Latest News – Page 409

  • Dr Larry Marshall

    CSIRO appoints new chief executive


    Dr Larry Marshall has been appointed the new chief executive of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

  • Sea lice on farmed salmon

    EC closes Irish sea lice investigation


    The European Commission has closed the EU Pilot Investigation into the potential impact of sea lice on wild salmon stocks in Ireland.

  • Pesce Azzurro Cefalù anchovies are now FoS certified

    Anchovies achieve FoS certification


    Pesce Azzurro Cefalù anchovies have successfully gained Friend of the Sea sustainable fisheries certification.

  • News

    Funding announced for salmon facility upgrades


    The Government of Canada is providing $34.2 million over five years to upgrade and renew salmon hatcheries and spawning channels operated by the federal government under the Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP).

  • Tristan Lobster launches into Europe ©Tristan Lobster

    EU launch for Tristan Lobster


    The unique Tristan Lobster is about to be launched into the European hotel, restaurant and catering, and sustainability-minded retail sectors.

  • The redevelopment is part of the port's wider plan to boost the industry and strengthen the economic ties between the town and the fishing industry

    Milford Fish Docks in line for revamp


    Wales’ largest fishing port, Milford Fish Docks, is set for an extensive redevelopment that is expected to revitalise the town’s heritage, which has links to the fishing industry going back 125 years.

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    New CEO for Havfisk


    Webjørn Barstad will take up his new position as CEO of Norway’s Havfisk in January 2015.

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    Inaugural IceFish Conference inspired topical debates


    With the topic of Fish Waste for Profit - Maximising Return by Utilising the Entire Fish, the Conference provided delegates with a fascinating insight into the many products can be made from what would have been previously discarded parts of fish. At the IceFish opening ceremony, the Minister ...

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    Það markverðasta frá íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 2014


    SetningarathöfnÍslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2014 var formlega opnuð með glæsilegri setningarathöfn af ráðherra sjávarútvegs og landbúnaðar, Sigurði Inga Jóhannssyni, að viðstöddum bæjarstjóra Kópavogs, Ármanni Ólafssyni, og heiðursgestinum Ólafi Ragnari Grímssyni, forseta Íslands.Erlendir gestirFulltrúar Grimsby, eins helsta vaxtasvæðis sjávarútvegs á Bretlandseyjum, sóttu Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna í von um að laða að íslenskar fjárfestingar. ...

  • News

    Highlights from Icefish 2014


    Opening CeremonyIceFish 2014 commenced with the Opening Ceremony and the event was officially opened by the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, in the presence of the Mayor of Kópavogur, Ármann Ólafsson and the guest of honour, the President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.Overseas AttendanceRepresentatives from ...

  • News

    IceFish 2014 once more delivers superb results


    IceFish 2014 exhibitor, the Polish shipyard, Nauta, has announced that it has won business for a hull build that is destined for Norway, as well as currently having two hulls under construction for a Danish firm.The Icelandic consultancy, Marko Partners, launched its new seafood information dashboard, the ...

  • The EC has proposed a multiannual fisheries management plan for the Baltic Sea. Credit: Nikater/CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Multiannual fisheries management proposal


    The European Commission (EC) has proposed multiannual fisheries management for the Baltic Sea in order to help increase predictability for fishermen and ensure high and sustainable catches.

  • Ocean Safety will continue to supply Mullion Compact PFDs to Seafish

    More PFDs to English and Welsh fishermen


    UK safety supplier Ocean Safety will continue to supply Mullion Compact PFDs (personal flotation devices) to Seafish, after the application for further funding was successful.

  • Red sea bream. Credit: malias/CC-BY-2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Commission calls for deep-sea fishing decrease


    The European Commission has proposed a decrease in deep-sea fishing in EU and international waters in the North-East Atlantic for 2015-16, in a bid to protect vulnerable species.

  • Chris Jones

    Fusion Marine appoints operations manager


    Fish farming equipment manufacturer Fusion Marine has appointed Chris Jones as the company’s new operations manager, in a move to further boost business growth.

  • News

    Enthusiasm at IceFish


    The newly developed system is already in use onboard two Eimhamar Seafood vessels. It is designed for longliners from 30ft, setting and hauling 6-30,000 hooks inshore and often on rocky seabeds. The system requires little space and is reliable and easy to maintain. The company also tells World Fishing ...

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    New products and new contracts


    Brand new at the exhibition is the IP67 Compact Bench Scale SJ-WP from AandD Company. The unique construction of the scale offers a number of innovations in hygiene and weight management, and the low cost makes it affordable for factories where many scales are required. As the scale is ...

  • News

    Safe2Land sold at IceFish


    Delivery is expected next week. Holmar Svansson, Sales and Marketing Director of Tubs Europe at Promens tells World Fishing and Aquaculture that, following accidents in the Faroe Islands and Norway in the last week, the focus on safety is more important than ever. The system has been specially designed ...

  • News

    IceFish important to HB Grandi


    “Many of us spend time there at the exhibition. This is a key arena to meet our main collaborators and service companies, such as the shipyards we are working with, equipment suppliers, insurance companies, fuel suppliers and those involved in research and innovation in the seafood industry,” said HB ...

  • Greenpeace East Asia activists paint “Illegal” on the side of the Korean longliner. © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace

    Greenpeace protests against ‘illegal’ vessel


    Greenpeace is accusing the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) of failing to regulate the illegal activity of its distant water fleet.