Latest News – Page 362

  • RAS technology reduces the flow of harmful chemicals, such as nitrates, into the environment

    Innovative aquaculture waste treatment


    The EU-funded DeammRecirc project is looking to find innovative solutions for aquaculture waste treatment that may reduce the costs of ‘recirculation aquaculture systems’ (RAS) that purify and reuse the water in fish farm tanks.

  • Tony Lara captained 'FV Cornelia Marie'. Photo: Michael Theberge/NOAA

    ‘Deadliest Catch’ captain dies


    Tony Lara, who appeared in the Discovery Channel’s reality TV series ‘Deadliest Catch’, has died at the age of 50, according to media reports.

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    Sea Shepherd found guilty of breaking Pilot Whaling Act


    On 6 August, marine conservation charity, Sea Shepherd Global, and five Sea Shepherd volunteer crewmembers were found guilty in a Danish court of breaking the Faroe Islands Pilot Whaling Act.

  • Hex drum filter

    Water treatment in aquaculture


    Danish company CM Aqua Technologies offers equipment for water treatment in aquaculture.

  • EMS can cause mortality rates of 100%

    Managing the risk of Early Mortality Syndrome


    Cargill''s animal nutrition business has developed a new programme to help manage the risk of Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) on its shrimp farms and improve profitability.

  • With Innova MarinePack vessels can land products that are graded, boxed, labelled, and ready for delivery

    Innova MarinePack at DanFish


    The main focus at the Marel stand at DanFish this year is the Innova MarinePack – a purpose-built onboard registration and packing solution for any fishing vessel that needs to comply with EU fishing control and traceability regulations.

  • Redthroat emperor fish tend to retreat to deeper water to escape the heat. Photo: Michelle Heupel

    Escaping the heat


    If predictions of ocean warming come to pass, scientists now know what to expect thanks to a new study carried out by Australia’s James Cook University (JCU) that revealed fish tend to retreat to deeper water to escape the heat.

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    St Helena and Philippines order electronic monitoring equipment


    SRT Marine System Solutions has supplied an AIS based Maritime Domain Management (MDM) system to St Helena, which enables authorities to monitor fishing boats operating across the country’s entire EEZ.

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    New science and technology hub for NZ


    New Zealand’s Plant & Food Research has signed an agreement for Port Nelson to develop a purpose-built facility for its seafood research as part of a new collaborative industry hub.

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    Ethics to take centre stage at WSC


    For the first time, human rights and ethical issues in the seafood industry will be addressed at next month’s World Seafood Congress (WSC) in Grimsby, UK.

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    Serving aquaculture for more than 25 years


    OxyGuard has been dedicated to providing water quality measuring, monitoring and control equipment for aquaculture industry since 1987.

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    New market opportunities in Poland


    For the first time, a large delegation from Poland are meeting in Trondheim for this year’s Aqua Nor.

  • Eurocross® knotless netting

    Knotless netting on display


    WireCo WorldGroup (Euronete/Oliveira) will be exhibiting Eurocross® netting on their joint exhibition stand at DanFish this year.

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    Nauta to build new purse seiner trawler


    Nauta Shiprepair Yard has signed a contract to build a partly outfitted purse seiner trawler for Danish shipyard Karstensens Skibsvart.

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    SFPA unveils new sustainable strategy


    Ireland’s Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) has launched a new three-year strategy to help the State’s sea fisheries and seafood sectors meet upcoming environmental regulations.

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    Overexploitation of stocks


    Worldwide global fishing fleets are two to three times larger than the oceans can sustainably support, says a new European Commission study published in the journal ''PLOS One''.

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    Seafish launches gear database


    UK authority Seafish has launched a comprehensive online portal that details common fishing gears and selectivity devices used in commercial fisheries throughout the UK and Europe.

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    Benchmark appoints new marketing director


    Benchmark Holdings PLC has appointed Birgitte Sørheim as marketing director to their fast-growing Breeding and Genetics division, which was formed in November 2014 following the company’s double acquisition of Stofnfiskur and Salmobreed.

  • News

    Calais disruption plan announced


    North-East MSP, Christian Allard, has welcomed the announcement of a ‘quick to market’ route for fresh produce caught up in delays at the Channel Tunnel – which will protect Scotland’s vital seafood export sector.

  • It is recommend that American eat two servings – or about eight ounces - of seafood weekly

    Consumers missing out on seafood benefits


    According to a study conducted by the USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists, while most US consumers eat some seafood, the amounts are inadequate to meet federal dietary guidelines.