Latest News – Page 416

  • Antarctic krill. Credit: Uwe Kils/CC BY-SA 3.0/via Wikimedia Commons

    Krill fishery enters MSC assessment


    A Norwegian Antarctic krill fishery has entered assessment for the Marine Stewardship Council’s standard for sustainable fishing.

  • The exhibition is completely sold out

    Celebrating 30 years of IceFish


    World Fishing & Aquaculture editor Carly Wills speaks to Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling, events director at Mercator Media, just ahead of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition about the highlights of this year’s show.

  • Starry Flounder has been rated as a new "Best Choice" Photo: NOAA

    Sustainability up in US west coast


    The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch programme in the US is moving 21 species of west coast fish to sustainable status because of the success of a fisheries management programme championed by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).

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    SFT supports Scottish marine projects


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Trust (SFT) is supporting a range of fisheries science and conservation projects, providing grants in excess of £100,000 so far this year.

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    EC on Russian trade ban


    Following Russia’s announcement on 7 August to ban imports of certain fisheries products from the European Union, the European Commission has said that it is working closely with Member States authorities to gather evidence on the impact of the Russian trade measures in the fisheries sector and to outline the ...

  • Beth Clark

    Associated Seafoods appoints Commercial Manager


    Beth Clark has been appointed Commercial Manager of Associated Seafoods Ltd (ASL) in a move to further boost business growth.

  • A new textile has been developed which could revolutionise seaweed farming. Credit: Gary Houston/CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Seaweed farming revolution


    The Scottish Association for Marine Science has joined forces with EU peers from 10 other countries to develop a new textile that the partners believe can revolutionise seaweed farming.

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    First Oxytetracyclines screen test


    A new test for Oxytetracyclines has been developed by Randox Food Diagnostics, coinciding with a sharp rise in the antimicrobial agent’s residues within Asian seafood products.

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    TUF to acquire MerAlliance


    Thai Union Frozen Public Company Limited (TUF) has entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of MerAlliance, a leading European smoked-salmon producer.

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    Engines on display


    MD Vélar is an agent for Mitsubishi, Sole and PJ Diesel in Copenhagen, and specialises in parts and maintenance issues for ship machinery, turbochargers, woodward pacemakers and diesel systems.

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    Virtual experience at IceFish


    At IceFish Kraftvélar will be displaying its newest range of equipment for material handling in the fishing industry.

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    New thinking in water cooling


    To meet the growing demand of the fishing and processing industry for more effective ways to cool down process water, Frostmark’s design team went back to the drawing board to see if they could come up with a solution that answered the market’s demand.

  • Spurs’ line cutting system

    Your safety at sea


    Safety at sea company GaardboMarine was established in the Faroe Islands in autumn 2013 by former diver Thorben Gaardbo.

  • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) © OCEANA/Carlos Minguell

    Oceana responds to Baltic TAC proposals


    In response to the European Commission’s proposal on fishing opportunities for the main commercial fish stocks in the Baltic Sea, Oceana has applauded the Commission for its proposals being mainly in line with the aim of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

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    Red rock lobster FoS


    Friend of the Sea certification for New Zealand’s CRAMAC5 has been renewed, following a successful renewal audit.

  • The pilot whale drive in the Faroe Islands dates back to back to the 1500’s Photo: Flickr/barneymoss

    Faroese warning over whaling disruption


    The Faroese government says it will not tolerate the disruption of the pilot whale drive in the Faroe Islands, which it says is a legal, fully regulated and sustainable use of an abundant natural resource.

  • The Mozambique government is taking a stand against illegal fishing in the country. Photo: Steve Evans

    Mozambique tackles illegal fishing


    The government of Mozambique has taken a vital step in the fight against illegal fishing with the ratification of a FAO Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA).

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    Brammer á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 2014


    Brammer kostar skráningarsvæðið, vefsetrið og verðlaunin fyrir framúrskarandi framlag til íslensks sjávarútvegs en þau verða afhent kvöldið sem sýningin er formlega opnuð.Á sýningarsvæði Brammers verður að finna úrval af helstu söluvörum samsteypunnar, svo sem framleiðslulínur frá nokkrum helstu birgjum heims. Þar má t.d. nefna NSK, SKF, Gates, Renold, Timken, ...

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    Brammer at IceFish 2014


    Operating in 19 countries, Brammer established its dedicated Icelandic operation in 2008. It now boasts a rapidly expanding customer base across a broad spectrum of industries, each enjoying all the benefits of the extensive product range and unrivalled service of the Brammer Group.Brammer is sponsoring the registration area, website ...

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    Hefurðu bókað gistingu vegna Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar?


    Icelandair Hótel Reykjavík Natura í næsta nágrenni við Öskuhlíð og Nauthólsvík hefur nýlega verið endurnýjað en þaðan er bara stutt ganga niður í miðbæinn.Á hótelinu eru rúmlega 200 herbergi af ýmsu tagi, svo það hentar mjög vel til hvíldar og slökunar að afloknum ströngum degi á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni og ...