Latest News – Page 322

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    Saithe fishery recertified


    The UK Fisheries, DFFU and Doggerbank Group saithe fishery has been recertified against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard for environmentally sustainable fishing.

  • Kagerer & Co. and Freshpack were awarded the top prizes at the Seafood Excellence Global awards

    Seafood Excellence Global awards winners announced


    The top prizes at the Seafood Excellence Global awards at Seafood Expo Global have been awarded to Kagerer & Co. of Munich, Germany and Freshpack of San Martin les Boulogne, France.

  • The artwork is inspired by the fish-featuring mosaics from ancient times and is meant as a reminder of how deeply fish and fishing are rooted in European culture

    #MedFish4ever strategy launched


    European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, has launched #MedFish4ever - a new Mediterranean strategy to improve the state of the stocks in the Mediterranean.

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    EU works to prevent unregulated fisheries in Arctic high seas


    The European Union has participated in the first round of international negotiations on measures to prevent unregulated fisheries in the Arctic high seas.

  • ASC made its announcement after Seafood Expo Global 2016 in Brussels

    ASC releases ToR for marine finfish standard development


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) has announced its first Terms of Reference (ToR) for the development of new marine finfish standards.

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    Santa Monica Seafood now BAP certified


    Seafood distributor Santa Monica Seafood has received Best Aquaculture Practices certification for its Rancho Dominguez, California facility.

  • Atlantic salmon are to be protected from a serious infectious disease through the licence of new gene therapy

    Gene therapy to protect EU salmon


    The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended granting a marketing authorisation in the European Union for Clynav, a DNA vaccine to protect Atlantic salmon from a life-threatening infectious disease.

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    Undirbúningur vel á veg kominn


    Ráðgjafanefndin hefur þegar fundað til þess að fjalla um áætlanir sínar fyrir september 2017, meðal annars nýjan námssjóð sem úthlutað verður úr tveimur milljónum króna en þær voru lagðar til hliðar árið 2014. Tekið verður í notkun nýtt hátæknikerfi sem ætlað er að flýta bæði skráningu og aðgang að ...

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    Hvers vegna að sækja Icefish eða sýna þar?


    Sjávarútvegssýning ársins 2017 verður sú 12. í röðinni en á síðustu sýningunni árið 2014 ríkti mikil bjartsýni og margir sýnendur tryggðu sér stórar pantanir. Það var ekki nóg með að sýningargestum fjölgaði um 12% og urðu samtals 15.219, þeir komu frá fleiri löndum en nokkru sinni fyrr eða 52 ...

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    WSC haldin samtímis Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Á World Seafood Congress ráðstefnunni, sem áður hefur verið haldin í Washington DC í Bandaríkjunum, St. Johns í Kanada og Grimsby í Bretlandi, mætast framleiðendur og innflytjendur sjávarfangs hvaðanæva að, vísindamenn, samtök á vegum bæði opinberra aðila og einkaaðila og fulltrúar eftirlitsstofnana og yfirvalda. Á ráðstefnunni er áherslan einkum ...

  • News

    World Seafood Congress to coincide with Icefish


    The World Seafood Congress, previously held in Washington DC, US; St. Johns, Canada and Grimsby, UK, brings together a global audience of seafood processors and importers, academia, public and private organisations, fish inspectors and government. The Congress focuses on trading initiatives and developments in the seafood sector, and will ...

  • News

    New aquaculture barge boosts local businesses


    A $2 million aquaculture barge for Marine Harvest Canada has been completed in Campbell River, BC.

  • The new containers can transport live lobsters in their natural water

    New live lobster transport container launched


    A new generation of containers has been launched which allows live lobsters to be transported in their original water in conditions that maintain their natural habitat.

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    Untreated Premium Pangasius fillets to be introduced in Brussels


    Vinh Hoan will introduce its untreated Premium Pangasius fillets at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels this week, to meet the growing consumer demand for more natural, minimally processed foods.

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    Significant improvement in northern cod stock


    Members of the Northern Cod Fisheries Improvement Project (FIP) Working Group met on Monday, on the eve of the Brussels Seafood Global exhibition, to advance work related to the northern cod stock complex, located in the Northwest Atlantic in the waters of Canada.

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    Nav-Tracker to protect Maldives fisheries


    Global Ocean Security Technologies (GOST) has announced that its Nav-Tracker 3.0 VMS has been adapted for use by the Indian Ocean archipelago nation of The Maldives.

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    Seafood Expo Global open for business


    Seafood Expo Global and Seafood Processing Global are now open for business and welcoming thousands of seafood professionals from all around the world seeking to grow their businesses in the global market.

  • Ola Brattvoll and Chris Ninnes at the Marine Harvest Group booth at Seafood Expo Global

    Marine Harvest uses new ASC Marketing Toolkit in Brussels


    The Marine Harvest Group is the first ASC partner to use elements from the new ASC Marketing Toolkit at their booth during Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, Belgium.

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    Fillet Finder wins Australian Fishackathon prize


    Team Fillet Finder has taken the Australian prize in the inaugural Australian Fishackathon held over the weekend.

  • The countries have six months to resolve the identified issues. Credit: AusAID

    EU issues more yellow cards


    The European Commission has issued yellow cards to Kiribati, Sierra Leone and Trinidad and Tobago as they risk being uncooperative in the fight against illegal fishing.