Latest News – Page 298

  • News

    New shrimp feed from Cargill


    Cargill has introduced a new shrimp feed produced exclusively for automated feeders using acoustic technology.

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    MoB demonstration in Weymouth


    The RNLI and Selfish are hosting a fishermen’s safety event in Weymouth on 26 October to demonstrate a man overboard safety exercise.

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    Management changes at Marine Harvest


    Marine Harvest is strengthening the management structure of its farming division to take into account biological challenges and succession planning.

  • Vaki is focused on the design and manufacture of fish handling, counting and grading solutions

    Pentair acquires Vaki


    Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc (PAES) has entered into an agreement to acquire Vaki, a leading aquaculture equipment manufacturer based in Kópavogur, Iceland.

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    Gæði auka verðmæti


    Um síðustu helgi var haldin móttaka hjá Vinnslustöðinni í Vestmannaeyjum (VSV) og á fimmta hundrað gesta var boðið að skoða nýjan vinnslubúnað uppsjávarafla en verksmiðjan hefur verið endurnýjuð og uppfærð með nýjustu blástursfrystingartækni og umtalsverðri sjálfvirkni í nýjasta hlusta hennar.Við hönnun á nýja uppsjávarhúsinu valdi VSV þá leið að ...

  • News

    Quality means value


    A reception was held at Vinnslustöðin (VSV) factory last weekend, with more than four hundred guests invited to look over the company's pelagic processing factory following its having been re-equipped and upgraded with blast freezer technology, with a great deal of automation incorporated in the new facility.In designing its ...

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    Icelandair Group styður Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna


    „Icelandair Group hefur stutt okkur allt frá fyrstu Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 1984 og það er okkur auðvitað mikið ánægjuefni að geta haldið áfram þessu langvarandi samstarfi við samsteypuna en innan hennar eru Icelandair, helsta flugfélag Íslands með afbragðsgott net áfangastaða til farþegaflutnings frá Íslandi til bæði Norður-Ameríku og Evrópu, og ...

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    Icelandair Group Sponsors IceFish


    “They have been behind us right from the inception of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition in 1984 and we are naturally very pleased to be able to continue this longstanding co-operation with Icelandair Group whose daughter companies are Icelandair, Iceland's premier air carrier which has an excellent network of routes ...

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    IceFish, er lykilvettvangur danskra birgja


    Útgerðartæknihópur Útflutningsráðs Danmerkur hefur um langa hríð stöðugt orðið meira áberandi á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni og sýning næsta árs verður þar engin undantekning. Gert er ráð fyrir því að umtalsverður fjöldi danskra fyrirtækja með sérþekkingu á allt frá kælingu og vélbúnaði til veiðarfæra verði með í danska sýningarbásnum.„Við lítum svo ...

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    IceFish, a key platform for Denmark


    The Danish Export Association's Fish Tech Group has had an increasingly visible and energetic presence at IceFish going back many years and 2017 will be no exception as a substantial group of Danish companies with expertise ranging from refrigeration to engines to fishing gear are expected to take part ...

  • Brexit opportunities to be discussed by Scottish leaders in Parliament

    Scottish fishing highlights Brexit opportunities


    Scottish fishing leaders are holding a series of meetings with key government representatives to promote the opportunities that Brexit can deliver for Scotland’s costal communities.

  • Sturlaugur H Böðvarsson

    Sitting out the storm


    “The quota year got off to a good start. The main difference compared to past years is that since August we have had to work harder to catch cod. Before that it was more of a hindrance to us,” said Eiríkur Jónsson, skipper of HB Grandi’s trawler Sturlaugur H. Böðvarsson.

  • Dr Aqorau is the latest addition to ISSF board

    Pacific tuna expert and advocate joins ISSF board


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has added Dr Transform Aqorau to its board of directors.

  • Arne Røksund and Ilja Vasiljevitsj Sjestakov sign the Norwegian-Russian agreement in Moss

    Norway and Russia agree Barents Sea quotas


    The latest agreement between Russia and Norway on Barents Sea groundfish quotas marks forty years of collaboration on resource management in the region

  • Scottish fishermen will have increased catching opportunities for north-east Atlantic mackerel in 2017

    Scottish mackerel quota up


    Scottish fishermen will have increased catching opportunities for north-east Atlantic mackerel in 2017 following an agreement reached at coastal state negotiations between the EU, Norway and the Faroe Islands.

  • Ten years of AMFA’s National Surveillance and Response Section

    AFMA National Surveillance and Response anniversary


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority''s (AFMA) National Surveillance and Response Section has celebrated ten years of delivering specialist fisheries advice to support investigations into cases of illegal fishing.

  • Pelagic production upgraded at VSV

    VSV pelagic plant ready for production


    Last weekend Westmann Islands fishing and processing company Vinnslustöðin hf. í Vestmannaeyjum (VSV) opened its doors and more than four hundred visitors came to look over the new pelagic production facility.

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    Cargill disease innovation centre


    Cargill and EWOS have marked a significant milestone in addressing fish health and disease prevention with the inauguration of its new US$10.5 million Cargill Innovation Center.

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    Western Australia's gold standard in fisheries


    Fisheries Minister Joe Francis has welcomed the latest Department of Fisheries scorecard on Western Australia’s aquatic resources.

  • Lerøy Midt signs contract with Baader

    Lerøy Midt signs contract with Baader


    Norwegian producer Lerøy Midt went to Baader in Germany to supply the new 100,000 tonne capacity factory it is building near Trondheim at Jøsnøya on the island of Hitra.