Latest News – Page 295

  • Darian McBain speaking at the Trust Women Conference 2016

    Thai Union at Trust Women Conference 2016


    Thai Union has participated in the annual Trust Women Conference which discussed solutions to empower women fighting slavery worldwide.

  • Bass ban proposed

    Gill net ban for bass proposed


    Proposals to ban bass fishing with gill nets are causing concern among fishermen in southern England, who see their livelihoods under serious threat as one of the last fisheries open to them could be closed.

  • Mr Ewing was speaking at the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation Dinner Photo:

    Ewing spells out clarity on quotas


    Rural Economy Fergus Ewing has announced that the way fisheries quotas are allocated will remain unchanged once the devolution of new fisheries powers is confirmed.

  • Víkingur

    Quiet on herring grounds


    Things are quiet on the herring grounds west of Iceland at present. Now those who still have quotas to catch are expected to switch to blue whiting in Faroese waters while there is little herring to be seen in amounts worth catching.

  • Bigeye Tuna remains overfished in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Photo: NOAA

    ISSF calls for better measures to protect bigeye tuna


    Reducing catches of bigeye tuna and using non-entangling FADs to protect sharks are among the changes advocated for Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) fisheries by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF).

  • New test to help save Atlantic salmon by university scientists

    New diagnostic detects Atlantic salmon disease


    Scientists from the University of Glasgow have discovered a ‘simple test’ to help the diagnosis of a significant disease which affects Atlantic salmon.

  • Annual catch for the 4VWX purse seine herring fishery is 50,000 metric tonnes

    Canada’s largest herring fishery achieves MSC certification


    Canada''s 4VWX purse seine herring fishery in the Bay of Fundy area has become the third and largest Canadian herring fishery to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • Forever Faithful

    Scots fishing industry lobbies MPs on Brexit outcomes


    With MPs due to debate the future of the UK fishing industry in the House of Commons on 1st December, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) is underlining the real opportunity for sustainable economic growth that Brexit can deliver for coastal communities.

  • Sunderland001.jpg

    Sunderland Marine's three decades of aquaculture insurance


    Sunderland Marine is marking 30 years of insuring fish farms which is significantly longer than other global insurers in the aquaculture sector.

  • The WCPFC are set to meet on 5-9 December Photo: Giff Johnson

    PNA to Tuna Commission: Enforce high seas fishing measures


    The head of the Parities to the Nauru Agreement fisheries block said the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) should focus on controlling fishing on the high seas.

  • SSF and NFFO agreed on common principles for Brexit negotiations

    UK federations adopt united stance


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) have delivered a joint stance in relation to forthcoming Brexit negotiations.

  • The company also operates whitefish trawlers Ringbas and Victoria May

    Money well spent


    Agnar Lyng is more than simply a fishing vessel owner. He has built a hard-earned reputation across the Norwegian and international fishing industry as a shrewd businessman who knows what he is talking about. So when he gives an opinion on the products or services of any company, people take ...

  • The Marine Instruments --VMS uses GSM instead of satellite communications

    UK type approves inshore VMS


    The UK Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has provided type approval for Marine Instruments’ i-VMS system after it has met all the technical requirements set by the British government.

  • The new regulation will apply from 1 January 2017

    MEPs end days at sea for cod fisheries


    Parliament have updated its regulation to remove limits on the number of days a vessel can spend in a fishing area and thus remove all obstacles to comply with the landing obligation in full.

  • Mermaid Marine sales manager Julian Osborne and product support manager Stephen Atkins with one of the JCB workhorses

    Mermaid Marine’s JCB workhorse


    The Mermaid and Ford names are inextricably linked, as for more than forty years UK-based Mermaid Marine marinised and supplied Ford diesel engines for commercial and leisure use, and there are thousands of Ford engines in use across Europe and beyond that have their origins in Mermaid Marine’s Poole workshops.

  • Aquaculture Innovation Challenge will begin on 6 December

    Innovation meets investment


    The Aquaculture Innovation Challenge will be started by the Seafood Trad Intelligence Portal, Fresh Studio and Solidaridad on 6 December.

  • Australian study finds that seismic surveys kill scallops

    Seismic surveys kill scallops


    The effects of seismic survey acoustics on adult rock lobsters and scallops has been investigated by the University of Tasmania.

  • Annual Meeting of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission took place 14-18 November in London

    NEAFC adopts measures for 2017


    The conversation and management measures for 2017 were adopted at the recent 35th Annual Meeting of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC).

  • Mauritania confirmed its interest in the MACAPEL project Photo: Bertramz

    Progress on EU-Mauritania Fisheries Partnership


    The Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Mauritania has made another step forward after a Joint Committee, held at the initiative of the EU, took place in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

  • The Darwin Plus project will assess the current stock of conch and spiny lobsters in the Anegada Horseshoe Reef Fisheries Protected Area

    Cefas projects in UK overseas territories


    A £228,500 Darwin Plus grant has been announced to support UK overseas territories in the Caribbean manage their marine fisheries and develop their fisheries in a sustainable manner.