Latest News – Page 323

  • Atlantic salmon genome study revealed an unusual genetic feature

    The genetic feature of salmon


    A 15-year study has revealed that salmon possess an unusual genetic feature which can be of huge potential for salmon management and conversation.

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    Liquid Robotics supports the fight against illegal fishing


    Liquid Robotics has announced support for the US State Department’s third annual Fishackathon.

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    New for 2017 - Small Business Zone


    This new zone will comprise of ready-made stands, which will be a cost effective way for first time exhibitors and smaller companies to attend Icefish and experience the excellent networking opportunities the exhibition has to offer. To receive further information on taking a stand in the ...

  • News

    New for 2017 - Small Business Zone


    This new zone will comprise of ready-made stands, which will be a cost effective way for first time exhibitors and smaller companies to attend Icefish and experience the excellent networking opportunities the exhibition has to offer. To receive further information on taking a stand in the ...

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    Nýmæli ársins 2017 - Svæði fyrir smáfyrirtæki


    Á þessu nýja svæði verða í boði tilbúnir sýningarbásar á hagstæðu verði fyrir nýja sýnendur og minni fyrirtæki þannig að þau geti kynnt sér þá tengslamöguleika sem á sjávarútvegssýningin hefur upp á að bjóða.  Nánari upplýsingar um pöntun sýningarbása á svæðinu fyrir smáfyrirtæki má fá með því að senda ...

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    Ferð þú á Seafood Expo Global?


    Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling sýningarstjóri og Mark Saul hjá World Fishing Magazine verða í Brussel í næstu viku til þess að kynna Icefish 2017. Ef þú hefur áhuga á að hitta þau á sýningunni, sendu vinsamlegast tölvuskeyti á:  Sjávarútvegurinn er ein af mikilvægustu stoðum íslensks efnahagslífs, bæði sem ...

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    Úthlutun úr námssjóði Icefish


    Skipuleggjendur Icefish leggja sig fram um að efla stöðugt sýninguna og styrkja hana en þeir endurfjárfesta einnig í íslenskum sjávarútvegi og námssjóður Icefish er afbragðsgott dæmi um það. Styrkir úr námssjóðnum eru ætlaðir þeim sem hafa mikinn metnað til þess að afla sér frekari menntunar á sviði sjávarútvegs. Á ...

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    More offshore waters opening in Small Pelagic Fishery


    More than one million square kilometres of additional offshore waters near southern and eastern Australia will open to mid-water trawling in the Small Pelagic Fishery (SPF) from 1 May.

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    Caley Fisheries boosts overseas expansion


    Caley Fisheries announced that it has deployed Pegasus Software’s Opera 3.

  • The canary rockfish - no longer overfished according to the NOAA

    US makes continued progress on fish stock sustainability


    The number of US domestic fish stocks listed as overfished or subject to overfishing remain near all-time lows, according to a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries report to Congress.

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    Fishackathon hits Australia


    Australia’s first ever Fishackathon 2016 hits Australian shores this weekend.

  • L to R: Susi Pudjiastuti, (Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries), Dr Ir Slamet, (Director General of Aquaculture) Agus Suherman, (Director of Fishing Ports) and Allan Steele (CEO, Traceall Global)

    Indonesian government works to eliminate IUU fishing


    The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work with Glasgow-based Traceall Global to carry out a pilot project aimed at reducing IUU fishing in the country’s waters.

  • The new look will be launched in Brussels

    New look for Pride of Scotland


    Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL) will launch an eye-catching new look for its The Pride of Scotland brand at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels.

  • A joint declaration was signed on 14 April in The Hague

    Call to ratify ILO Work in Fishing Convention


    Europêche and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) have called on all EU member states to urgently ratify the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (C188).

  • Sea louse (Caligus rogercressyi). Credit: Marcos Godoy, CIBA

    Research project on the impact of sea lice on salmon fisheries


    Plymouth University and the Universidad de Chile are leading a new research project to investigate the issue of sea lice infestation.

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    Data collection should include freshwater aquaculture


    The European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries adopted rapporteur Marco Affronte’s report on the collection of data in fisheries on 19 April.

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    Control Union enhances presence in fisheries and aquaculture certification


    Dutch based global certification services provider, Control Union, has acquired a minority shareholding in MacAlister Elliott & Partners Ltd (MEP) and ME Certification Ltd (MEC).

  • The Esperanza will be challenging Thai Union's practices in the Indian Ocean

    Greenpeace tackles unsustainable fishing in Indian Ocean


    Greenpeace has launched an expedition in the Indian Ocean to peacefully tackle unsustainable fishing by the world’s largest tuna company, Thai Union.

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    Seafish returns to Seafood Expo Global in Brussels


    UK seafood authority, Seafish, will be holding a range of seminars for industry on its stand at the Seafood Expo Global in Brussels next week.

  • Marine Harvest Scotland has accepted its first OXE Diesel unit for service at one of its salmon farms

    First OXE Diesel outboard enters service


    The world’s first commercially available high power diesel outboard engine has recently entered service with launch customer Marine Harvest Scotland.