Latest News – Page 401

  • News

    New test to detect toxins in fish


    Scottish food safety company R-Biopharm Rhône has launched a new test to detect toxins in fish.

  • GAA believes shrimp aquaculture could double to reach 8 million tonnes per year by 2020. Source: GAA

    Lessons learned in the fight against EMS


    The widespread shrimp disease continues to be a multi-billion dollar problem, but there is reason for rising optimism, writes Jason Holland.

  • Fishing boats in Ghana. Credit: Benggriff/CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Ebola and fish market – curse, blessing or both?


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at how the Ebola scare is affecting West African fisheries.

  • News

    Stavis Seafoods expands facilities


    Stavis Seafoods has announced that it will take possession of facility space located in Boston, USA, from December this year.

  • The Miss Berdie as she arrived in the Wahl yard at Reedsport Oregon. Photo courtesy of Fred Wahl Shipyard

    ‘Miss Berdie’ increases capacity


    Newport, Oregon-based fishing vessel ‘Miss Berdie’ has recently completed a project to increase the vessel’s capacity.

  • Essaouira fishing port, Morocco. Credit: Daniel*D/CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    West African countries to boost sustainable fisheries


    West African countries are cracking down on illegal fishing and starting to launch community rights based fisheries as part of new efforts to introduce sustainable fisheries management and protect their valuable marine resources.

  • News

    Benchmark acquisitions to boost salmon egg production


    UK-based Benchmark Holdings PLC is to buy the entire issued share capital of Norway’s SalmoBreed AS and 81.64% of the issued share capital of Iceland’s Stofnfiskur HF.

  • News

    AOS-USA calls for an end to slavery


    The Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America (AOS-USA) is calling for an end to human trafficking in the Thai fishing industry, along with the release of activist Andy Hall.

  • The ISSF said that citing ineffective rules and too many exemptions will not protect bigeye Photo: NOAA

    Stronger measures needed to protect tuna


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) is urging the Western and Central Pacific Council (WCPFC) to eliminate exemptions and optional clauses in its Conservation Measure 2013-01 concerning the management of bigeye, yellow and skipjack tuna.

  • News

    New RFS standards


    UK authority Seafish''s Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS) will reach an important milestone next week when the RFS Oversight Board is expected to agree the finalised standards for ISO 17065 accreditation.

  • The 'M/S America’s Finest' will be built at Dakota Creek Industries in Washington using an ST-116 OL design

    MAN power for US fishing trawler


    MAN Diesel and Turbo is to supply a MAN 9L32/44CR engine to power a new trawler for independent US fishing company, Fishermen’s Finest.

  • Pacific hake. Credit: NOAA

    Pacific hake fishery re-certified


    The Pacific hake mid-water trawl fishery, which operates off the west coast of the United States and Canada, has achieved MSC re-certification.

  • Marinated and breaded pangasius at a pangasius tasting at the Godaco Pangasius Processing Factory in Vietnam

    Adding value the way forward for pangasius


    In the first nine months of 2014, the value of Vietnam’s exports of frozen pangasius products remained more or less static at $1.28 billion, a slight rise of 0.2% compared with the same period last year.

  • The report recommends that boats which best meet a new set of environmental, social and economic criteria should receive a quota bonus. Credit: Chris Talbot/CC-BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Rewarding sustainable fishermen


    A new report says that fishing boats bringing benefits to local communities and conserving UK seas must be rewarded with more opportunities to fish.

  • News

    BAP set to grow again in 2014


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance’s (GAA) Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) program is again expecting year-on-year growth, in terms of the number of BAP-certified facilities and the volume of product originating from BAP-certified facilities.

  • Mitch Tonks and Matt Dawson

    Celebrities urge consumers to try more fish


    The UK’s National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation’s (NFFO) new blog has been launched with an article by ex-England rugby star Matt Dawson.

  • Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson at the groundbreaking ceremony. Photo/HB Grandi: Sigurður Ólafur Sigurðsson

    HB Grandi expansion


    Groundbreaking has taken place for the expansion of HB Grandi‘s Nordurgardur processing plant in Iceland.

  • Abalone at Ocean Grown Abalone’s farm. Credit: Ocean Grown Abalone

    Abalone farming expansion gets green light


    Ocean Grown Abalone has been granted approval to expand its abalone aquaculture operations in Flinders Bay, off Augusta, Western Australia.

  • News

    EU and Guinea-Bissau agreement signed


    The EU and Guinea-Bissau have signed a new three-year fisheries Protocol under the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the two parties.

  • MEP will assess fisheries with the potential for sustainable harvesting and the associated onshore support infrastructure required

    Long-term plan to boost Somalian fisheries


    UK-based fisheries consultancy, MacAlister Elliott and Partners (MEP), is working to develop a long-term plan aimed at boosting economic growth for fisheries in Somalia and Somaliland.