Latest News – Page 315

  • News

    GSI expands with new associate members


    The Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) has announced that three industry feed companies - Biomar, Cargill (former EWOS) and Skretting - have joined the GSI as associate members.

  • Consumption of fishery and aquaculture products in the EU increasing

    EU imports increase by one billion a year


    Demand for fishery and aquaculture products in the EU is strong, with consumption per capita increasing, according to the latest Monthly Highlights from European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA).

  • Graham Doswell is World Animal Protection UK’s new Sea Change Champion

    Sea Change Champion


    A small scale fisherman from Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK, has won World Animal Protection UK’s Sea Change Champion Award, for tackling the problem of ghost fishing gear.

  • A screenshot from Vestmannaey’s wheelhouse showing the Poseidon trawl doors responding to the skipper’s alterations

    Taking trawl doors to a new level


    There has been plenty of development of trawl doors since the days when they were just that; arrays of heavy oak planks bound up in an iron frames, hence the name. WF&A''s new columnist, Quentin Bates, reports.

  • When discarded in the marine environment, plastic garbage can become an environmental and health hazard. Credit: Wolfram Burner/CC BY-NC 2.0, via Flickr

    The plastic menace


    The worldwide production of plastics has increased considerably since the middle of the 20th century.

  • Marine Harvest was awarded the top prize for retail packaging at Seafood Expo Global

    New packaging extends fish freshness and improves appearance


    The world’s biggest Atlantic salmon company, Marine Harvest, has combined two packaging techniques to prolong the freshness of its ASC Salmon Traiteur Loin produced in France.

  • Matlaw’s has announced the debut of its new recyclable plastic tray packaging

    Matlaw's new recyclable tray


    US seafood company, Matlaw’s, has announced the debut of its new, bold, and blue recyclable plastic tray packaging.

  • News

    Fish processing market worth $222.71bn by 2021


    A new report has projected that the fish processing market will reach US$222.71bn in terms of value, at a compound annual growth of 3.8% from 2016 to 2021 and 37,194.98 KT in terms of volume by 2021, at a compound annual growth of 2.2% from 2016 to 2021.

  • News

    Hilton reinforces commitment to responsibly source seafood


    Hilton Worldwide announced multi-year sustainable seafood goals on World Oceans Day, in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

  • The chief executive of the Western Australian Fishing Industry Council has urged industry experts to examine the closure of a shark fishery, citing concerns about public safety and seafood supply

    Reopening shark fishery could boost seafood supply


    Reopening Western Australia’s metropolitan shark fishery could benefit public safety and give a much needed boost to the supply of premium seafood, according to a fishing industry chief.

  • News

    Invasive species solution wins Fishackathon 2016


    The global winner of the third annual Fishackathon has been awarded to Team Akubic from Taiwan, for their Great Lakes Savior which seeks to control populations of the invasive Asian carp.

  • Skipjack tuna. Credit: iStock

    MSC certification for skipjack and yellowfin tuna


    The Tri Marine Western and Central Pacific skipjack and yellowfin tuna fishery has achieved MSC certification for free school tuna caught using its purse seine vessels.

  • Greenpeace has countered claims that leaving the EU will benefit the UK's fishing industry

    Greenpeace rebuts Brexit fishing claims


    Greenpeace has weighed in on the Brexit debate after David Cameron and Boris Johnson clashed over the impact of the European Union on the UK’s fishing industry.

  • News

    Ghana pilots life insurance scheme for fishermen


    Ghanaian Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Sherry Ayittey, has advised fishermen in the country to take advantage of the government’s Fishermen Life Insurance policy.

  • News

    Combatting negative consumer perceptions


    A workshop being hosted by Seafish at the end of June hopes to educate the seafood industry on the importance of having a Social License to Operate (SLO), and how it affects the industry in the eyes of the public.

  • The 'Sustainable seafood and responsible investment' report has been published by Aviva Investors and the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership

    Improved sustainability needed to protect global supply


    A new report says that investors must do more to push seafood companies to adopt progressive policies that enhance the sustainability of fishing and fish farming and reduce the potential for environmental and human rights abuses.

  • News

    Cleaner fish project wins innovation award


    Scottish Sea Farms was crowned winner of the Scottish Food & Drink Excellence Award for Innovation last week, for its pioneering approach to sea lice control.

  • News

    Landau wins UK fishing vessel contract


    Landau UK has won a three year contract with Defra and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to provide engineering services for the testing of engine power of fishing vessels around the UK.

  • The volume of global wild seafood catch that is MSC certified has almost doubled since 2010. Credit: MSC/James Morgan

    Sustainable catch doubled since 2010


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has published a new report which shows how effective management and improvements made by MSC certified fisheries are delivering measurable, positive impacts in the oceans.

  • The Saildrone research platform is equipped with technologies to collect oceanographic data. Credit: Saildrone Inc.

    NOAA and partners chart new territory


    NOAA Research and NOAA Fisheries have teamed up with academic and private sector partners to test innovative technologies that, if successful, will enable researchers to gather information in areas of the ocean virtually off limits to standard research vessels.