Latest News – Page 417

  • News

    Have you booked your accommodation for IceFish?


    To confirm that you have accommodation during your visit to the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition visit the IceFish online hotel booking page for quick and speedy reservations.Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Natura is a newly refurbished hotel located in the beautiful surroundings of Öskjuhlíð hill and Nauthólsvík beach, just a short walk ...

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    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin – 30 ára saga


    Auk þess verður haldin setningarathöfn og þangað koma ýmsir háttsettir menn og mikilvægir gestir.Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin bætir stöðugt við sig og í ár verður haldin sérstakur kynningarfundur viðskipamanna og staðið verður fyrir þremur ráðstefnum, þar með talin fyrsta ráðstefna sýningarinnar. Bæði sýningin sjálf og ráðstefnan verða einnig vandlega kynntar á ...

  • News

    IceFish Exhibition - 30 years since its inception


    This year is no exception as the event continues to grow. IceFish will still have the old favourites including the impressive exhibition which is at the heart of the event, and also the 6th Awards Ceremony which celebrates and recognises excellence in companies within the commercial fishing sector for ...

  • After signing the contracts. From left: Torfi Þorsteinsson, Department Manager Groundfish; Loftur B. Gíslason, Fresh Fish Trawlers Manager; Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson, Chief Executive Officer; Alfreð Tulinius, Nautic ehf.; Kristján Loftsson, Chairm...

    HB Grandi orders three wetfish trawlers


    Last week agreements for the construction of three wetfish trawlers were signed at the office of HB Grandi.

  • Peter Bruce, skipper of the Peterhead-based whitefish trawler ‘Budding Rose’, is signed up to the RFS

    Filling the void


    From next summer, a comprehensive overhaul to Seafish’s Responsible Fishing Scheme will extend beyond the quayside with the inclusion of chain of custody for both traceability and quality

  • Seafish says that most kids don’t know what mackerel is

    Kids don’t know their fish from their fish fingers


    New research from Seafish has revealed that the UK’s kids have very little awareness when it comes to edible fish species, except if they are made into fish fingers.

  • Barramundi sea cages in Cone Bay

    Aquaculture development zone for WA


    Western Australia’s Government has declared a development zone for large-scale fish farms.

  • Mackerel shoal close to shore in Iceland

    Innovation the driving force of sustainable fisheries


    Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, speaks to WF&A about the Icelandic fishing industry.

  • Despar's canned Yellowfin tuna now carried the Friend of the Sea logo

    FoS programme expands in Italy


    Friend of the Sea (FoS) is expanding in Italy as retail chain Despar, one of the country’s main supermarket brands, joins the programme.

  • News

    WiseFish on display


    Wise will present the newest version of WiseFish, Wise Analyzer and Wise Connector software that uses the latest technology from Microsoft at IceFish.

  • The doors will be tried during fishing trials in September and October

    Poseidon doors on display


    Polar Fishing Gear has completed a big step in its latest development in trawl doors, the Poseidon Remote Controllable Trawl Doors.

  • News

    Bearings, castings and forgings


    At this year’s IceFish, design, development and manufacturing company Elcee Holland B.V. will be represented by its market-focused business units Plain Bearings and Castings & Forgings.

  • Grimsby Fish Market is developing and upgrading its facilities

    Grimsby Fish Market


    Grimsby Fish Market maintains the strongest buying capacity in the UK.

  • The TrawlCamera and LED lighting system is designed to provide the detailed knowledge the trawler captain

    Analysing trawl action for optimal efficiency


    Years ago, trawler captains began adopting advanced instrumentation to optimise their fishing effort - even with all their modern technology, captains knew that there was a big gap between what they thought was happening deep in the sea and what was actually happening.

  • Innovative products made from fish

    Seafood made in Iceland


    ‘Made in Iceland’ is a good indicator of quality when it comes to seafood products. Fishing has been an inseparable part of life in Iceland since the country was first settled and fishing is intertwined with the nation’s history and culture.

  • Javier Garat: “It is shocking that not only has the Commissioner proposed no action to address the impact of such economic uncertainty on the industry, but also that absolutely no reaction has been made at all"

    Russian imports ban continues to cause disruption


    European fisheries sector organisation, Europêche, says that economic disruption caused by the Russian ban on EU seafood products is being made worse by the lack of action by the European Commission.

  • News

    Fulltrúar frá Kanada og Bandaríkjunum skrá sig til þátttöku í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Á ráðstefnunni verða kynntar leiðir til þess að nýta sem best allan fiskúrgang og ná sem mestum arði af aflanum.Þar verður farið yfir það sem þessi stefna hefur í för með sér fyrir fiskvinnslufyrirtækin og umhverfisáhrif hennar. Fyrirtæki sem þegar vinna samkvæmt þessum hugmyndum munu kynna skilvirkustu aðferðirnar til ...

  • News

    Canada and USA book IceFish Conference


    The conference will provide information on the most effective way to maximise revenue from every catch and how to utilise fish waste so that profit per yield can be maximised.It will look at what it means to the fishing industry and the impact on the environment. Organisations already involved ...

  • The study suggests sunscreen is doing more harm than good to marine ecosystems. Photo: Friends of the Earth

    Sunscreen proves harmful to ecosystems


    Nanoparticles found in sunscreen have a harmful effect on ocean ecosystems and can impact the growth of certain species, according to a new study carried out by Friends of the Earth.

  • News

    UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) kostar verðlaun


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin leggur áherslu á að stuðla að viðskiptum bæði í Bretlandi og á alþjóðavísu og því er henni heiður að tilkynna að UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) kostar verðlaun fyrir Bestu nýja vöru sem kynnt er á sýningunni og Besta sjálfstæða sýningarbásinn upp að 50m2. UKTI starfar ...