Latest News – Page 367

  • Iceland has ratified the Port State Measures Agreement. Credit: biologyfishman/CC BY 2.0

    Iceland ratifies PSMA


    Iceland has ratified the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA), an international treaty to stop illegally caught fish from entering the market.

  • This new technology could help combat devastating disease outbreaks in global fish and shellfish production

    Cutting edge diagnostics for disease detection


    The UK’s Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) is working to develop cutting edge farmer-led disease diagnostics technology could help combat devastating disease outbreaks in global fish and shellfish production.

  • The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was the largest environmental disaster in America’s history

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlement


    BP has reached an agreement in principle with the United States, state, and local governments for a settlement of civil claims arising from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on 20 April 2010.

  • Turnkey refrigeration installation for a Portuguese fish processor being built at Tucal facilities in La Coruña, Spain

    Diverse orders for Tucal


    The first half of this year has been very busy for Tucal, with plenty of deliveries to customers in Somaliland, Portugal, Peru, Serbia, Angola, Poland and Spain.

  • Trawler fishing for krill in the South Antarctic

    China set to make the most of krill


    Andrew Martin reports on China’s presence in the krill fishery and its plans for development.

  • Albatross Fisheries is among those that has received business support from Cywain Fisheries

    Cywain Fisheries leads the way


    Cywain Fisheries, a groundbreaking project to boost the fortunes of the fishing industry in Wales, says that it''s helping to lead the way among its European counterparts bringing security and jobs to the sector.

  • News

    DAFF consults on SA fisheries allocations


    The Department of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) is to carry out a consultation period on sector-specific fisheries allocations in South Africa.

  • David Hale (left) and Aidan Morrissey (right) at their new facility

    Safety companies merge


    Ocean Safety’s Aberdeen branch has merged with Richard Irvin Energy Solutions Marine Safety Division, and will be known as Ocean Safety Offshore.

  • News

    Protecting the North-East Atlantic


    The Allis Shad, Azorean Limpet, Sea Lamprey and Intertidal Mussel Beds all saw their protection extended. The meeting also agreed to adopt guidelines to reduce the impact of offshore installation lighting on birds in the OSPAR maritime area. Mr Victor Escobar, Chairman of the OSPAR Commission, said delegates should: ...

  • The NEAFC’s Port State Control system has helped ports ensure that they are not being used to support IUU fishing

    NEAFC’s Port State Control expanded


    The North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) is expanding its Port State Control system to apply to use of ports by foreign vessels carrying fresh fish and their products.

  • Full recovery of cod stocks in the North Sea will take 10-20 years, according to Professor Colin Bannister. Credit: Seafish

    North Sea fish stocks still far from recovery


    The ‘top heavy’ European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has been largely ineffectual for most of its life, according to Barrie Deas, CEO of the UK National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations.

  • Aranda. Credit: Jukka Pajala

    The next generation research vessel


    Marine research vessel ''Aranda'' is to be renovated to meet the needs of future marine research in the Baltic Sea.

  • The Maine scallop fishery has become a hard industry to earn a living in. Credit:

    Easy prey? Not anymore


    Fishermen, especially the small-scale ones, represent easy prey for groups driven and financed by powerful interests, who blame them for damaging the marine environment, whether or not that is actually happening.

  • Close up of prototype robot after 600 m test dive. Credit: Ronnie N Glud

    Robots to explore the deepest ocean


    Scientists from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) will use custom-built robots to explore the deepest parts of the ocean in a bid to discover how life is sustained thousands of metres below the surface.

  • The funds will be used to add 150 Argo floats to the project's

    EU funds floats for better data


    The European Commission has awarded a grant of almost €4m to the European research infrastructure for observing the oceans.

  • News

    FoS launches school awareness project in Hong Kong


    Friend of the Sea, in cooperation with Lily Huang of MM FreshTM, organised Friend of the Sea awareness days at the Australian International School of Hong Kong.

  • News

    Sea Pact announces request for grant proposals


    Sea Pact has opened its fourth Request for Grant Proposals.

  • PNA consists of eight Pacific Island countries that control the world’s largest sustainable tuna purse seine fishery

    Planning urged over possible tuna revenue decline


    The CEO of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) is urging its members to plan ahead for the damaging effects of possible tuna revenue decline.

  • The finalists have been announced for this year’s Innovation Award

    Innovation Award finalists announced


    The Nor-Fishing Foundation has received 17 proposals for this year’s Innovation Award, to be presented during Aqua Nor in August.

  • Christian Allard MSP and Richard Lochhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food, and Environment

    Have your say on Scottish MPAs


    SNP MSP Christian Allard is reminding organisations and individuals that it is their last opportunity to provide further written representations on the Scottish Marine Protected Areas to Scotland’s Fishing Minister Richard Lochhead by 12 July 2015.