Latest News – Page 337

  • FV Striker

    Australian vessel sees 10% catch increase


    Shark Bay Seafoods of South Fremantle, Australia has recently installed a Notus Trawlmaster on its deep-water triple rig trawler, and the captain and fleet manager have reported an immediate payback for the system.

  • I&J’s two new vessels

    MRAD supplies navigation systems for new I&J vessels


    Marine Radio Acoustic Devices (MRAD) has supplied the latest in onboard sonar technology for two vessels recently acquired by Irvin & Johnson (I&J).

  • Research has provided a more accurate picture of the effects of trawl gears in MPAs

    New research into fishing in MPAs


    New research now means that scientists have a better understanding of the level of fishing activity that can be carried out within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and still remain compatible with conservation objectives.

  • Port side shot of apprehended foreign fishing vessel “Berkah”

    Illegal fishing vessel destroyed


    Australian patrol boat ‘HMAS Broome’ intercepted a foreign fishing vessel ‘Berkah’ 3.1nm south of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone on 16 December 2015.

  • Winners of the 2016 Independent Takeaway Fish and Chip Shop of the Year award

    UK's best chippy announced


    Simpsons Fish & Chips in Gloucestershire has won the Independent Takeaway Fish and Chip Shop of the Year award at the 2016 National Fish and Chip Awards.

  • News

    NGOs welcome vessel numbering scheme


    The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana and WWF have welcomed a new European Commission requirement that all EU fishing vessels, and foreign vessels fishing in EU waters, need to have unique vessel numbers from construction to disposal.

  • News

    'Live to Tell The Tale'


    Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Irish Sea Fisheries Board, has launched a national advertising and PR campaign entitled ‘Live to Tell The Tale’ to drive more fishermen to complete mandatory BIM safety survival training and wear their personal flotation device (PFD) lifejacket at all times when at sea.

  • The study estimates that 32 billion kilograms of fish goes unreported every year

    30% of catch unreported, says study


    A new study has found that countries drastically underreport the number of fish caught worldwide, and the numbers obscure a significant decline in the total catch.

  • Sheryll Murray at the RNLI's Looe Lifeboat Station. Credit: RNLI

    Powerful new fishing safety video released


    The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) has launched a campaign to keep commercial fishermen safe.

  • An agreement between CCIC Australia and Gfresh will be signed in Sydney

    Australian-Chinese exports to be customs cleared locally


    An agreement between CCIC Australia and Gfresh will be signed in Sydney to assist Australian seafood exports to China.

  • Alaska pollock. Credit: NOAA

    Largest US fishery re-certified


    The Alaska pollock fishery – the largest fishery in the US and the largest certified sustainable fishery in the world – has again achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) re-certification.

  • Thirty-five new auditors have recently completed training

    New ASC auditors trained


    Thirty-five new auditors have recently completed a six day training course in Beijing, in response to the growing demand for Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification.

  • The new vessel will be the fourth developed by Rolls-Royce for the Sølvtrans

    Repeat order for live fish carrier


    Norwegian ship owner Sølvtrans AS has opted for a second live fish carrier vessel to be designed and equipped by Rolls-Royce – the fourth vessel developed by Rolls-Royce for the company.

  • News

    Responsible Sourcing Workshop in NI


    The Seafish Responsible Sourcing Team will travel to Northern Ireland in February to host an industry workshop and the official NI launch of the revamped Responsible Fishing Scheme.

  • The new krill fishing factory vessel, the largest of its kind in the world, to be built for Jiangsu Sunline Deep Sea Fisheries Co is designed by Wärtsilä

    Wärtsilä to design world’s largest krill vessel


    Wärtsilä has been awarded the contract to design the world''s biggest and most modern krill fishing factory vessel.

  • News

    €240m development programme for Ireland launched


    Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney has launched eight schemes to commence implementation of Ireland’s new €240m EMFF Seafood Development Programme for the period up to 2020 and beyond.

  • New Thai Union employees, fully registered with legal work permits, ready to start work

    Thai Union employs over 1000 pre-processing workers


    Thai Union has announced that it has employed over 1000 former employees from external pre-processing facilities in its factories.

  • News

    MMO opens €243m EMFF in England


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has opened the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) in England.

  • News

    Record amounts of fish in live storage in 2015


    There are record amounts of fish in live storage in Norway within the past year, according to Nofima scientist Oystein Hermansen.

  • Real-time management policies to regulate fisheries can reduce accidental bycatch

    Real-time fishery management reduces bycatch


    A new study has found that using real-time management polices to regulate fisheries can reduce the accidental bycatch juvenile fish and endangered species with less economic impact on fishermen.