Latest News – Page 317

  • News

    US company close to three-star BAP catfish


    SouthFresh Aquaculture, a US-based catfish processor, is one step closer to being eligible to offer three-star Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) catfish.

  • Agreements have been made on management measures for skipjack and yellowfin tuna stocks in the Indian Ocean. Credit: Taro Taylor/CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

    Progress made by Indian Ocean tuna fisheries


    The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) concluded this year’s annual session with agreements on landmark measures for the region’s skipjack and yellowfin tuna stocks.

  • NOAA Fisheries has released it new economic report. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA releases fishing report for 2014


    According to a new economic report released by NOAA Fisheries, commercial and recreational saltwater fishing in the United States generated more than $214 billion in sales and supported 1.83 million jobs in 2014.

  • White Spot Syndrome Virus-infected tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. Image courtesy of Dr A.S. Sahul Hameed, C. Abdul Hakeem College, India

    Alleviating poverty through disease control


    Swansea University has attracted over £2m in funding to alleviate poverty within poor farming communities in Bangladesh and India by controlling disease risk in fish and crustacean aquaculture.

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    Peter Redmond to leave GAA


    Peter Redmond, vice president of market development for the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) division, is leaving the organisation after eight years.

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    PNA pays tribute to Palau Fisheries leader, Nannette Malsol


    Dr Transform Aqorau, CEO of Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), has paid tribute to the late Nannette Dilly Malsol, head of Palau Fisheries who passed away on Thursday after a difficult battle with cancer.

  • News

    Ireland announces €4.3m for processing and aquaculture


    Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, has announced the award of €4.3 million in grants to 51 seafood enterprises under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Operational Programme for the seafood sector.

  • Concept design of the new Earthrace vessel

    New vessel to help fight illegal fishing


    New Zealand campaign group, Earthrace Conservation, has unveiled concept designs of its new 60m trimaran to be used for conservation missions around the world.

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    New SFP fishery improvement projects rating system


    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) has announced a new evaluation tool and grading system for fishery improvement projects (FIPs).

  • The Holmsgarth North jetty under construction - work at Lerwick port to benefit the fishing sector is forging ahead

    Lerwick fishing projects moving ahead


    The first part of Lerwick Port Authority’s current three-phase development programme will significantly upgrade facilities for the important fishing industry at the Shetland port – with the second phase due for completion in the autumn.

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    Welsh fishermen learn from the Irish seafood industry


    Leading seafood businesses from across Wales visited their counterparts in Ireland this week to learn new ways to grow both their catch and their profits.

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    Seafoodexport achieves Friend of the Sea certification


    French company Seafoodexport has achieved Friend of the Sea certification for Omega-3, fish oil and fishmeal from European anchovy and sardine.

  • The M100 Maritime Survivor Locating Device will be introduced at Skipper Expo Int. Aberdeen

    New MOB device introduced to fishermen


    Ocean Signal’s new professional man overboard device for fishermen will be introduced at Skipper Expo Int. Aberdeen on the Caley Fisheries stand.

  • Aramark will expand its MSC certification to 16 Canadian universities and colleges

    Aramark expands MSC certification to Canadian universities and colleges


    Aramark has announced that it has achieved MSC Chain of Custody certification, this allows it to source and serve wild-caught seafood that is sustainable and traceable to a certified fishery.

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    Fisheries monitoring to be fast-tracked in New Zealand


    New Zealand Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy has signalled the Government’s intention to speed up the rollout of monitoring equipment on commercial fishing vessels.

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    Scottish shellfish farm statistics released


    Marine Scotland Science has published the Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Survey 2015.

  • News

    WorldFish project increases Egypt farm profits by 27%


    At the end of the four-year Swiss-funded Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egypt’s Aquaculture Sector (IEIDEAS) project, participating farmers reported US$16,000 in extra annual profit, with a total of US$D27 million added to the sector over the duration of the project.

  • Some of the illegally caught sea cucumbers (beche de mer) found on the PNG fishing vessel

    Illegal fishers convicted


    Fishers from Papua New Guinea have pleaded guilty and been convicted for commercial fishing inside the Torres Strait Protected Zone.

  • The new Challenger Worksafe Pro 300

    New Challenger Worksafe Pro 300 lifejacket


    ISP (International Safety Products) has added a new lifejacket to its workplace range, the Challenger Worksafe Pro 300.

  • News

    The way forward for European aquaculture


    EU Commissioner, Karmenu Vella, presented progress made and obstacles that need to be addressed in further developing a sustainable aquaculture sector in the EU at a high-level joint event with the Dutch Presidency of the Council yesterday,