Latest News – Page 319

  • The benefits of fish for health are well demonstrated

    The importance of fish consumption


    A new paper published in the peer-reviewed Food Policy journal recommends that the nutritional importance of fish, especially in resource-poor populations, needs to be taken into account in the development of national policies.

  • News

    Mollusk farm standards released


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) has expanded the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program with the completion of the new BAP mollusk farm standards.

  • Reef Life Survey diver surveying fishes in the Coral Sea. Credit: Graham Edgar

    Biodiversity protects fish from climate change


    Communities with more fish species are more productive and more resilient to rising temperatures and temperature swings, according to a new study from the Smithsonian’s Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network and other international institutions.

  • The Baader Technology Center

    New Baader Technology Center inaugurated


    The new Baader Technology Center (BTC) has been inaugurated, following a two year construction phase.

  • SNA1 data shows returns to the sea are 3.2% of commercial snapper catch; returns to the sea for recreational catch are unknown

    Sanford discussion around recording catch


    The CEO of New Zealand fishing company, Sanford Limited, has commented on the data released in a recent University of British Columbia report.

  • News

    Fife Fishermen’s Association joins SFF


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) has welcomed the Fife Fishermen’s Association (FFA) as its newest member.

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    New flotation system for offshore mussel farm


    A unique new mussel farm flotation system for use in exposed sea sites is now in successful operation in the UK and already helping to produce high quality, fast growing mussels.

  • The PSMA will enter into force, now that more than 25 countries have ratified the pact. Credit: Jean-Pierre Bazard Jpbazard/CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    PSMA will enter into force


    An international treaty to help stop illegal fishing will enter into force now that it has been ratified by more than the 25 governments needed.

  • Tuna and fish landed to market in Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka fisheries ready for return


    With its ban on fisheries exports to the EU market lifted, the country anticipates it will start to reinstate crucial trade links from next month

  • FISA’s polyethylene anti predator netting

    FISA launches new website and unveils new logo


    Fibras Industriales S.A. (FISA), a global company active in net, aquaculture manufacturing and fabrication, has launched its new webpage and logo.

  • Captain Olaf Olsen

    Beta Files


    Captain Olaf Olsen, whom I''m proud to call a friend, was born in the Faroe Islands in 1935.

  • The Conference was chaired by Alessandro Lovatelli, Aquaculture Officer for the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)The Conference was chaired by Alessandro Lovatelli, Aquaculture Officer for the Food & Agriculture Organiz...

    An ocean of opportunity for offshore aquaculture


    The Offshore Mariculture Conference was held in Barcelona, Spain, on 6-8 April 2016.

  • Scotland wants to secure more of the global seafood market

    Flying the flag for Scotland


    The Scottish delegation which recently attended the Brussels Seafood Expo Global, reported a successful trip, having met with motivated buyers and secured new deals.

  • News

    New CEO for SalMar


    SalMar ASA’s board of directors has appointed Trond Williksen as its new CEO.

  • News

    Eday salmon farm doubles capacity


    Eday salmon farm, in the North of Orkney, has announced that it has completed a major expansion works.

  • It is unnecessary to increase seafood portion sizes

    Portion sizes out of control


    People, usually without realising it, are eating more than their forebears did, and food manufacturers are being blamed for increasing product sizes and therefore urging people to eat more than they need, to the detriment of their health.

  • Mackerel has won back its certified sustainable status

    Mackerel back to being sustainable


    An international coalition of mackerel fishermen has won MSC certification back for their North East Atlantic mackerel catches.

  • Fishing in Mozambique. Credit: Stig Nygaard

    A more sustainable approach


    More effort has been put into creating more sustainable fisheries on the east coast of Africa over the last few years, backed up by a large World Bank loan and grant. Adrian Tatum charts recent developments and the challenges still facing the region.

  • Sustainable seafood is on the up, says the SSI Review

    Sustainable seafood on the up


    Sustainable seafood now accounts for 14% of global production, a dramatic rise from just 0.5% in 2005, says a new study.

  • News

    Guidance on fish labelling


    Seafish, the UK industry authority on seafood, has been working with Food Standards Scotland and Marine Scotland to produce guidance aimed at helping the fishing industry comply with European regulations on fish traceability.