Latest News – Page 343

  • News

    EMFF to invest €5.75bn to boost jobs and growth


    The European Commission has published a Communication which details how the money available under the EU''s five European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) will be spent in the period 2014-2020.

  • Bertie Armstrong: “This agreement reflects the healthy nature of our stocks and will bring some welcome relief to our hardworking fishermen”

    EU-Norway fish catch agreement


    Talks between the EU and Norway to finalise catching opportunities for shared fish stocks for 2016 have concluded with increased quotas for haddock, North Sea cod and herring.

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    NELHA companies contribute to Hawaii’s record aquaculture sales


    The Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA) businesses have reported a surge in product sales, which is a major factor in Hawaii’s aquaculture record high sales in 2014.

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    EMFF to boost sustainable fishing in the UK


    Fishermen across the UK will be able to apply for a share of €243m in the new European Maritime and Fisheries Funding (EMFF).

  • Over 1,000 processing plants, farms, hatcheries and feed mills are BAP-

    BAP reaches 1,000th certified facility milestone


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program has surpassed its 1,000 certified facility milestone, 12 years after the first set of BAP standards were introduced.

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    Tiny nations suffer at the hands of big fishers


    The Parties to Nauru Agreement (PNA) says that some members and small island nations like Tuvalu stand to suffer at the hands of big fishers in the name of consensus.

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    UK-Faroe Islands deal agreed


    UK fishermen will be able to continue fishing at 2015 quota levels next year, following talks on the fisheries agreement for 2016 between the UK Government, as part of an EU delegation, and the Faroe Islands.

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    Gear conflict management in Scotland


    New measures to help prevent and deter gear conflict have been announced by the Scottish Government today.

  • A virtual centre bringing together a vast amount of expertise on aquaculture related research has been launched at the University of Aberdeen

    New aquaculture centre opens in Aberdeen


    The International Centre for Aquaculture Research and Development (ICARD) has been established to bring together a group of 25 University of Aberdeen experts in environment and food security to conduct and promote aquaculture research.

  • Thai Union discontinues use of pre-processors in Thailand

    Thai Union to bring all shrimp processing in-house


    Thai Union has announced that it will cease working with all external pre-processors and will bring all shrimp processing operations in-house.

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    Italy’s first fishery enters assessment


    An Italian anchovy and sardine fishery has become the first in the Mediterranean to enter Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment.

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    Pew responds to Europêche


    Pew Charitable Trusts has responded to Europêche’s accusation of misleading information in the ‘Turning the Tide’ report which was released in March.

  • EJF said it has uncovered a sophisticated system of slavery and severe human rights abuses aboard pirate fishing vessels Photo: Environmental Justice Foundation 2015

    Thai illegal fishing persists


    New investigations prove that violence, slavery, human trafficking and illegal pirate fishing still persist in the Thai seafood industry, says the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF).

  • News

    Enjoy, it’s from Europe!


    New funds are being released to producer organisations, trade organisations and public bodies to sponsor their products and promote the goodness of European fisheries products, both wild and farmed.

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    Funding for PhD projects in sustainable feeds for finfish


    The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) and Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) are inviting funding applications for PhD projects which consider biotechnology solutions to the supply of sustainable feed ingredients for the benefit of both the industrial biotechnology (IB) and aquaculture industries in Scotland.

  • News

    Central American states work to fight IUU fishing at ports


    The Central American Fisheries and Aquaculture Organization (OSPESCA) has launched a new regional project to fight IUU fishing at ports under the jurisdiction of its eight member countries.

  • Thai Union has again been connected to forced labour and horrific working conditions in Thailand. Credit: Chaojoker/CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Thai Union connected to forced labour again


    A recent Associated Press investigation has found that Thai Union, owner of Chicken of the Sea in the US, has again been connected to forced labour and horrific working conditions in Thailand.

  • News

    NGOs disappointed by EU Fish Council agreement


    Environmental organisations have expressed their disappointment at the outcome of the EU ministers’ agreement on 2016 fishing quotas.

  • European TACs have been agreed for next year. Image supplied by Seafish:

    Europe’s fish TACs agreed for 2016


    EU talks to finalise fish catching opportunity for 2016 in the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea concluded in Brussels early on 16 December.

  • Best Aquaculture Practices is prohibiting BAP-certified processing plants from outsourcing the processing of shrimp

    BAP bans outsourcing of shrimp processing


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) is prohibiting BAP-certified processing plants from outsourcing the processing of shrimp to third-party entities.