Latest News – Page 292

  • Patrick Hughes

    New head for Seafood Scotland


    Patrick Hughes has been appointed as the new Head of Seafood Scotland, the organisation set up to increase the value of return to the Scottish seafood sector.

  • Ásbjörn

    HB Grandi, volumes and values down


    According to information published by Icelandic fishing company HB Grandi its fleet landed 141,867 tonnes of fish valued at ISK14 billion during 2016. This a 19% reduction in volume compared to its 2015 catch levels, and catch values fell by 16%.

  • Investors are now in negotiation with Northlight Seafood

    Taking mussel farming to another level


    Northlight Seafood is ready to start production and embark on its ambitious project after years of research.

  • Konráð Alfreðsson

    Seamen’s dissatisfaction runs deep


    According to Konráð Alfreðsson, vice-chairman of Icelandic Seamen’s union Sjómannasamband Íslands (SÍ), there is deep dissatisfaction among seamen who are currently on strike.

  • The new vessel will be a tailored design for operation in heavy ice off the coast of Greenland

    Trawler design contract for Skipsteknisk


    Skipsteknisk AS has secured the design contract for a new Arctic factory freezer trawler for Niisa Trawl Aps, located in Nuuk, Greenland.

  • Australia and Papua New Guinea fight illegal fishing in joint patrol

    Australia and PNG in joint IUU patrol


    The Australian Border Force (ABF) and the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Defence Force Maritime Element conducted joint patrol to identify and intercept Vietnamese illegal fishing vessels.

  • “Wild catch” tuna tonnage expected to double

    Sustainably caught tuna forecast to double


    Demand for MSC-certified tuna and fishing industry interest is expected to see “wild catch” tuna tonnage double from the waters of the (PNA) in 2017.

  • News

    Rock lobster thieves high and dry


    Western Australia’s fisheries minister Joe Francis has branded stealing other fishermen’s rock lobster catches as un-Australian, and threatens severe penalties for those caught lifting someone else’s pots.

  • News

    Íslenski markaðurinn


    ppsjávarveiðiflotinn hefur lokið við að endurnýja skipakost sinn en útgerðirnar Ísfélagið, Síldarvinnslan og HB Grandi hafa fengið ný veiðiskip í hendur. Nú stendur yfir endurnýjun í flota botnveiðiskipa en nýju skipin á að afhenda í lok árs 2017. Samherji, FISK Seafood, HB Grandi, Rammi, Gunnvör og VSV fá öll ...

  • News

    Öll helstu samtök og stofnanir styðja IceFish 2017


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin og sjávarútvegsverðlaunin eiga rót að rekja til ársins 1984 og hafa meira en tvöfaldast að umfangi síðan þá. IceFish er haldin þriðja hvert ár að beiðni sýnenda en það tryggir að nýjar vörur og þjónusta eru kynntar á sýningunni sem hefur sannað sig sem mikilvægur viðburður á ...

  • News

    The Icelandic Market


    The Icelandic fisheries are at the forefront of sophistication in terms of technology, from navigation and fish-detection through to gear and equipment. The recent upgrading of Iceland's fishing vessels is well underway, bringing more energy efficient technology, new generation on-board handling and ice-less storage. The pelagic fleet completed its ...

  • News

    Leading associations support IceFish 2017


    This long-running event started in 1984 and has, since the first exhibition, more than doubled in size. The three year cycle of the show is a direct response to the wishes of the exhibiting companies, as it ensures they have new products on display at each event. The exhibition ...

  • UK fisheries minister George Eustice

    Latest phase of discard ban takes effect


    UK fisheries minister George Eustice announced on New Year’s Day that the latest phase of the discard ban for demersal species has now come into force.

  • Flateyri

    Ísfell’s new Flateyri aquaculture facility


    Icelandic fishing gear supplier Ísfell has established a facility at Flateyri in north-western Iceland for cleaning and servicing aquaculture cages, providing servies to the region’s growing aquaculture sector.

  • Busy year for Gullberg

    Busy year for Gullberg


    The Gullberg fish processing plant at Seyðisfjörður in Eastern Iceland has had a busy year, processing 3600 tonnes of groundfish.

  • MCS Network

    MCS Network celebrates a busy 2016


    According to the MSC Network’s executive director Harm Koster, in 2016 the Network promoted effective and efficient MCS to combat IUU fishing. In March it celebrated the fifth GFETW in Auckland, New Zealand.

  • Thai Union LPN

    Thai Union and LPN provide labour rights booklet to ?migrant workers


    Thai Union Group PCL, in collaboration with the Labour Rights Promotion Network Foundation (LPN), developed an educational labor rights booklet for migrant workers in Samut Sakhon.

  • News

    Sustainable solution success for Scottish Aquaculture


    An investment in Scotland’s first Thermolicer device is proving a success for Scottish Sea Farms (SSF).

  • Deeper WASSP

    Deeper widescan sounder from WASSP


    The New Zealand-based manufacturer of multibeam technology, WASSP Ltd, has released its new F3L, a low frequency wideband 80 kHz system.

  • Rainbow trout eggs with increased flavobacteriosis resistance

    Launching rainbow trout eggs


    AquaGen has identified two genetic markers (QTLs) with significant correlation to flavobacteriosis resistance that will be used in rainbow trout egg production.