Latest News – Page 301

  • News

    Poachers in Aussie waters convicted


    The Australian Border Force (ABF) and the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) have convicted 16 illegal foreign fishermen.

  • Vietnam's Ben Tre clam fishery has been re-certified

    Vietnam clam fishery re-certified


    The Ben Tre hand gathered clam fishery, based in Vietnam, has been re-certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Vigor’s new Freezer Longliner design is based on the highly successful Marco Longliner

    New Freezer Longliner from Vigor


    Vigor is set to unveiled a new 142” Freezer Longliner at this year’s Pacific Marine Expo which takes place in November.

  • MPEDA chairman Dr A Jayathilak, SEAI secretary general Elias Sait and MPEDA secretary B Sreekumar

    India International Seafood Show opens tomorrow


    The India International Seafood Show (IISS) opens tomorrow in the port city of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, and has a theme of ‘Safe and Sustainable Indian Aquaculture’ running through the event.

  • The new facility in Redcar, Teeside, will produce FeedKind protein

    Calysta opens new production facility


    US biotechnology expert, Calysta, has opened a new production facility in the UK to upscale its production of a novel aquaculture protein that aims to help meet the protein demands of the world’s growing population.

  • One of Julie’s crew with the bird-tracking radar supplied by Furuno

    Birds of a feather


    Tuna fishermen in the Maldives seek the help of nature’s best fish finder as the International Pole & Line Foundation and Furuno USA partner on trial of bird-tracking radar technology in sustainable tuna fisheries.

  • Sorting the catch during the herring survey

    Herring survey


    A pioneering industry-led survey of a key west of Scotland herring fishery is paving the way for fishermen to provide scientific support to fisheries management.

  • Mr Chung introduced the formation of an elected welfare committee

    Promoting good labour practices


    Thai Union has briefed delegates on good labour practices from the ASEAN CSR Network at its facilities in Samut Sakhon province.

  • Seacon’s new SC75 well boat design has a 3000 cubic metre capacity

    Marine Harvest well boat order


    DESS/MHG (Marine Harvest) has signed a contract for its new well boats with Artic Group Ships. The SC75 boats are designed by Seacon and get the designation SC75 and the contract is for a single vessel with options for as many as three. The first delivery is planned for the ...

  • The Santy Maria was launched in Nelson on 1 September

    New Moana vessel launched in NZ


    A new state-of-the-art vessel has been built for fisherman Roger Rawlinson as the first vessel in Moana New Zealand’s AUS$25-30m fleet renewal project.

  • News

    Marine monuments designation statement


    The Seafood Harvesters of America have released a statement on the Administration’s Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument designation.

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    Online tool to monitor commercial fishing


    Oceana, SkyTruth and Google have launched a new online technology platform that allows anyone in the world free access to monitor and track the activities of the large commercial fishing vessels in near real-time.

  • News

    First BAP certified sea bass farm


    Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) has added its first BAP-certified sea bass farm to the programme.

  • The structure combines living accommodation for the crew with ships supplying feed and other requirements

    Offshore fish farming gathers momentum


    The first major offshore fish farm for the Norwegian company Ocean Farming is being developed by Global Maritime Consultancy and Engineering and is scheduled for installation early next year off Norway.

  • News

    Nú er komið að endurnýjun botnfiskflotans


    Samherji, FISK Seafood, HB Grandi, Rammi, Gunnvör og VSV auk dótturfyrirtækja Samherja erlendis standa nú öll að fjárfestingum í nýjum botnfisktogurum sem eru í smíðum í Tyrklandi, Noregi og Kína.Í síðustu viku voru tvö ný skip sjósett. Í Tersan-skipasmíðastöðinni var Sólberg í eigu Ramma sjósett en skipið á að ...

  • News

    Groundfish's turn for fleet renewal


    The pelagic fleet has been through much of this process already. Ísfélagið, Síldarvinnslan and HB Grandi have all taken delivery of new vessels in the last couple of years, and now it's the turn of the groundfish fleet with both freezers and fresher trawlers on the way.Samherji, FISK ...

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    Besta leiðin til að komast í samband við lykilmenn við ákvarðanatöku í sjávarútvegi


    Allt stefnir í að íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2017 verði engin eftirbátur hinna fyrri því stöðugt bætist við. Árið 2014 komu fram nýir sýnendur og urðu alls um 500 frá 32 löndum, auk þess sem rúmlega 15.000 gestir frá á sjötta tug landa lögðu leið sína í Kópavog til þess að ...

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    Key route to industry decision-makers


    The first exhibition in 1984 was held in Reykjavík, Icefish outgrew its original venue in the late nineties and relocated to its new home at the Smárinn Sports Hall in Kópavogur.2017 is set to be no exception as the interest in IceFish continues to grow steadily. 2014 brought ...

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    Viðskiptavini Hampiðjunnar er að finna á nær öllum helstu fiskveiðisvæðum heims og mikil eftirspurn er eftir vörum fyrirtækisins. Hampiðjan á sér langa og merkilega sögu um framleiðslu úrvals veiðarfæra, allt frá ofurköðlum og nýsköpun á sviði togveiðibúnaðar til þróunar á hágæðaefnum til framleiðslu á fjölbreyttu úrvali veiðarfæra.Hampiðjan hóf snemma ...

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    Key platform


    The list of Hampiðjan's achievements is a striking one, ranging from self-spreading ropes and innovative trawl gear designs to the key factor of the materials used for constructing a variety of fishing gears.‘We have an ongoing programme of research and development,' said Hampiðjan's Haraldur Árnason. ‘It's not enough ...