Latest News – Page 408

  • News

    FCI to certify Responsible Fishing Scheme


    The UK’s revised Responsible Fishing Scheme aims to attain full ISO 17065 accreditation for the first time, and FCI (Food Certification International) has been awarded the role as the scheme’s certification body.

  • Offshore fish farm visit at OSM 2014

    OSM launches in the Americas


    The first Offshore Mariculture Conference to be held in the Americas will take place in Baja California, Mexico on 9-11 June 2015.

  • Bigeye tuna. Credit: NOAA

    Deutsche Bank deal criticised


    An initial public offering (IPO) organised by Deutsche Bank for one of China’s largest tuna longline companies has been criticised as “misleading” by the Chinese government.

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    ASC seafood in new Latvian seafood guide


    The new edition of the Latvian seafood guide features information about the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) programme for responsible aquaculture for the first time.

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    Beko acquires new equipment for longline hook production


    Beko - Dimon fishing co. has purchased equipment from O. Mustad & Sons AS., including an automatic duratin plating line, to be used for the production of longline hooks.

  • The EU Fisheries Council has agreed to ‘bank’ 25% of 2014 quota for mackerel and herring. Credit: Jessica/CC-BY-2.0

    Support for fishermen affected by Russian ban


    The UK government has secured EU-wide support for fishermen affected by the Russian food export ban.

  • The silky shark is one of two heavily depleted pelagic sharks in the Western and Central Pacific. Credit: Alex Chernikh/CC BY-SA 3.0/via Wikimedia Commons

    Sharks deliberately targeted in the Pacific


    A new study from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) shows that sharks are being specifically targeted by some tuna longline boats operating in the equatorial Pacific Ocean.

  • Sri Lanka has been given a red card for not sufficiently addressing IUU fishing. Credit: Adam Jones – Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0/via Wikimedia Commons

    Sri Lanka given a red card


    The European Commission has proposed to ban imports of fisheries products from Sri Lanka to tackle the commercial benefits stemming from illegal fishing.

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    EU-Mauritania talks suspended


    Parties involved in renewing the Protocol to the EU-Mauritania Fishing Partnership Agreement have agreed to suspend discussions, after being unable to reach an agreement on a number of points, including finances.

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    Canadian herring fishery certified


    The Newfoundland and Labrador NAFO Division 4R Atlantic herring purse seine fishery has become the first herring fishery in Canada to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • The fishery is the world’s first MSC certified golden redfish fishery

    World’s first MSC redfish fishery


    The Icelandic Sustainable Fisheries (ISF) golden redfish fishery has become the first Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified golden redfish fishery in the world, following a 17 month assessment.

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    Mackerel agreement welcomed


    Scottish fishermen have welcomed the decision at the European Fish Council to give the fishing fleet the facility to bank up to 25% of this year’s mackerel quota so as to mitigate the impact of Russian trade sanctions.

  • Yooji's sushi is sourced from Friend of the Sea-certified fisheries in the Maldives and Philippines

    Yooji’s restaurants offer sustainable sushi


    A Zurich-based chain of sushi restaurants now offer Friend of the Sea-certified sustainable tuna harvested from the waters of the Maldives and Philippines.

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    Scottish group release sustainable handbook


    The Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG) recently introduced a new handbook to help vessels protect endangered, threatened and protected species of skates and rays.

  • High Liner Foods wants to double its sales in salmon products

    High Liner acquires salmon importer


    Leading North American frozen seafood company, High Liner Foods, has acquired an Atlantic salmon importer with a view to doubling its sales in salmon products.

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    Glycerine - a viable marine fuel


    Marine South East’s ‘GLEAMS’ (Glycerine Fuel for Marine Sustainability) project has concluded that glycerine is a viable, extremely clean alternative marine fuel.

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    £6m funding boost for aquaculture research


    The UK’s Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) has announced that £6m of funding is now available to deliver bioscience and environmental science research projects that address key priorities in aquaculture.

  • The National Fish and Chip Awards recognises the best talent, quality and choice offered by fish and chip businesses across the UK

    Fish and Chip Awards 2015


    The UK’s top 10 fish and chip shops were announced earlier this week, as they prepare to battle it out for the ‘Independent Takeaway Fish and Chip Shop of the Year’ award as part of Seafish’s National Fish and Chip Awards 2015.

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    Scotland’s Wild Fisheries Review


    Scotland’s Wild Fisheries Review, which aims to ensure that the management of Scotland’s wild fisheries is fit for purpose in the 21st century, has been published this week.

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    Chilean company wins GAA award


    Rodrigo Prado, a civil engineer and director of USONIC Ltda. in Puerto Montt, Chile, has been announced as the winner of the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s Preferred Freezer Services Global Aquaculture Innovation & Leadership Award.