farming in Mexico

    Offshore Mariculture Conference programme


    The 7th Offshore Mariculture Conference is taking place from the 6-10 March 2017 in Mexico and is set to be packed with industry leading speakers and topical debates.

  • News

    Murmansk office for Hampiðjan


    Hampiðjan has now opened a sales office in Murmansk which has been specially set up to handle sales of fishing gear and servicing for Russian fishing companies.

  • Minister Rushton: “Importantly, the agreement will provide greater certainty in operating conditions for fishers both at a state and Commonwealth level”

    Working together for better fisheries management


    The Commonwealth and Western Australia have unveiled an agreement to work together to realign fisheries boundaries off Western Australia.

  • News

    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2017 fagnar nýjum sjávarútvegsráðherra, Þorgerði Katrínu Gunnarsdóttur


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2017 fagnar nýjum sjávarútvegsráðherra, Þorgerði Katrínu Gunnarsdóttur, og horfir björtum augum til góðrar og náinnar samvinnu við hana og ráðuneyti hennar nú þegar undirbúningur að helstu og bestu sjávarútvegssýningu landsins, #IceFish17, stendur sem hæst (ekki gleyma að skrá þig!). Þorgerður Katrín sendi okkar hlýlega hvatningu og bætir ...

  • News

    New Minister of Fisheries in Iceland


    The Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition,#IceFish17, is very pleased to welcome a new Minister of Fisheries in Iceland, Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, and looks forward to a fruitful and pleasant collaboration with her and her ministry as the preparations for Iceland's best fisheries show are in full swing (don't forget to register!). ...

  • HBGrandi training

    Training courses for more than 300 staff


    With the Icelandic seamen’s strike now well into its second month, the time has been used to hold training courses for HB Grandi’s production staff. The company took the decision not to give staff notice, but has instead kept them on payroll throughout the strike. Courses in both first aid ...

  • Marel will launch its new high-speed linerless labeller to the US market in March

    Marel linerless labeller US launch


    Marel will launch its new high-speed linerless labeller to the US market at Seafood Expo North America 2017.

  • The investment in the clam fishery is all part of Clearwater’s growth strategy

    Clearwater boosts investment in Arctic surf clam fishery


    Clearwater Seafoods Inc has made a CAN$5 million investment in its Arctic surf clam fishery as part of its growth strategy.

  • MSC celebrates funding allocations with representatives from WWF Netherlands and the Dutch Postcode Lottery

    Dutch Postcode Lottery boost to sustainable fisheries


    Funding from the Dutch Postcode Lottery is giving fishermen in developing countries new opportunities to improve the sustainability of their practices.

  • The 2017 Offshore Mariculture Conference will be held in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

    Mariculture investors should look to Mexico


    Investors in mariculture should look to the Mexican region for development and expansion in the fish farming industry with the country’s government pledging US$50-70 million to mariculture and its associated infrastructure.

  • EP votes in favour of new proposal

    EU fishing sector alarmed by vote on external fishing regulation


    The European Parliament (EP) has voted in favour of the new proposal for a regulation on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets.

  • SAIC Scholars Connect Plus is one of a number of skills-related initiatives underway to encourage new people into the sector

    Scottish aquaculture scholarship opportunities


    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre’s (SAIC) scholarship scheme is back for a third academic year, with 25 funded MSc places available to Scottish and EU students in 2017/18.

  • The Baltic herring and sprat fishery represents more than 90% Finland’s marine catch

    Finland fisheries in MSC assessment


    The Baltic herring and sprat fishery into full assessment to the Marine Stewardship Council’s Fisheries Standard by the Finnish Fishermen’s Association.

  • News

    Nýsköpun togaraflotans hafin


    Engey RE lagðist að bryggju í Reykjavík 25. janúar eftir siglingu frá Tyrklandi þar sem skipið var smíðað. Engey RE er fyrsti ísfisktogarinn af þremur eftir sömu hönnun sem HB Grandi er með í smíðum í skipasmíðastöðinni Celiktrans í Tyrklandi. Skipin eru 54,75 metrar að lengd og 13,5 metra ...

  • News

    Konur í sjávarútvegi (WSI) með sýningarbás


    Markmið WSI er að kynna framlag kvenna í sjávarútvegi og er þetta í fyrsta sinn sem kvennasamtök eru með bás á sjávarútvegssýningu. “Ástæðan fyrir því að við ákváðum að hefja kynningarstarfið á Íslandi er tvíþætt: Í fyrsta lagi er  íslenskur sjávarútvegur mjög kraftmikill og í öðru lagi er Ísland ...