Latest News – Page 296

  • Volker Kuntzsch, Sanford CEO

    Sanford’s move from volume to value


    Sanford Limited has announced a 152% increase in net profit after tax to $34.7m.

  • Previous winners of funding include Suriname coastal artisanal fisheries

    Second round opens for Global Fisheries Sustainability Fund


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has opened the second round of its research and capacity building fund to help fisheries achieve the MSC standard for sustainable fishing.

  • Tuco High Pressure Cleaning Boats sold to Norwegian AKVA Group

    Tuco to deliver net cleaning boats for Norwegian fish farm


    Two ProZero 15m boats from Tuco Marine have been sold as High Pressure Cleaning Boats to Norwegian AKVA Group.

  • The agreement reduces the TACs of most stocks including all stocks of roundnose grenadier Photo: NOAA

    Deep sea quotas agreement


    EU fisheries ministers have agreed on the 2017 and 2018 fishing limits (or TACs) for 19 deep-sea stocks, the first time in six years they have reached a unanimous agreement on quotas.

  • Exporting Galician know-how

    Exporting Galician freezer know-how


    Based at La Coruña in Galicia, Tucal specialises in marine and industrial refrigeration equipment and air conditioning, and is has a long track record behind it of supplying plate freezers, ice machines, blast freezers and compact units.

  • Karmenu Vella: “We are announcing an agenda for improving the way oceans are managed, reducing human pressure on our oceans”

    International ocean governance: EU's contribution


    The European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy have adopted a Joint Communication which proposes actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans.

  • ISSF has released its position statement

    ISSF sets its position ahead of ICCAT meeting


    In advance of the 20th Special Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its position statement.

  • News

    French doors for Icelandic conditions


    Morgère works closely with its Icelandic distributor Ísfell, which brings the trawl door designer into close contact with skippers to work on developments and new ideas, and several times Morgère's design team has come up with ways to resolve problems that Icelandic skippers have been faced with.“Iceland is a ...

  • News

    Demersal up, pelagic down


    Demersal landings were up over the last quota year by 24,000 tonnes bringing the total demersal catch to 488,000 tonnes. The overall catch came to 1,047,000 tonnes, according to the figures made available by the Directorate of Fisheries.The 2015-16 cod allocation of 235,000 tonnes was added to with 8,531 ...

  • News

    Botnfiskur upp, uppsjávarfiskur niður


    Afli uppsjávarfisks jókst um 24.000 tonn miðað við kvóta fyrra árs og varð afli hans því 488.000 tonn. Heildarafli kvótaársins varð 1.047.000 tonn samkvæmt tölum frá ráðuneyti sjávarútvegsmála.Á kvótaárinu 2015-16 var úthlutað alls 235.000 tonnum en við það bættust 8.5312 tonna afli strandveiðibáta og 3.328 tonna afli vegna línuívilnunar. ...

  • News

    Franskir toghlerar fyrir íslenskar aðstæður


    Morgère vinnur í nánum tengslum við íslenska dreifingaraðilann Ísfell sem stuðlar að öflugum tengslum toghlerahönnuðarins við skipstjóra til þess að vinna að framþróun og nýjum hugmyndum. Hönnunarteymi Morgère hefur margsinnir fundið leiðir til þess að takast á við vandamál sem íslensku skipstjórarnir hafa glímt við.„Íslenska markaðssvæðið er okkur afar ...

  • News

    TGV Zimsen tilnefndur opinber vörustjórnandi Icefish 2017


    TVG Zimsen er í eigu Eimskips, hefur sérhæft sig í flutningaþjónustu af öllu tagi og er opinber samstarfsaðili Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar hvað vörustjórnun varðar. TVG Zimsen annast bæði flutninga til sýningarinnar og sér um búnað og sýningarmuni sem senda á til baka þegar sýningunni er lokið.„Við höfum tekið þátt í ...

  • News

    TVG Zimsen appointed official logistics company for Icefish 2017


    Owned by shipping company Eimskip, TVG Zimsen is a freight forwarding specialist and is IceFish's official logistic partner, handling both inward freight and dealing with equipment and exhibits that need to be returned once the exhibition is over.“We have been involved with IceFish for many years, but this is ...

  • The Ocean Energy Forum handed over to Commissioner Vella the results from its strategic roadmap; Building Ocean Energy for Europe

    Vella welcomes strategic ocean energy roadmap


    Commissioner Vella has welcomed the Ocean Energy Forum results from 18 months’ worth of work on the future of ocean energy in Europe.

  • Icelandic fleet strikes

    Iceland’s fleet steams home


    Iceland’s fishing fleet hauled its gear at 2300 last night and headed for home as a resolution could not be found in the long-running negotiations between vessel owners and unions.

  • Pros and cons of using CO2

    Pros and cons of using CO2


    Dutch company Vink is no stranger to refrigeration for the food business, but is a newcomer to fishing and brings some new thinking to producing ice at sea.

  • Wholesalers are being asked to look out for an overly red/pink colour and significant liquid in the pack

    Seafish warning over low grade tuna


    Seafish says that some low grade tuna is being placed on the UK market and being mis-sold as high-grade tuna after being injected with fermented vegetable extract in order to restore its red colour.

  • Sunderland Marine sells its Seattle branch

    Sunderland Marine consolidates in North America


    Sunderland Marine Insurance Company have confirmed the sale of its Seattle branch completes the consolidation of its operations in North America.

  • Plastix transforms discarded fishing nets and trawls into valuable raw materials

    Addressing plastification of the oceans


    An EU funded project has demonstrated that maritime waste including used fishing nets can be transformed into high quality plastic raw materials at a competitive price.

  • The partners want Vella to align the CFP with international and national standards

    Commissioner in dialogue with European social partners


    EU social partners have met with Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, to discuss the pressing issues facing the fishing sector, including health and working conditions at sea.