Latest News – Page 369

  • Fresh headed and gutted cod is the raw material used in traditional outdoor production of stockfish

    Indoor dried stockfish research


    New research has been carried out by Nofima to find out whether indoor dried stockfish can be produced at a more consistent high quality than outdoor dried stockfish.

  • Karin Viergever: "it should now be possible for policymakers to steer development in a more sustainable direction"

    Ecometrica develops sustainable app


    UK-based Ecometrica is joining forces with scientists at Edinburgh Napier University to develop an app that will help world governments ensure their economic growth is ecologically sustainable.

  • Young’s has lost its salmon processing contract with Sainsbury’s

    Young’s loses Sainsbury’s contract


    Young’s Seafood has confirmed that it has lost its salmon processing contract with UK supermarket Sainsbury’s.

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    New ice plant for Indian harbour


    Puducherry Fishing Harbour at Thengaithittu in India is being reconstructed and modernised, under the World Bank-funded Coastal Disaster Risk Reduction Project.

  • Mussels live in meta-populations

    Understanding spatial structure


    New research published in the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Science Series highlights the importance of understanding spatial structure and meta-population fish stocks when assessing fishery sustainability.

  • More days at sea have been secured for UK fishermen

    Channel scallop deal secured


    Over 700,000 extra kilowatt days at sea have been secured for UK fishermen under the Western Waters Regime for the whole of 2015.

  • The ASC and D-Fish are joining forces to promote responsible aquaculture in Vietnam

    MoU to promote Vietnamese aquaculture


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and Vietnamese Directorate of Fisheries (D-Fish) are joining forces to promote responsible aquaculture in Vietnam through a step-wise approach from VietGAP to ASC certification.

  • Scottish Sea Farms has been upgrading its hatchery over the past few years

    Successful hatchery modernisation


    Fusion Marine’s expertise in polyethylene (PE) pipeline systems has played a key role in the successful completion of a major upgrade project at Scottish Sea Farms’ Knock Hatchery on the Isle of Mull.

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    UN Marine Biodiversity Treaty resolution


    A landmark resolution has been adopted by a consensus of UN member states, to develop a legally-binding treaty for the conservation of marine life beyond national territorial waters – that area of the ocean shared by all.

  • The incoming ban on the practice of discarding fish was high on the agenda

    Discard ban discussed at fishing industry debate


    The incoming ban on the practice of discarding fish was high on the agenda as representatives of the UK fishing industry put their questions to DEFRA and the Marine Management Organisation representatives at the annual general meeting of the National Federation of Fishermen''s Organisations (NFFO) last week.

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    UK aquaponics workshop


    Macalister Elliott and Partners Ltd and Aquaponic Solutions (Australia) are running one of the first commercial aquaponics workshops to ever be held in the UK.

  • The fines are issued against companies and individuals for serious infringements linked to illegal fishing activities in the Southern Ocean. Credit: MAGRAMA

    Spain issues record breaking fines


    The Spanish Government has announced penalties that could reach more than €11m against Spanish nationals, including companies involved in illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

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    Vietnamese crab exports up


    The Vietnamese Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) says that crab exports have reached nearly US$30million, with even more due to be sent abroad in the coming months.

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    Global partnership to provide traceability solutions


    International tuna supplier, Marbelize, and US-based Frequentz Inc, are joining forces to provide traceability solutions in compliance with the IUU Task Force Action Plan.

  • Valuable commercial fish stocks in the North Atlantic could deplete if a more tailored approach to ocean management isn't implemented

    Ocean management strategies needed


    A more tailored approach to ocean management is needed in the North Atlantic to avoid depletion of valuable commercial fish stocks, according to new research led by the UK’s University of Salford.

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    Mexican companies withdraw from fishing bluefin


    The member companies of the Pacific Alliance for Sustainable Tuna - representing 93% of total tuna production in Mexico – have voluntarily withdraw from fishing Pacific bluefin tuna for the next five years, including the 2015 season.

  • Minister Coveney “Aquaculture is a rapidly growing industry internationally with very rapid expansion opportunities"

    National plan for sustainable aquaculture


    Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, has launched a public consultation on a draft National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development.

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    Aviation fuel from aquaculture


    Construction has started on an integrated seawater, energy and agriculture facility at Masdar City, Abu Dhabi.

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    Fish oil market set to soar


    The global fish oil market is set to reach US$2.63bn by 2020, hitting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.1% during 2015 – 2020, according to a new report by Allied Market Research.

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    £1.7m grant to protect UK marine life


    The UK’s Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has awarded £1.7million to ‘Capturing our Coast’, a project designed to explore how the marine environment is responding to global climate change.