Latest News – Page 291

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    ASAP Supplies in partnership with ZF


    ASAP Supplies Ltd and ZF Services UK have signed a distributor agreement to support the aftermarket for ZF products at the 2017 London Boat Show.

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    Good year for Gullberg


    Gullberg's staff last year processed 3600 tonnes of groundfish, supplied mainly by the company's own trawler, Gullver, as well as by trawlers Vestmannaey and Bergey, as well as taking landings from Bjartur and Barði, operated by parent company Síldarvinnslan.According to Ómar Bogason at Gullberg, production has ...

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    They all come to IceFish


    The blue trawl doors are a familiar sight at practically every exhibition. The company's staff are generally on their feet from the moment an exhibition opens its doors, and the trio representing Thyborøn Trawldoor at every event have a longstanding affection for IceFish. Iceland has long been ...

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    Top service, top stand


    “We're the oldest and largest fuel company in Iceland,” said Skeljungur sales manager Thorsteinn Pétursson. The company goes back to 1928 under its present form, and before that was simply HF Shell, giving it an unbroken century of of supplying fuel.Its marine services are a key part ...

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    Gott ár hjá Gullbergi


    Starfsmenn Gullbergs tóku 3.600 tonn  af botnfiski til vinnslu á síðasta ári. Aflann veiddi togarinn Gullver, sem er í eigu Gullbergs, og togskipin Vestmannaey og Bergey, auk þess sem Síldarvinnsluskipin Bjartur og Barði lögðu vinnslunni til hráefni. Að sögn Ómars Bogasonar hjá Gullbergi gekk vinnslan sérstaklega vel á síðasta ...

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    Allir koma á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna


    Bláu toghlerarnir eru algeng sjón á sérhverri sjávarútvegssýningu en Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin er í sérstöku uppáhaldi hjá þremenningunum sem eru jafnan í forsvari fyrir Thyborön Trawldoors á þessum sýningum. Ísland hefur lengi verið sterkur markaður fyrir Thyborön toghlera, markaður sem gerir kröfur um árangur en kann jafnframt að meta ...

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    Elsta eldsneytisfyrirtæki landsins


    „Skeljungur er elsta og stærsta eldsneytisfyrirtæki á landinu,“ segir Þorsteinn Pétursson sölustjóri. Félagið í núverandi mynd á rætur sínar að rekja allt aftur til ársins 1928 og þar áður hét það HF Shell, þannig að um er að ræða sölu á eldsneyti óslitið í heila öld. Þjónusta við sjávarútveginn ...

  • Greig Seafood deal with Skaginn for new chilling system

    Norwegian market opens for Skaginn's Sub-Chilling system


    Grieg Seafood has become the first salmon producer In Norway to install the Sub-Chilling system from Skaginn 3X.

  • Sablefish landings will now be recorded using electronic fish tickets Photo: Alix Smith, NOAA

    Electronic reporting for sablefish


    The US West Coast has adopted electronic reporting for all commercially caught sablefish which means that all landings will now be recorded on web-based electronic fish tickets instead of paper ones.

  • New partnership in China for the Global Aquaculture Alliance

    GAA expands presence in China


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance has joined a cooperative agreement with the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA).

  • The ROMoC is backed by a self-positioning control algorithm to ensure the entire pen is covered within the given time limit

    Automated mort collector for offshore fish farms


    Dutch subsea technology company Seatools has completed a feasibility and conceptual design study on a Remotely Operated Mort Collector (ROMoC) for offshore fish farms.

  • The Eurobarometer survey on revealed that seafood consumption is increasing

    EU study examines seafood consumption habits


    A recent investigation into EU consumers'' attitudes into seafood consumption habits has revealed that with seafood consumption up again, sustainable supply is even more essential than before.

  • Engey sail from the shipyard Photo: HB Grandi

    HB Grandi's Engey sails for home


    HB Grandi’s Engey has finished construction in Turkey and is ready to travel back to Reykjavík, despite being delayed by heavy snow in Russia.

  • The IAFI Peter Howgate Award is a lasting tribute to Mr Howgate's work and career

    Grant funding for young fish technologists


    Applications for the 2017 the International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) Peter Howgate Award are now open.

  • Hamish Walker becomes new Sea Pact chairman

    Sea Pact announces new chairman


    Sea Pact has elected Hamish Walker, director of purchasing at the Seattle Fish Company, as the new chairman for its advisory council.

  • Thorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir

    New government, new minister


    A long-awaited change of government has taken place in Iceland. Elections were held in October, but since then several parties have tried and failed to reach a consensus to form a coalition government.

  • Freitasmar’s tuna is caught through purse seine method in the Western Central part of the Pacific Ocean

    FoS certification for Freitasmar


    Freitasmar, the Portugese expert in the production of canned seafood, has achieved the Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification for its Skipjack and Yellowfin tuna.

  • Tersan Shipyard announces the delivery of F/T SVEND C

    Svend C delivered


    Tersan Shipyard has successfully delivered stern freezer trawler, Svend C, to Sikuaq Trawl AS.

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    Clearwater VP global marketing


    Canadian seafood expert, Clearwater Seafoods, has appointed Don Holdsworth as Vice President global marketing.

  • Illegal fisher charged with fisheries and environmental offences

    Australia jails Vietnamese poachers


    Illegal foreign fishers have been convicted for breaches of the Fisheries Management Act 1991 (FMA Act) and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).