Latest News – Page 354

  • The Dolav Ace plastic pallet boxes and winchable Ace

    New Dolav Ace plastic pallet box


    Dolav is launching the new winchable Dolav Ace plastic pallet box at DanFish 2015 in Aalborg, Denmark, on 7-9 October.

  • Project Seadragon has been under development for more than four years

    Project Seadragon backed by government


    Seafarms Group’s planned $1.4billion prawn farming operation in Kimberley, Western Australia, has been given a big boost by being granted ‘major project’ status by the State Government.

  • EU catches for whitefish species have marginally increased by 1% and quota utilisation has also marginally improved

    FinFish Study calls for adequate ATQ system


    An adequate autonomous tariff quota (ATQ) system is vital to ensure the competitiveness of the fish processing industry, says the EU Fish Processors and Traders (AIPCE-CEP).

  • SAMS scientists have deployed 16 floating drifters in the waters to the north of Scotland

    Early warning on harmful algae


    Scientists at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) in Oban are helping to safeguard stocks of farmed shellfish and salmon in Scottish aquaculture’s industrial heartland.

  • Kelp thrives in acidifying ocean waters taking up CO2 and nutrients from their environment Photo: Claire Fackler/NOAA

    Seaweed key to mitigating ocean acidification


    In the Pacific Northwest, NOAA scientists and partners are studying the potential for seaweed farms to help fight ocean acidification by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the ocean.

  • Dr Carly Daniels: "Europe is rapidly falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to growing its own seafood and this project is vital in addressing that imbalance"

    £3m in funding for lobster hatchery research


    Innovate UK and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) have committed £3m in funding for a research project set to make a series of breakthroughs in the science and technology associated with lobster culture.

  • News

    Marine populations remain unchanged


    Figures released by the WWF show that the world’s marine populations have remained unchanged for almost 30 years, despite numerous reports of stocks being overfished and exploited, says Europêche.

  • News

    NAFO bans bottom fishing on seamount areas


    The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) has announced the final TACs for NAFO stocks for 2016, as well as the elimination of all bottom fishing on seamount areas.

  • The CFOOD website allows us to offer independent scientific commentary to debunk false claims

    CFOOD initiative


    International experts in fisheries management have come together as part of a new initiative, called Collaborative for Food from Our Oceans Data (CFOOD).

  • Granit

    Sanford invests in freezer trawler


    New Zealand fishing company, Sanford, is investing in a freezer trawler as part of its increasing focus on adding more value to its quota portfolio.

  • North Sea cod has been removed from the MCS ‘Fish to Avoid’ list. Credit: Seafish,

    North Sea cod removed from ‘Fish to Avoid’ list


    North Sea cod has been removed from the Marine Conservation Society’s Fish to Avoid list.

  • President Michel was accompanied on the visit by the Minister for Fisheries and Agriculture, Wallace Cosgrow; the Principal Secretary for Fisheries and Agriculture, Michel Nalletamby; and Special Adviser for Fisheries to the Minister for Fisheri...

    Three new longliners for Seychelles


    Three new longline vessels have been added to the Seychelles’ longliner fleet.

  • The study suggests that 1.3 billion pounds of US seafood supply are lost at the consumer level. Credit: John from Tulsa, USA/CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Nearly half of US seafood supply is wasted


    New research from the Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (CLF) suggests that as much as 47% of the edible US seafood supply is lost each year, mainly from consumer waste.

  • News

    EU ecolabel consultation results


    The European Commission''s recent consultation on an EU ecolabel for fisheries and aquaculture products shows that the majority of respondents believe that the EU and other public bodies could play a role in ecolabelling, but views on their required type of involvement are less clear.

  • News

    UK fishing industry statistics published


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published its annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2014.

  • "The notion that blue crabs are relatively intolerant of oxygen-poor waters was counterintuitive"

    Blue crabs tolerate hypoxic conditions


    Adult blue crabs are “much more tolerant” of low-oxygen, hypoxic conditions that previously thought, but global warming could change things, according to new research by the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

  • The Seafood Showcase showcases sustainable fisheries products from all across Europe

    Europêche showcases sustainably sourced fish


    Europêche and Alain Cadec MEP, the Chairman of the Fisheries Committee, have co-hosted the second Seafood Showcase in the European Parliament showcasing sustainable fisheries products from all across Europe.

  • News

    Plankton can play a major role in CO2 storage


    Tiny zooplankton animals may be playing a huge part in regulating climate change, research involving the University of Strathclyde has found.

  • Seafood Week is taking place 9 -16 October

    Get on board with Seafood Week


    Seafish is calling on the UK foodservices industry to get behind Seafood Week, taking place from Friday 9 -16 October, and help the nation celebrate its incredible ocean wealth.

  • News

    Young’s facilities to remain open


    Young’s Seafood Limited has confirmed that it will be keeping its Fraserburgh Watermill Road and Grantown-on-Spey facilities open.