Latest News – Page 355

  • News

    No MSC certification for Echebastar fishery


    The Independent Adjudicator has made his final ruling on the Echebastar Indian Ocean tuna fishery case and has concluded that the fishery will not be certified to the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard.

  • News

    IUU fishing vessel escapes


    The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) has called on the Royal Thai Government to ensure that the investigation into how the pirate fishing vessel ''Taishan'' was allowed to flee Phuket port unnoticed by Thai authorities is thorough and transparent.

  • SalmoBreed is implementing Genetic Selection on salmon, initially for PD- and sea lice resistance

    SalmoBreed makes breeding breakthrough


    Norway’s SalmoBreed says it’s made a major breakthrough in genetic breeding programmes for PD and sea lice resistance with a new genetic method that could result in significant savings for the aquaculture industry.

  • FishMeter screenshot

    New FishMeter Link software and driver


    Scantrol Deep Vision has developed a new driver and software for the FishMeter series, to further enhance the user-friendliness of its fish measuring board.

  • Professor Hillborn found that small pelagic fish are among the most sustainable sources of protein in the world

    A sustainable source of protein


    New research by an internationally renowned fisheries scientist has found that small pelagic fish are among the most sustainable sources of protein in the world.

  • Cosmos Trawl’s new winch

    New winch optimises wire tension


    Cosmos Trawl A/S has recently launched its new tension winch for tightening wire rope.

  • News

    New NFI Crab Council member


    Lawrence Street Seafood Co. Inc, has joined the National Fisheries Institute’s (NFI) Crab Council, bringing the US organisation’s membership to 19 crab importing companies.

  • 'Leinebris'

    New longliner for Leinebris AS


    A new longliner - F/V ‘Leinebris’ – has been delivered to its Norwegian owner, Leinebris AS.

  • News

    Peru’s first BAP-certified feed mill


    Vitapro S.A. has become Peru’s first feed mill to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification.

  • News

    Scottish Inshore Fisheries Conference


    The third Scottish Inshore Fisheries Conference will provide active fishermen with an informal opportunity to meet fellow fishermen and others from around Scotland with an interest in inshore fishing.

  • News

    PNA fisheries management


    PNA CEO Dr Transform Aqorau asked delegates in his keynote address to the 5th Pacific Tuna Forum 2015 in Fiji to work with the organisation to support the fisheries framework management it has already put in place.

  • Professor Adriaan D.Rijnsdorp has received the Outstanding Achievement Award. Credit: Wageningen University

    ICES honours outstanding scientist


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has presented the Outstanding Achievement Award to Professor Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp at its Annual Science Conference (ASC) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • IKEA has committed to only selling and serving ASC and MSC certified seafood in its stores

    IKEA commits to sustainable seafood


    IKEA has committed to only selling and serving seafood that is certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) in its stores.

  • The ice plant in Berbera, Somaliland

    New ice plant benefits Somaliland fisheries sector


    A new ice plant set up to help develop Somaliland’s indigenous fishing sector is now providing significant benefits by enabling local fishermen to sell their catches in markets throughout the country.

  • WWF says weaker standards for fish feed could increase the risk to our oceans. Photo: Slandsvi Solveig O. Landsvik

    WWF calls for stronger fish feed standards


    The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is urging the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) to strengthen its proposed criteria for fish feed, which it says can have significant environmental impacts on the wild-caught fish and agricultural crops from which it is made.

  • As part of a pilot program with the North Carolina Coastal Federation, funded through a NOAA Marine Debris Community-based removal grant, commercial fishermen remove derelict crab pots in order to repurpose them as artificial oyster reefs. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA funds marine debris removal projects


    NOAA has awarded nearly $1.4 million to groups across the US to remove marine debris from their communities.

  • News

    Aquabotix unveils ROV for aquaculture


    Marine technology company, Aquabotix, has launched its new underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV), HydroView Pro 7M/AQ, designed specifically for missions in finfish aquaculture.

  • MAN 32/44CR engines are suitable for a variety of applications including fishing

    MAN CR unit ready for US market


    The MAN 32/44 Common Rail engine family has received US EPA Certification, which will enable it to take advantage of demand from the American fishing industry.

  • L-R: Rebecca Evans AM, Deputy Minister for Farming and Food; Kate Jones, Selwyn’s Seafood; Ashley Jones, Selwyn’s Seafood; Bethan Jones, Welsh Government; Lowri Edwards, Cywain

    Seafood company opens seaweed roasting unit


    South Wales based Selwyn’s Seafood has opened a specialised seaweed roasting unit, in response to the growing global demand for seaweed products.

  • News

    Eastern Fisheries opens European processing plant


    Eastern Fisheries Inc. has opened its sixth factory in Staphorst, Netherlands and has also launched its new corporation, Eastern Fisheries Europe (EFE).