Latest News – Page 300

  • News

    Sæplast, revolutionising fish handling


    The arrival of the Sæplast tub revolutionised much of the way the fishing industry operated as boxes were phased out of the fishrooms of fishing vessels from large trawlers to inshore day boats and tubs took their places. At the same time, processing ashore changed out of all recognition ...

  • News

    Mixing business and pleasure


    The company's focus is on servicing all sectors of the fleet, with a range that covers everything from inshore jigging boats all the way up to the largest purse seiners. According to managing director Gunnar Skúlason, Ísfell doesn't stop at fishing gear, but also carries an inventory of stores ...

  • News

    Nú er komið að endurnýjun botnfiskveiðiflotans


    Útgerðarfyrirtækin Ísfélagið, Síldarvinnslan og HB Grandi hafa öll fengið nýja togara til veiða á uppsjávarfiski síðustu árin og um áramót hefst afhending á mörgum nýjum botnfiskskipum.Samherji, FISK Seafood, HB Grandi, Rammi, Gunnvör og VSV, auk dótturfyrirtækja Samherja í öðrum löndum, fjárfesta nú í nýjum botnfiskskipum en þau eru í ...

  • News

    Sæplast bylti allri meðferð afla


    Kerin frá Sæplasti voru byltingarkennt nýmæli í allri meðferð afla og gjörbreyttu starfsemi fiskvinnslunnar. Kössunum var ýtt til hliðar í lestum fiskveiðiskipa, allt frá stórum togurum til dagróðrarbáta, en kerin komu í þeirra stað. Á sama tíma gjörbreyttist vinnslan í landi þegar ker sem auðvelt var að þrífa og ...

  • News

    Góð blanda viðskipta og notalegrar samveru


    Fyrirtækið leggur áherslu á að veita fiskveiðiflotanum alhliða þjónustu og hefur upp á að bjóða útgerðarvörur fyrir allt frá smábátum og upp í stærstu togara. Gunnar Skúlason er framkvæmdastjóri Ísfells og hann segir að fyrirtækið bjóði upp á fleira en veiðarfæri, það selji bókstaflega allt það sem til þarf ...

  • The new UFI fishmeal and fish oil plant’s sparkling array of processing systems

    UFI and Pelagia open €30m redeveloped fishmeal and fish oil plant in Killybegs


    Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Michael Creed officially opened the new UFI fishmeal plant in Killybegs at an event tht brought together suppliers of raw materials from the processing and catching sectors, residents, representatives from the Department of the Marine, Donegal TD’s and local area county councillors, all ...

  • Best practice showcased at the SOI Global Dialogue in Seoul

    Mediterranean co-operation


    The best practice for the implementation of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goal 14 in the Mediterranean was discussed at the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue.

  • Positive pelagic advice

    Positive pelagic advice


    The new that Norway’s Institute of Marine Research (IMR) has given advice for mackerel quotas to be increased by 22%, blue whiting by 77% and Atlanto-Scandian herring by 104% has been welcomed by the fishing industry.

  • The Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument is a World Heritage listed US National Monument

    NWHI Monument fishery advisory


    The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council is to advise on President Obama’s proclamation to expand the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI).

  • Baader has launched its new technology centre in Lübeck

    Baader launches new Lübeck technology centre


    Baader’s new technology centre in the German city of Lübeck is designed to bring experts together to showcase the latest processing technologies.

  • News

    Canada take the lead in protecting fish stocks


    Canada will work with its international partners in order to try and ensure sustainable fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, to promote economic growth and benefits for those living in coastal communities.

  • Phil Macmullen: "Seafish was happy to be approached to look at the potential for new technology"

    Call for new fishing net technology


    A new report is calling on industry to invest in new fishing net technology to reduce the impacts of bottom-trawling.

  • Europêche has hit back at Commission's proposed cuts to Baltic Cod

    Small-scale fishermen lose out


    Europêche has hit back at the Commission’s 2017 proposals for Baltic cod allocations, which sees an 88% decrease from last year’s figures.

  • Local fishermen should be at heart of EU fisheries policy

    EU fisheries policy


    The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has welcomed proposals from the European Commission to simplify the Common Fisheries Policy.

  • 'Akurey' has an overall length of 54.75m and a beam of 13.50m Photo: Celiktrans

    Newbuild HB Grandi trawler launch


    The second of three new trawlers for HB Grandi has been launched at the Celiktrans shipyard in Turkey.

  • The Fish Site and the University of St Andrews are offering a new range of modular short courses for aquaculture studies

    St Andrews offers modular short courses


    From September 2016, The Fish Site and the University of St Andrews will be offering a new range of modular short courses for students wanting to target their aquaculture studies on a specific topic.

  • Landing Baltic cod

    Commission proposes reduced cod quota


    The European Commission has moved to bolster measures for Baltic cod by proposing reduced quotas for both western and eastern cod amounts for 2017.

  • News

    Brexit opportunities for Scotland


    Ahead of the Holyrood parliamentary debate on Brexit and Scotland’s rural economy, the Scottish fishing industry has been handed an opportunity for significant boosts to investment and employment.

  • Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) bigeye tuna is still overfished Credit: Allen Shimada, NOAA NMFS OST

    Tuna mostly fished from healthy stocks


    The global commercial catch of tuna reached 5 million tonnes in 2014 with most being fished from healthy stocks, says the latest ISSF Tuna Stock Status Update published by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF).

  • Europêche president Javier Garat

    30% closure recommendation outrages industry


    Europêche, the representative body of the EU fishing sector and EAPO, the European body representing the producer organisations, has expressed its outrage at the decision taken by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to set an ambitious target with the aim of closing off 30% of all marine ...