Latest News – Page 360

  • News

    Further clarity required on Echebastar certification


    The independent adjudicator presiding over the objection process for the Echebastar Indian Ocean purse seine tuna fishery assessment has asked assessment body, Acoura, to review its determination to certify the fishery to the MSC Fisheries Standard.

  • Plastic sampling at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch has been carried out by The Ocean Cleanup. Photo: The Ocean Cleanup

    Ocean Cleanup completes plastic sampling


    Netherlands-based Ocean Cleanup has completed a month-long plastic sampling expedition, carried out in preparation for the large-scale cleanup of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2020.

  • News

    Blue grenadier fishery MSC certified


    Australia’s winter blue grenadier fishery has received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • The two year project involved regular observer trips on board local boats and fishermen returning tagged fish Photo: NAFC

    Surveying Shetland fish stocks


    Scientists and fishermen have been working together in Shetland, UK, to fill gaps in knowledge about the biology and ecology of several commercially important fish species.

  • Olympic Seafood currently catches around 3% (15,000 tonnes) of the 620,000 tonnes catch limit set by CCAMLR

    Antarctic krill fishery certified


    The Norwegian Olympic Seafood Antarctic krill fishery has become the second krill fishery in the world to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • The grant will help Cape Broyle develop its sea cucumber operations. Photo: Jerry Kirkhart

    Grant to optimise sea cucumber processing


    Canada-based Cape Broyle Sea Products Ltd is set to receive CAD$30,157 in funding to help develop its sea cucumber operations on Newfoundlands’ southern shore.

  • The first Cod Day will be held in Iceland on 24 September

    Cod Day in the North-Atlantic


    The first Cod Day will be held in Iceland on 24 September, where the Iceland Ocean Cluster will open the Ocean Cluster House to the public and media.

  • News

    Selective salmon breeding fights sea lice


    New research reveals salmon can be selectively bred to be resistant to sea lice, providing hope for the global fish farming industry.

  • The new Marine Inspector and Cleaner (MIC)

    MIC net cleaning system improves fish health


    The new Marine Inspector and Cleaner (MIC) significantly improves the fish health by removing debris from all parts of the net in a single pass.

  • News

    Kaikoura fishers fined


    Two set-net fishermen from Kaikoura, New Zealand, have been fined for breaching sustainability measures that ensure that fish stocks are used efficiently.

  • Seafood Week runs from 9-16 October

    Seafood Week coming soon


    The seafood industry is being urged to join others in getting behind Seafood Week - the biggest celebration of seafood in the UK, which will run from 9-16 October this year.

  • OXE Diesel on sea trials

    Marine Harvest to trial first OXE Diesel commercial outboard


    Supacat Group company, MDS Marine, has signed a contract with Marine Harvest Scotland for the first pre-production OXE Diesel, the first viable diesel outboard engine for the commercial sector.

  • Carlos Diaz, CEO, BioMar

    New feed company in China


    Denmark’s BioMar Group and China’s Tongwei Co. have signed a final joint venture agreement to establish a joint fish feed company in China.

  • Researchers say setting two thresholds would provide a strong incentive for fishermen to disturb as little of the seabed as possible

    Fishing study reveals scallop fishing impact


    Sustainable scallop fishing within the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) could be possible, thanks to the world’s largest ever fishing impact study led by scientists from Wales’ Bangor University.

  • M3 Sonar with M3 Tag Activator installed on a pole mount

    New monitoring system for fisheries research


    A new acoustic transponder tag monitoring system has been introduced to the fisheries research community during the American Fisheries Society annual conference in Portland, Oregon.

  • News

    Tonnage and quotas for sale


    North Sea Shipbrokers is exhibiting again at this year’s DanFish.

  • News

    Tender announced for novel oils


    At the AquaNor 2015 conference in Norway, the launch of an innovative global tender was announced by participating members of the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), in partnership with their industry feed company associates.

  • News

    Japan a crucial market for Scottish seafood


    In a bid to raise the profile of Scottish seafood, producers have come together to visit this week’s Japanese Seafood Exhibition, which attracts over 1,200 exhibitors and around 35,000 visitors.

  • Cermaq farm at Puntas Arenas, Chile. Credit: Cermaq

    Growing sustainable aquaculture


    Canada, Chile, Scotland and Norway are joining forces to promote and grow the sustainability of the aquaculture industry.

  • The project intends to sea-trial new designs of nets. Image supplied by Seafish:

    Project to develop innovative gear


    Funding from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and Marine Scotland will be used to develop and trial innovative fishing gear to reduce the amount of discards vessels will have to deal with when the discard ban is phased-in for demersal fisheries from 1 January 2016.