Latest News – Page 412

  • The Safe2Land fresh fish unloading cage was sold to Havfisk at IceFish

    Safe2Land sold at IceFish


    Promens has sold its Safe2Land fresh fish unloading cage to Havfisk of Norway at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition.

  • Part the group which was visting HB Grandi´s facility at Nordurgardur. Photo: HB Grandi

    IceFish important to HB Grandi


    Despite not exhibiting at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, HB Grandi is encouraging its staff to visit the show and says that its guest list at this year‘s event is longer than in previous years.

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    Last chance to visit IceFish for 3 years


    This year's event is helping to spread optimism throughout the Icelandic commercial fishing industry, with many visitors and exhibitors from Iceland and a large number from overseas (including Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Israel, Australia, Turkey, France, USA, Canada, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Faroe Islands, Norway, UK and more) making this a ...

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    Icelandic Fisheries Awards Winners 2014


    <Held at the Gerðarsafn Art Museum in Kópavogur, these hotly contested awards recognize and reward excellence within the Icelandic and International Commercial Fishing industries.The winners of the 6th Icelandic Fisheries Awards 2014 were as follows: Best New Product launched at the show POLAR FISHING ...

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    Icefish verðlaunin afhent í sjötta skipti


    Verðlaunin þykja eftirsótt og eru þekkt á alþjóðlega vísu, sem IceFish verðlaunin. Hefð er fyrir því að þau séu afhent á fyrsta degi sýningarinnar og vettvangurinn er ávallt hið fallega Gerðasafn í hjarta Kópavogs.Athöfnin hófst með móttöku, þar sem viðstöddum gafst gott tækifæri til að tengjast og ...

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    6th Icelandic Fisheries Awards highlight success


    As part of the globally renown Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition (dubbed IceFish), and taking place on day one of the event which lasts until Saturday 27 September, the Awards evening has become synonymous with the venue; the beautiful Gerðarsafn Art gallery. The event commenced with a reception which provided excellent ...

  • Winners of the 6th Icelandic Fisheries Awards

    IceFish Award winners announced


    Success within the commercial fishing industry was highlighted on Thursday evening at the 6th Icelandic Fisheries Awards, which was hosted by the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture and the City of Kópavogur, in the beautiful Gerðarsafn Art Gallery.

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    BAP completes new hatchery standards


    The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification program has completed the new BAP hatchery and nursery standards for finfish, crustaceans and mollusks.

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    Cermaq Chile increases production capacity


    Cermaq Chile has acquired two new licenses for salmon production in Chile’s Region XII.

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    UK demersal landings highest in over 10 years


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published its annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2013 report, which includes detailed figures on the UK fishing fleet, the number of fishermen, the quantity and value of landings, international trade and the state of key fishing stocks.

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    Mackerel a ‘Fish to Eat’ once again


    According to the MCS, mackerel from the UK, Europe and Norway is once again a ‘good choice’ for consumers. But the MCS says that mackerel from other countries should be avoided – Icelandic and Faroese mackerel are the least sustainable choices.

  • Mitsubishi says it hopes to strengthens Cermaq's presence and reach in the important Asian markets

    Cermaq offer on the table


    Mitsubishi Corporation, through its wholly-owned subsidiary MC Ocean Holdings Limited, is to launch a voluntary cash offer to acquire the entire issued share capital of Cermaq ASA for NOK 96 (US$15) per share in cash.

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    Forseti Íslands heiðursgestur á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Það er orðin hefð að sýningin er formlega opnuð með fallbyssuskoti utan við Fífuna, og að þessu sinni var það Sigurður Ingi sem hleypti af skotinu, undir eftirliti Landhelgisgæslunnar. Fjöldi manns sótti opnunarathöfnina í Smáraskóla og voru þar á meðal sendiherrar margra ríkja á Íslandi, fulltrúar hagsmunaaðila og sýndenda.Marianne ...

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    President of Iceland guest of honour at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2014


    After the opening the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture fired a 200 year old canon outside the exhibition hall and declared the exhibition officially open. The opening ceremony was attended by many distinguished guests, exhibitors and members of the press. Marianne Rasmussen, Events Director at organiser ...

  • The conference focused on utilising the whole fish

    Fish waste for profit


    Fish waste for profit – maximising return: utilising the entire fish, the first IceFish Conference held on the first day of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, provided delegates with a fascinating insight into the many products can be made from previously discarded parts of fish.

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    Pilot programme targets female heart disease


    Non-profit Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) has launched a pilot programme designed to help women understand and mitigate their risks of heart disease through a seafood-rich diet.

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    Capto makes for easier handling


    ‘A few years ago we started using overbraided twine, but we weren't sure that simply overbraiding standard Super-12 was the answer,' Jógvan S. Jacobsen of the company's pelagic gear division said. ‘There are plenty of factors to take into consideration, including hardness and softness.If it's braided too hard, ...

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    IceFish exhibitor, Brammer, to showcase extensive MRO offering at the event


    Operating in 19 countries, Brammer established its dedicated Icelandic operation in 2008. It now boasts a rapidly expanding customer base across a broad spectrum of industries, each enjoying all the benefits of the extensive product range and unrivalled service of the Brammer Group.Brammer is sponsoring the registration area, ...

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    MAN Propulsion Packages for New Trawler Series


    Icelandic trawler operators, HB Grandi, Vinnslustodin hf. and Hradfrystihusid Gunnvör, have announced that they has ordered new-builds based on two different ship designs from specialist fishing-vessel consultants and designers, Nautic and Skipasýn.Optimised for safety, operational economy and pulling power, the 50-metre-plus vessel series differ in their choice of ...

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    Hercules-2 engine development project to get underway


    Wärtsilä and MAN Diesel & Turbo have jointly announced the formal commencement of the EU-funded Hercules-2 project, aimed at minimising emissions from large marine diesel engines.