Latest News – Page 356

  • News

    A+ for sustainability


    A new sustainability standards programme has been launched in New Zealand to help promote and maximise the value of aquaculture products in the country.

  • Libby Woodhatch, head of advocacy at Seafish, told WSC 2015 delegates that labour and human rights abuse extends far beyond Thai waters

    Lessons learned from Thailand


    Ethics and social responsibility in the seafood supply chain dominated discussions at the World Seafood Congress 2015

  • Tuna stocks and communities in the region are suffering due to illegal fishing. Photo: Paul Hilton/Greenpeace

    Greenpeace calls for Pacific transshipment ban


    Greenpeace is urging Pacific Island Nations to ban transhipment of fish catches in the region following the Government of Nauru’s decision to no longer allow the practice in its waters.

  • Senator Colbeck: "The community look to WWF for guidance and it is frustrating to see them abuse that power"

    WWF accused of anti-fishing propaganda


    Australia''s Senator for Tasmania has attacked WWF’s ''Living Blue Planet'' report as the latest in anti-fishing propaganda and calls it more of a marketing pamphlet than a serious fisheries report.

  • News

    Tilkynning um tímasetningu Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar 2017, Íslensku sjávarútvegsverðlaunanna og ráðstefna


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2014 var sú 11. í röðinni og þar var því fagnað að 30 ár voru liðin síðan sú fyrsta var haldin. Sýningin hefur tvöfaldast að umfangi á undanförnum áratug.Gestum fjölgaði um 12% miðað við sýninguna árið 2011 og voru þeir 15.219 árið 2014 vegna víðtækrar markaðssetningar bæði ...

  • News

    Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Awards and Conference 2017 dates announced


    IceFish celebrated its 30th anniversary during the 2014 exhibition, the 11th exhibition in the series, which has seen the event more than double in size over the past decade.The visitor attendance increased by 12% to 15,219 compared with the previous event in 2011 as a direct result of extensive ...

  • The project will benefit of the shellfish industry and, ultimately, consumers

    Water quality monitoring for shellfish industry


    UK scientists are exploring the use of satellites and meteorological data to monitor and forecast water quality events threatening shellfish farms.

  • News

    Big Brother is watching


    The growing powers of state management of fisheries - and the introduction of more and more laws, regulations, and other restrictions controlling commercial fishing operations – continue to concoct complex systems of inspection and monitoring.

  • Norwegian Fisheries Minister, Elisabeth Aspaker, and European Commissioner, Karmenu Vella. © European Union

    Promoting sustainable blue growth for future generations


    In an exclusive article for World Fishing & Aquaculture, European Commissioner, Karmenu Vella and Norwegian Fisheries Minister, Elisabeth Aspaker, discuss the importance of blue growth and ocean governance. Mr Vella is meeting with Ms Aspaker in Norway today to further strengthen the strategic fisheries relations between EU and Norway.

  • News

    Alaska celebrates eLandings milestones


    Fisheries managers, fishers, and seafood processors across the state of Alaska are celebrating 10 years and 500,000 landing reports this month for the innovative Interagency Electronic Reporting System, better known as eLandings.

  • Zeke Grader

    Obituary - Zeke Grader


    Zeke Grader has died in San Francisco of cancer, aged 68.

  • The report details the dramatic loss of 74% of the family of popular food fish that includes tunas, mackerels and bonitos Photo: NOAA

    Starving the human supply chain


    Populations of fish critical to human food security are in serious decline worldwide with some at risk of collapse, according to a new emergency edition of a WWF report called Living Blue Planet.

  • Saltonstall-Kennedy grants help fishing communities across the US keep their economies thriving. Credit: NOAA

    Up to $10m in fisheries grants available


    NOAA has announced that approximately $10 million in competitive grants are available through the 2016 Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program, as part of its efforts to build resilient coastal communities and sustainable marine resources.

  • The new report looks at a range of issues, including workplace safety and education

    Migrant and child labour in Thailand continues


    The International Labour Organization (ILO) and The Asia Foundation have recommended a series of practical policy measures in a new report which reveals the physical hazards faced by migrant child workers in Thailand’s shrimp and seafood processing industries.

  • The Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust was established to guarantee a future for stable and sustainable fisheries and fishing communities in Monterey Bay, Credit: Corey Arnold

    Monterey Bay secures $1m in fishing rights


    The Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust has acquired more than $1 million in commercial groundfish fishing quota from The Nature Conservancy.

  • The 'Securing Somali Fisheries' report

    Somalian fleet threatened by foreign vessels


    A new report shows that foreign illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Somali waters by foreign fleets is reducing fish stocks and has caused widespread resentment among Somali coastal communities.

  • AISLink CA1

    ACR introduces new AIS transceiver range


    ACR Electronics has broadened its range of maritime devices with the introduction of its new Class A and Class B Automatic Identification Systems (AIS) transceivers.

  • New Faroese Minister of Fisheries, Høgni Hoydal

    New Fisheries Minister for Faroe Islands


    The Faroese Parliament has appointed Aksel V. Johannesen as the Prime Minister of the Faroe Islands, who in turn has appointed Høgni Hoydal as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Fisheries.

  • News

    Salmon aquaculture investment


    The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Government has invested $358,000 in research to support the growth of the provincial salmon aquaculture industry.

  • John Key, New Zealand Prime Minister © Crown Copyright

    Funding announced to support Pacific fisheries


    New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has announced that the country will invest $50 million over the next three years to support the transformation of the Pacific fisheries sector.