Latest News – Page 394

  • The RobustFish project is focusing on making organic trout fry more robust in order to prevent disease

    Danish focus on organic trout fry


    Organic trout fry is now available from Danish hatcheries one year ahead of the deadline for implementation of the EU regulation 1364/2013, requiring the life cycle of all animals in organic aquaculture to be 100% organic.

  • The research revealed free-ranging barrel-jellyfish have the ability to detect the direction of ocean currents and to swim strongly against them

    New findings on jellyfish revealed


    New research by two academics at the UK’s University of Swansea revealed jellyfish are not as lifeless as they seem and can actually “actively swim” against strong ocean currents.

  • News

    New technology to end illegal fishing


    Technology innovation company, the Satellite Applications Catapult and The Pew Charitable Trusts, have launched a new real-time technology to help authorities monitor, detect and respond to illegal fishing activity.

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    Canada works to reduce industry injuries and deaths


    The Government of Canada is investing CAD$262,000 in a British Columbia fishing industry-driven programme that aims to improve safety onboard commercial fishing vessels and reduce injuries and deaths.

  • Angel Oysters are FoS certified

    Australian oysters FoS certified


    Pacific oysters from Australian company Angel Oysters have been approved as Friend of the Sea.

  • News

    EU fleet profitable and fuel efficient


    The EU fishing fleet is increasingly profitable and fuel efficient, according to a new report.

  • Hand dialling on a satellite phone

    The increasing importance of satellite phones


    Gavan Murphy, director of marketing EMEA at Globalstar writes on the importance of satellite phones to commercial fishermen.

  • News

    New arrangement to strengthen Western Oz fisheries


    Changes to the Offshore Constitutional Settlement arrangements between the Commonwealth and Western Australia are set to strengthen offshore fisheries in the region.

  • Left to right: Aurora Vicente (AIPCE-CEP Secretary General), Commissioner Vella, Guus Pastoor (AIPCE President), Andrew. Kuyk (AIPCE Vice-President), Pierre Commere (AIPCE Vice-President), Peter Bamberger (CEP President).

    FinFish Study launched


    This week AIPCE-CEP presented Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, with a copy of the latest Finfish Study.

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    Protecting sea bass


    The UK government has welcomed the news that the European Commission has announced emergency measures to protect sea bass stocks during the spawning season.

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    Mørenot establishes independent aqua company


    The aquaculture consultancy department of fishing gear supplier Mørenot has been established as an independent company called Aqua Knowledge AS.

  • Awards host BBC Radio 2’s Nigel Barden crowning Frankie’s Fish & Chips the UK’s best fish and chip shop. L-R: Nigel Barden, Frankie’s manager John Gold, owner Valerie Johnson, and colleague Carlyn Johnston

    Best UK fish and chip shop announced


    Frankie’s Fish & Chips in Brae, Shetland, Scotland, is officially the best fish and chip shop in the UK, after being crowned Independent Takeaway Fish and Chip Shop of the Year at the 2015 National Fish & Chip Awards.

  • The FishSAFE app will help make life safer for North Sea fishermen

    New app to help keep North Sea fishermen safe


    A new app which will help make life safer for North Sea fishermen has been launched.

  • Fish processing at Morrisons’ existing site

    Second fish processing site for Morrisons


    UK supermarket Morrisons has confirmed that it is doubling its fish processing capability, with the acquisition of a second Grimsby site.

  • Marine Harvest is looking to get an even stronger presence in the Chilean salmon industry

    Chilean salmon business merger


    Marine Harvest has entered into a Conditional Transaction Agreement (CTA) with Empresas AquaChile to merge Marine Harvest Chile with AquaChile giving it greater market in Chilean salmon production.

  • News

    Scottish Government urged to assist company hit by blaze


    Scottish Ministers have been urged to provide support to Northbay Pelagic following the fire at its fish processing plant in Peterhead on Saturday.

  • ICES has opened the call for papers for its Annual Science Conference 2015

    ICES calls for papers


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has opened the call for papers for its Annual Science Conference (ASC) 2015.

  • The Innovation Award 2015 is open for entries

    Nor-Fishing Innovation Award 2015


    The Innovation Award 2015 will be presented by the Nor-Fishing Foundation at Aqua Nor on 18 August 2015.

  • King crab in the Kattegat trench © OCEANA

    MPAs proposed in Kattegat


    The Danish government has decided to move forwards with its intention to protect fragile environments in Kattegat.

  • The first company in the Middle East has earned BAP certification

    First BAP certification for the Middle East


    National Aquaculture Group (NAQUA) is the first company in the Middle East to earn Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, and is one of only 15 companies worldwide to gain four-star status.