Latest News – Page 410

  • Products that can be made from cod

    Fish Waste for Profit


    ‘Fish Waste for Profit’, the inaugural Icelandic Fisheries Conference, was held at the Smárinn convention centre in Kópavogur, on the outskirts of Reykjavik, on 25 September. It took place during the first day of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (IceFish), organised by Mercator Media.

  • A new report has revealed that production of Scottish farmed salmon is at its highest level in a decade. Credit: SSPO

    Scottish salmon production highest since 2003


    The Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2013 has revealed that production of Scottish farmed salmon is at its highest level in a decade.

  • Six countries have come together to plan to intensify aquaculture in a sustainable way. Credit: FAO

    Intensifying aquaculture in Asia


    Six countries in the Asia-Pacific region have come together to draft a work plan on the sustainable intensification of aquaculture for ‘blue growth’.

  • News

    FoS certifies Omega 3 supplements


    Omega 3 fish oil supplements distributed by Canadian company, Biodroga Inc., have been certified by Friend of the Sea (FoS) and now carry the eco-label.

  • MIFCO's yellowfin tuna product now carries the FoS eco-label

    Maldives yellowfin tuna FoS certification


    Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Ltd (MIFCO) has achieved Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification for its hand line fleet.

  • New strengthened requirements under the standard will work to ensure that shark finning is not occurring in MSC fisheries Photo: NOAA

    Updated MSC fisheries standard


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has launched its updated standard for sustainable fishing which comes into effect from April 2015.

  • News

    Fishermen rescued after vessel fire


    Fifteen people were rescued from a burning fishing vessel about 670km west of Carnarvon, Western Australia, on Wednesday morning.

  • Marine litter affects communities and seas in every region of the world, and negatively impacts biodiversity, fisheries and coastal economies. Photo: UNEP GRID Arendal/Lawrence Hislop

    Plastic waste a growing threat


    The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has heard that then steady build-up of rubbish in the world’s oceans is a growing threat to the planet’s marine ecosystems.

  • Catfish. Credit: Wilfredor (Own work)/CC-BY-SA-3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Catfish driving a wedge between US and its trade partners


    From Ho Chi Minh City, attorneys Sesto Vecchi and Gage Raley of Russin & Vecchi discuss how new catfish inspection regulations threaten to disrupt catfish imports from Vietnam, and why the wider seafood industry should be concerned.

  • OMARSA has become the first shrimp producer to gain ASC certification

    First ASC certified shrimp farm


    Ecuadorian shrimp exporting company OMARSA has become the first shrimp producer to gain Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification.

  • Witch flounder on the southern Grand Bank has now recovered sufficiently to be reopened. Credit: Steve W. Ross, UNC-W

    NAFO annual meeting outcomes


    The Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) has announced measures to strengthen the scientific basis for management decisions, to increase compliance and to improve the quality of catch data it collects, at NAFO’s 36th Annual Meeting.

  • News

    Oceans Omega-3 FoS certified


    The Oceans Omega-3 ingredient line from Norwegian company Pharma Marine has been certified to carry the Friend of the Sea (FoS) seal of approval.

  • Xiphias gladius at market. Credit: Citron/CC-BY-SA-3.0 - Own work/Via Wikimedia Commons

    MSC objection filed


    An objection to the outcome of an independent assessment of the Sustainable Swordfish LLC (SSLLC) US North Atlantic swordfish longline fishery has been filed.

  • The time fishing vessels spend at sea has decreased, but net profit, landings and income has increased. Photo: Gail J. Cohen

    European fish stocks on the rise


    Europêche has welcomed scientific data presented at the European Commission’s recent ‘State of Fish Stocks’ seminar that revealed a positive long-term trend of increasing fish populations and reduction of fishing mortality.

  • News

    iVMS deadline approaching


    Fishermen and commercial fishing fleets operating in Welsh waters are being reminded to install vessel monitoring and data transfer technology in good time for the start of the new scallop season on 1 November 2014.

  • The FAO forecasts that by 2030, two-thirds of the seafood consumed by humans will come from aquaculture

    Marine ingredient certification and the blue revolution


    Third-party certification may not be to the liking of everyone connected to aquaculture, but it is proving an important tool for keeping the increasingly burdened industry in check, writes Jason Holland.

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    World’s most compact EPIRB


    Ocean Signal’s new compact rescueME EPIRB1 has been described as “the world’s most compact Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon”.

  • News

    Commissioner Candidate fails to impress, says Greenpeace


    Greenpeace says it is concerned about the future of the marine environment following European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella’s first Commissioner hearing.

  • Seafish says that making conger eel a ‘deep sea’ species will have a negative effect on over 600 UK vessels whose catch partly comprises the species

    Deep sea stock legislation woes


    Seafish has published a report highlighting the potential economic impacts of proposed legislation from the European Commission on deep sea stocks.

  • News

    Company explores economic potential of shell waste


    A Canadian company focused on creating value from discarded shrimp shells will enhance its equipment with support from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.