Latest News – Page 302

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    Íslensk tækniþróun í fararbroddi á heimsvísu


    Marel er eitt þeirra íslensku tæknifyrirtækja sem hvað mestrar velgengni nýtur. Í fyrstu var það einungis birgir fyrir íslensk sjávarútvegsfyrirtæki en hefur nú tryggt sér sess í fararbroddi tækniþróunar fiskvinnslubúnaðar á heimsvísu ásamt því að nýta sér reynsluna af fiskvinnslu við vinnslu kjöts og fiðurfénaðar.   Vörumerki Marel er ...

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    World leading technology from Iceland


    It has become a brand that can be seen practically everywhere, with the distinctive Marel logo visible on scales and grading systems in auction halls, on fishing vessels and in processing plants all over the world. Over the years Marel has grown significantly, and today has its ...

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    Nú er komið að endurnýjun botnfiskflotans


    Samherji, FISK Seafood, HB Grandi, Rammi, Gunnvör og VSV auk dótturfyrirtækja Samherja erlendis standa nú öll að fjárfestingum í nýjum botnfisktogurum sem eru í smíðum í Tyrklandi, Noregi og Kína.Í síðustu viku voru tvö ný skip sjósett. Í Tersan-skipasmíðastöðinni var Sólberg í eigu Ramma sjósett en skipið á að ...

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    Besta leiðin til að komast í samband við lykilmenn við ákvarðanatöku í sjávarútvegi


    Allt stefnir í að íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2017 verði engin eftirbátur hinna fyrri því stöðugt bætist við. Árið 2014 komu fram nýir sýnendur og urðu alls um 500 frá 32 löndum, auk þess sem rúmlega 15.000 gestir frá á sjötta tug landa lögðu leið sína í Kópavog til þess að ...

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    Viðskiptavini Hampiðjunnar er að finna á nær öllum helstu fiskveiðisvæðum heims og mikil eftirspurn er eftir vörum fyrirtækisins. Hampiðjan á sér langa og merkilega sögu um framleiðslu úrvals veiðarfæra, allt frá ofurköðlum og nýsköpun á sviði togveiðibúnaðar til þróunar á hágæðaefnum til framleiðslu á fjölbreyttu úrvali veiðarfæra.Hampiðjan hóf snemma ...

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    Íslensk tækniþróun í fararbroddi á heimsvísu


    Vörumerki Marel er nú orðið að finna því sem næst alls staðar, á vogum og flokkunarkerfum, í uppboðssölum, um borð í fiskiskipum og hjá fiskvinnslufyrirtækjum um heim allan. Marel hefur stækkað umtalsvert með árunum en höfuðstöðvar þess eru í Garðabær. Þar er að finna bæði skrifstofur fyrirtækisins og umfangsmiklar ...

  • Blue Harvest continues to strive into scallops market

    Scallops business acquisition


    Blue Harvest Fisheries has acquired High Liner Food’s scallop and processing facility in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

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    EU adopts new conservation measures


    The European Commission has adopted two regulations that will facilitate two Member States to comply with European environmental legislation to protect natural environments.

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    Mucosal Mapping Method wins award


    Norway’s Quantidoc AS has been announced as the winner of the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s fourth annual Preferred Freezer Services Global Aquaculture Innovation & Leadership Award.

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    ICES Annual Science Conference 2016 to be held in Latvia


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will hold its Annual Science Conference (ASC) in the Latvian capital, Riga, for the very first time.

  • Quentin Bates is the new editor of World Fishing & Aquaculture

    Quentin Bates takes over as WF&A editor


    Mercator Media Ltd has appointed Quentin Bates as the new editor of World Fishing & Aquaculture.

  • The contract has been signed with DESS Aquaculture Shipping, a joint venture company established by Marine Harvest Norway and Deep Sea Supply

    Kleven signs contract for fish harvesting vessel


    Kleven has signed a contract to build a fish harvesting vessel for carrying salmon from fish farms to processing plants for a joint venture between Marine Harvest Norway and Deep Sea Supply.

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    PNA Ministers Meeting on tuna


    Ministers and officials from eight Pacific islands met in Kiribati in July at the annual PNA Ministers Meeting to address conservation and business management issues for the multi-billion dollar western and central Pacific tuna fishery.

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    Blue Harvest Fisheries acquires seafood processor


    Blue Harvest Fisheries, LLC has announced the acquisition of Hygrade Ocean Products Inc., a New Bedford, Massachusetts, based processor and distributor of scallops, cod, and other premium fish products.

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    Union gives ‘guarded’ welcome to plans to tackle slavery


    New UK government plans to tackle substandard working conditions at sea by enforcing the provisions of the Modern Slavery Act came into force on 8 August.

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    Research into polymer coatings for food processing surfaces


    Researchers are investigating special new coatings that are more resistant to bacteria and other microbes than the food contact surfaces that are used now.

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    High Liner to sell scallop business


    High Liner Foods has reached an agreement with Blue Harvest Fisheries to sell its processing facility and scallop business in New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA.

  • Fuelling a trawler in Iceland. The drop in fuel prices has been a huge boost to fishing companies

    Make hay while the sun shines


    Fishing has emerged from a tough decade into a relatively bright landscape, and in many parts of the world, fish stocks are stronger than they have ever been.

  • A lumpsucker eats more or less whatever it comes across. Credit: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen/Krysspress

    Nofima breeding lice-eating lumpfish


    Scientists at Nofima have begun breeding lumpsucker (lumpfish) families which have a special liking for consuming salmon lice.

  • Fishermen’s Wall of Remembrance at the Plymouth Barbican

    Minimal safety training increases risk to fishermen


    UK authority Seafish has expressed grave concerns that not enough fully trained new blood is entering an industry with a fatality at work record 30 times greater than any other UK occupation, reports Bryan Gibson.